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OpenBMP Postgres Application Container

This container is the main application container for OpenBMP and PostgreSQL.

It provides:

  • PostgreSQL consumer
  • RPKI validator improt/sync
  • IRR and peering DB import/sync
  • Schedules and runs the metric DB functions
  • Schedules and runs the DB timescale DB chunk drops


See the Dockerfile notes for build instructions.


Kafka Validation Testing

The Kafka setup can be tricky due to docker networking between containers and remote systems. Kafka clustering makes use of a bootstrap server which will advertise each broker hostname:port that the consumer/producer will use. Each consumer/producer will connect to the brokers using these advertised hostnames and ports. The setting in Kafka to configure the broker hostname is advertised.listeners.

The postgres container (this container) uses the KAFKA_FQDN as the bootstrap server, syntax is <HOSTNAME or IP:PORT>. This will work with an IP or hostname. When using a hostname, the hostname MUST resolve within the container. While this may work for bootstrap server conection, the advertised hostnames need to also resolve in the container.

Kafka Validation is a 3 step process

  1. Successfully connect to the bootstrap server and retrieve metadata (e.g. broker hostname:port)
  2. Successfully produce a test message to openbmp.parsed.test topic
  3. Successfully consume a test message from openbmp.parsed.test topic

IMPORTANT If using your own Kafka install, make sure you allow producing/consuming to/from openbmp.parsed.test for the consumer validation.

Hostnames in Container

You can map the Kafka hostname and each broker if they are different using two methods:

  1. add --add-host HOSTNAME:IP to docker run command. Make sure to add one for the bootstrap and each broker.
  2. Create a /var/openbmp/config/hosts file and add the Kafka bootstrap and broker hostname to IP mappings.

VM Specifications


You will need to dedicate space for the postgres instance. Normally two partitions are used. A good starting size for postgres main is 500GB and postgres ts (timescaleDB) is 1TB. Both disks should be fast SSD. ZFS can be used on either of them to add compression. The size you need will depend on the number of NLRI's and updates per second.

Memory & CPU

The size of memory will depend on the type of queries and number of NLRI's. A good starting point for memory is a server with more than 48GB RAM. You can run on as little as 4GB RAM but that will only scale to about 10,000,000 NLRI's. 64BG of RAM should scale to 150,000,000 NLRI's.

The number of vCPU's also varies by the number of concurrent connections and how many threads you use for the postgres consumer. A good starting point is at least 8 vCPU's.

1) Install docker

Follow the Docker Instructions to install docker CE.

2) Add persistent volumes

Persistent volumes make it possible for upgrades without loosing any data.

(a) Create persistent config location

mkdir -p /var/openbmp/config
chmod 777 /var/openbmp/config

You can add custom host entries so that the collector will reverse lookup IP addresses using a persistent hosts file.

Run docker with -v /var/openbmp/config:/config to make use of the persistent config files.


If the obmp-psql.yml file does not exist, a default one will be created. You should update this based on your settings. This file is inline documented.

3) Run docker container

Running the docker container for the first time will download the container image.

Environment Variables

Below table lists the environment variables that can be used with docker run -e <name=value>

NAME Value Details
KAFKA_FQDN hostanme or IP Kafka broker hostname. Hostname can be an IP address.
ENABLE_RPKI 1 Set to 1 to eanble RPKI. RPKI is disabled by default
ENABLE_IRR 1 Set to 1 to enable IRR. IRR is disabled by default
MEM number Number value in GB to allocate to Postgres. This will be the shared_buffers value.
PGUSER username Postgres username, default is openbmp
PGPASSWORD password Postgres password, default is openbmp
PGDATABASE database Name of postgres database, default is openbmp

Docker Run obmp-psql-app

NOTE: If the container fails to start, it's likely due to the configuration. Check using docker logs obmp-psql-app

docker run --rm -d --name obmp-psql-app \
	-h obmp-psql-app \
	-e ENABLE_IRR=1 \
	-e KAFKA_FQDN=kafka \
	-e MEM=16 \
	-v /var/openbmp/config:/config \
	-p 9005:9005 -p 8080:8080 \


Useful commands:

  • docker logs obmp-psql-app
  • docker exec obmp-psql-app tail -f /var/log/obmp-psql.log
  • docker exec obmp-psql-app tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-10-main.log
  • docker exec -it obmp-psql-app bash