This website collects recent works and datasets on learning to hash for recommendation and their codes. We hope this website could help you do search on this topic.
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Authors: Fangyuan Luo1, Honglei Zhang2, Tong Li1, Jun Wu2
Affliation: 1Beijing University of Technology, 2Beijing Jiaotong University
- A. Singh and S. Gupta, “Learning to hash: a comprehensive survey of deep learning-based hashing methods,” Knowledge and Information Systems, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 2565–2597, 2022.
- J. Wang, W. Liu, S. Kumar, and S. Chang, “Learning to hash for indexing big data - A survey,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104, no. 1, pp. 34–57, 2016.
- J. Wang, T. Zhang, J. Song, N. Sebe, and H. T. Shen, “A survey on learning to hash,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 769–790, 2018.
- X.Luo,H.Wang,D.Wu,C.Chen,M.Deng,J.Huang,andX.Hua,“A survey on deep hashing methods,” ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 15:1–15:50, 2023.
- Z. Li, H. Li, and L. Meng, “Model compression for deep neural networks: A survey,” Computers, vol. 12, no. 3, p. 60, 2023.
Paper | Model | Venue | Task | Learning Objective | Optimization Strategy | Code | |
Learning binary codes for collaborative filtering | BCCF | KDD'12 | User-Item CF | Pointwise, Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Collaborative Hashing | CH | CVPR'14 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Preference preserving hashing for efficient recommendation | PPH | SIGIR'14 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Constraint Free Preference Preserving Hashing for Fast Recommendation | NQ | IEEE GLOBECOM'16 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Collaborative Filtering | DCF | SIGIR'14 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Content-aware Matrix Factorization | DCMF | KDD'17 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Personalized Ranking for Fast Collaborative Filtering from Implicit Feedback | DPR | AAAI'17 | User-Item CF | Pairwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Factorization Machines for Fast Feature-based Recommendation | DFM | IJCAI'18 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Learning Discrete Hashing Towards Efficient Fashion Recommendation | DSFCH | Data Science and Engineering'18 | Outfit Recommendation | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Ranking-based Matrix Factorization with Self-Paced Learning | DRMF | KDD'18 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Deep Learning for Fast Content-Aware Recommendation | DDL | WSDM'18 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Trust-aware Matrix Factorization for Fast Recommendation | DTMF | IJCAI'19 | Social Recommendation | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Candidate Generation with Binary Codes for Large-Scale Top-N Recommendation | CIGAR | CIKM'19 | User-Item CF | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Compositional Coding for Collaborative Filtering | CCCF | SIGIR'19 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Social Recommendation | DSR | AAAI'19 | Social Recommendation | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Learning Binary Code for Personalized Fashion Recommendation | FHN | CVPR'19 | Outfit Recommendation | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Binarized Collaborative Filtering with Distilling Graph Convolutional Networks | DGCN-BinCF | IJCAI'19 | User-Item CF | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Adversarial Binary Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback | ABinCF | AAAI'19 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Content-aware Neural Hashing for Cold-start Recommendation | NeuHash-CF | SIGIR'20 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Learning to Hash with Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems | HashGNN | WWW'20 | User-Item CF | Heterogeneous | Two-Stage | Code | |
Semi-discrete Matrix Factorization | SDMF | IEEE Intelligent Systems'20 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Multi-Feature Discrete Collaborative Filtering for Fast Cold-start Recommendation | MFDCF | AAAI'20 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Collaborative Generative Hashing for Marketing and Fast Cold-Start Recommendation | CGH | IEEE Intelligent Systems'20 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Deep Pairwise Hashing for Cold-start Recommendation | DPH | IEEE TKDE'22 | Cold-Start | Pairwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Projected Hamming Dissimilarity for Bit-Level Importance Coding in Collaborative Filtering | VH_{PHD} | WWW'21 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Matrix Factorization and Extension for Fast Item Recommendation | DMF | IEEE TKDE'21 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Listwise Collaborative Filtering for Fast Recommendation | DLCF | SDM'21 | User-Item CF | Listwise | Proximal One-Stage | Code | |
Semi-Discrete Social Recommendation (Student Abstract) | SDSR | AAAI'21 | Social Recommendation | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Learning Binarized Graph Representations with Multi-faceted Quantization Reinforcement for Top-K Recommendation | BiGeaR | KDD'22 | User-Item CF | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Bi-directional Heterogeneous Graph Hashing towards Efficient Outfit Recommendation | BIHGH | ACM MM'22 | Outfit Recommendation | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Listwise Personalized Ranking for Fast Top-N Recommendation with Implicit Feedback | DLPR | IJCAI'22 | User-Item CF | Listwise | One-Stage | Code | |
HCFRec Hash Collaborative Filtering via Normalized Flow with Structural Consensus for Efficient Recommendation | HCFRec | IJCAI'22 | User-Item CF | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Explainable discrete Collaborative Filtering | EDCF | IEEE TKDE'22 | Explainable Recommendation | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Limited Attentional Collaborative Filtering for Fast Social Recommendation | DLACF | EAAI'23 | Social Recommendation | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Personalized Fashion Recommendation With Discrete Content-Based Tensor Factorization | FHN+ | IEEE TMM'23 | Outfit Recommendation | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Hashing-based semantic relevance attributed knowledge graph embedding enhancement for deep probabilistic recommendation | H-SAGE | Applied Intelligence'23 | KG-based Recommendation | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Bipartite Graph Convolutional Hashing for Effective and Efficient Top-N Search in Hamming Space | BGCH | WWW'23 | User-Item CF | Heterogeneous | Two-Stage | Code | |
Multi-Modal Discrete Collaborative Filtering for Efficient Cold-Start Recommendation | MDCF | IEEE TKDE'23 | Cold-Start | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
LightFR: Lightweight Federated Recommendation with Privacy-preserving Matrix Factorization | LightFR | ACM TOIS'23 | Federated Recommendation | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Listwise Content-aware Recommendation | DLFM | ACM TKDD'24 | Cold-Start | Listwise | Proximal One-Stage | Code | |
Discrete Federated Multi-behavior Recommendation for Privacy-Preserving Heterogeneous One-Class Collaborative Filtering | DFMR | ACM TOIS'24 | Federated Recommendation | Pointwise | One-Stage | Code | |
Temporal Social Graph Network Hashing for Efficient Recommendation | TSGNH | IEEE TKDE'24 | Social Recommendation | Pointwise | Two-Stage | Code | |
Towards Effective Top-N Hamming Search via Bipartite Graph Contrastive Hashing | BGCH+ | IEEE TKDE'24 | User-Item CF | Pairwise | Two-Stage | Code |
We contain the implementation of evaluation metrics for recommender systems. Suppose that there are two users. The label and prediction list are [[1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1], [1,1,0,0,1]]
and [[1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,1,1,0,0]]
respectively, where each sublist in label or prediction corresponds to one user's label list or prediction list. And K
denotes the cut-off of the list.
from RecMetrics import Metric
metric = Metric(label,pred, K)
hitratio = metric.hit_ratio()
recall = metric.recall()
accuracy = metric.accuracy()
mae = metric.mae()
rmse = metric.rmse()
ndcg = metric.ndcg()
map =
auc = metric.auc()
mrr = metric.mrr()
We collect some datasets (Download) which are often used in the research of HashRec.
Datasets | #Users | #Items | #Interactions | Density |
MovieLens 1M | 6,040 | 3,952 | 1,000,209 | 4.19% |
Movielens 10M | 71,567 | 10,681 | 10,000,054 | 1.31% |
EachMovie | 1,648 | 74,424 | 2,811,717 | 2.83% |
Netflix | 480,189 | 17,770 | 100,480,507 | 1.18% |
Yelp | 13,679 | 12,922 | 640,143 | 0.36% |
Amazon Book | 35,151 | 33,195 | 1,732,060 | 0.15% |
Gowalla | 29,858 | 40,981 | 1,027,370 | 0.08% |
55,186 | 9,916 | 1,463,556 | 0.27% | |
BookCrossing | 278,858 | 271,379 | 1,149,780 | 0.002% |
🔥🔥 We will keep updating this list, and if you find any missing related work or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us (
title = {Learning to Hash for Recommendation: A Survey},
author = {Fangyuan Luo, Honglei Zhang, Tong Li and Jun Wu},
year = {2024},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv: 2412.03875}