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PDOPowered is a wrapper for PDO providing following features:

  • lazy connection The PDO instance is created only when needed. Configured credentials are deleted after the connection.
    • with $db->onConnect($closure) it's possible to do something after the connection.
  • reconnect on failure try to reconnect if the connection fails (for PDOPowered::$MAX_TRY_CONNECTION tries).
    • with $db->onConnectionFailure($closure) it's possible to do something after every connection fail (for example a sleep and/or error reporting)
  • fast query params prepare and execute are called in query method. $db->query("SELECT ?,?,?", [1,2,3])
  • Query method returns a wrapper for PDOStatement with powered methods:
    • fetchObjects call fetchObject for each row and store the result in array
    • getPDOStatement for fetch the native PDOStatement.
  • fast queries there are helpers for fast query:
    • insert for fast insert $db->insert("tableName",$arrayValues) returns the last insert id.
    • update for fast update $db->update("tableName", $valuesToUpdate, $arrayCondition) returns the count of affected rows.
    • insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate for insert on duplicate key update $db->insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate($tableName, $arrayValues) returns the last insert id.
    • delete for fast delete $db->delete("tableName", $arrayWhereCondition) returns the count of affected rows
  • easy debug with $db->onDebug($closure) it's possible to access to debug output and do your stuff (log in file, send to stdoutput and so on)
  • access to native PDO instance extending PDOPowered you have access to getPDO() method for any needs.

Basic Usage


composer require rain1/pdo-powered

or checkout

or download here (

Get Started

An implementation of rain1\PDOPowered\Config\ConfigInterface must be passed to the constructor. We provide following implementations:

use \rain1\PDOPowered\Config\Config;
$config = new Config("mysql", "user", "password", "localhost", 3306, "dbname", "utf8", [\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\'']);

or equivalent

use \rain1\PDOPowered\Config\DSN;
$config = new DSN(
    "mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=dbname;charset=utf8", "user", "password"
$config->setOptions([\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES 'UTF8'"]);

So, we build the instance in this way:

$db = new PDOPowered($config);

It's possible to use PDOPowered with a pre-existent PDO instance

$db = PDOPowered::buildFromPDOInstance($pdoInstance);

The library provides shortcuts for insert / update / delete and update on duplicate key:

// fast insert. Return the inserted id
$id = $db->insert("tabletest", ['id'=>1, 'col1'=>'col1_1']);

// fast update
$db->update("tabletest", ['col1'=>'updated'], ['id'=>$id]);

$db->insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate("tabletest", ['id'=> $id, 'col1'=>'updated']);
$db->insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate("tabletest", ['id'=> $id+1, 'col1'=>'updated']);

// performs a delete
$db->delete("tabletest", ['id'=>$id]);

// simple query
$row = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tabletest WHERE id = ?", [$id])->fetch();

// or equivalent
$row = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tabletest WHERE id = :id", ['id'=>$id])->fetch();

The method query returns a wrapper of \PDOStatement. Availabile methods:

  • fetch
  • fetchAll
  • fetchObject
  • fetchColumn
  • rowCount
  • closeCursor
  • getPDOStatement returns the native PDOStatmenet (for any evenience)
  • fetchObjects returns an array containing all of the result of fetchObject call

Advanced usage:

Following events are triggered:

  • connectionFailure
  • connect
  • debug
// triggered after a connection fails: before the next attempt
$db->onConnectionFailure(function($connectionTry, \Exception $exception) {
    error_log("Unable to connect on mysql: " . $exception->getMessage());

// triggered after a connection success
$db->onConnect(function() {
    echo "Db connected\n";

// triggered on debug string
$idDebugListener = $db->onDebug(function($debugType, \PDOStatement $PDOStatement = null, ...$args) {
    echo "$debugType\n";
    echo "\n".json_encode($args);

// for each event we can remove the listener

We provide an helper for easy debug

$db->onDebug(DebugParser::onParse(function ($info) {
    print_r($info); // info for timing, query, params and finalized query

Other options:

// set maximum number of connection attempts.
\rain1\PDOPowered\Config\PDOPowered::$MAX_TRY_CONNECTION = 5;

// set pdo attribute after connection. 

Param hints

PDOPowered automatically considers value param strings as \PDO::PARAM_STR, and value integer as \PDO::PARAM_INT. For any evenience, you can do it explicitly:

$users = $db->query(
    "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = :email AND id = :id", 
        "email" => new \rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamString(""),
        "id"=> new \rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamInt("123"),

And generally you can use every PDO Param supported:

    "param" => new \rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamNative("value", \PDO::PARAM_STR)

or build yourself a new Param type, implementing \rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamInterface.

For example as bonus we have:

    "param" => new \rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamJSON(["key"=>"value"])

this is equivalent to:

    "param" => json_encode(["key"=>"value"])

Real use case (try me at home)

You need to create a database "test".

use rain1\PDOPowered\Config\Config;
use rain1\PDOPowered\Debug\DebugParser;
use rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamJSON;
use rain1\PDOPowered\Param\ParamString;
use rain1\PDOPowered\PDOPowered;

require "vendor/autoload.php";

function output(...$texts) {
    $endline =  php_sapi_name() === "cli" ? "\n" : "<br/>";
    foreach($texts as $text)
        echo str_replace("\n", $endline, $text) .$endline;

$config = new Config(

$db = new PDOPowered($config);

output("adding listeners...");

$db->onConnectionFailure(function ($try, \Exception $e) {
    error_log("connection failed: " . $e->getMessage());
    output("connection failed");

$db->onConnect(function() {
    output("Connected", "");

// only for debug
$debug = 1;
$countQuery = 0;
$debug && $db->onDebug(
        function ($info) use (&$countQuery) {

            $str = "---- DEBUG ROW " . (++$countQuery) .  " ----\n";

            if (isset($info['query']))
                $str .= $info['query']['demo'] . "\nexecution time: " . $info['query']['executionTime'];
                $str .= $info['type'] . " " . json_encode($info['args']);

            output($str, "");

output("set attributes");


output("first query");

$db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user");

$db->query("create table user
	id int auto_increment
		primary key,
	email varchar(32) null,
	settings text null
; ");

$id = $db->insert("user", ['email' => '']);

$db->update("user", ["email" => ""], ['id' => (int)$id]);

$db->delete("user", ['id' => 1]);

$db->insert("user", [
    'id' => 1,
    'email' => new ParamString("")

$db->insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate("user", [
    'id' => 1,
    'email' => new ParamString(""),
    'settings' => new ParamJSON(['privacy' => 1, 'newsletter' => 'no'])

$rows = $db->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = :id", ['id' => 1])->fetchAll();

$db->query("SELECT SLEEP (1)");



PDO wrapper for easy db interactions








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