A flask app which retrieves and displays the Star Wars API (SWAPI) planet data. I made this app to learn how to use APIs and pytest. This is also the first app I've deployed to Heroku.
- Clone the repository
- Run setup.sh (command: bash setup.sh). This will create the virtual environment and install requirments.
- Activate the virtual environment (command: source venv/bin/activate)
- Run the app (command: flask run)
- Open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000/
BasicApi class: retrieves the data from SWAPI and caches it. I've tried to make this as reusable as possible for other APIs. I added caching as the requests were taking a few seconds to return data.
Planet class: takes the dictionary returned by the BasicApi class and uses the data to create a Planet object.
The main page displays all planets. These can be filtered by climate or terrain by clicking on the links in these fields.
What I learned:
- Setting up linting in VSCode with Flake8 and changing settings
- Using requests to get data from an API
- Caching the response
- Creating routes for variable URLs
- Creating tests and fixtures with pytest
- Improved CSS layout skills
- Deploying to Heroku