Please also consider using JuliaUp, especially for Windows. See comparison at the bottom of this file.
Note: this is a Julia package that requires Julia 1.0 or higher to run. If you would like to install Julia and don't have at least Julia 1.0 installed already, please visit
]add UpdateJulia
using UpdateJulia
julia> update_julia()
installing the latest version of julia: 1.7.0
Success! `julia-1.7.0` & `julia-1.7` & `julia` now to point to 1.7.0
julia> update_julia("1.4") # old
installing julia 1.4.2
This version is out of date. The latest official release is 1.7.0
Success! `julia-1.4.2` & `julia-1.4` now to point to 1.4.1
julia> update_julia("1.7.0-rc3") # release candidate
installing julia 1.7.0-rc3
This version is out of date. The latest official release is 1.7.0
Success! `julia-1.7.0-rc3` now to point to 1.7.0-rc3
julia> update_julia("1.8") # nightly, update_julia("nightly") also works
installing julia 1.8.0-DEV
This version is an experimental development build not recommended for most users. The latest
official release is 1.7.0
Success! `julia-1.8` & `julia-1.8.0-DEV` now to point to 1.8.0-DEV
help?> update_julia
search: update_julia
Install the latest version of Julia from
If version is provided, installs the latest version that starts with version. If version
== "nightly", then installs the bleeding-edge nightly version.
Keyword Arguments
Behavior flags
• dry_run = false skip the actual download and installation
• verbose = dry_run print the final value of all arguments
• migrate_packages = <upgrading to a later version of Julia without an existing
global environment> whether to migrate packages in the default global environment.
May be true, false, or :force. Only :force will replace an existing Project.toml
• aliases = ["julia", "julia-$(v.major).$(v.minor)", "julia-$v"] which aliases to
attempt to create for the installed version of Julia. Regardless, will not
replace stable versions with less stable versions or newer versions with older
versions of the same stability.
• systemwide = ... install for all users, false only installs for current user.
• install_location = systemwide ? "..." : "..." directory
to put installed binaries
• bin = systemwide ? "..." : "..." directory to store links
to the binaries
• os_str = "..." string representation of the operating system: "linux", "mac",
"winnt", or "freebsd".
• arch = "..." string representation of the CPU architecture: "x86_64", "i686",
"aarch64", "armv7l", or "powerpc64le".
• v = ... the VersionNumber to install
• url = ... URL to download that version from, if you explicitly set url, also
explicitly set v lest they differ
The system dependent portions are replaced with ...
UpdateJulia will download Julia from<os>/<arch>/<version>/julia-<version>-<os>.<extension>, unpack the contents of the download to an install location, and then link the executable in the install location to a symlink in a bin that should be on PATH. The exact install and bin locations depend both on operating system and on whether you choose to install Julia for the current user only systemwide = false
or for every user on the system systemwide = true
OS | System install | System bin | User install | User bin |
Unix | /opt * |
/usr/local/bin |
~/.local * |
~/.local/bin |
Mac | /Applications |
/usr/local/bin |
~/Applications |
~/.local/bin |
Windows | \Program Files |
automatically add install location to path | ~\AppData\Local\Programs |
automatically add install location to path |
* Unix has somewhat loose conventions for install locations. If you already have Julia installed in a location that falls within those conventions, UpdateJulia will install the new version of Julia right next to the one you are currently using.
UpdateJulia.jl | juliaup | jill | Manual Installation | |
Official Julia Installer | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Can update to the latest version Julia without updating the installer | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Can install Julia for the first time | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Supports nightlies | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
Cross Platform | ✅ | ✅ | Linux Only | ✅ |
Can handle multiple versions | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
No startup latency | ✅ | Negligible | ✅ | ✅ |
Available on the Windows Store | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Installer Language | Julia | Rust | Shell | N/A |
How to install the installer | Julia's Pkg | Shell command | Shell command | N/A |
Maintained | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Under active development | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Maintainers | @LilithHafner | @davidanthoff (with JuliaLang as backup) | @abelsiqueira | JuliaLang |