Texas Holdem Poker made with Python and TKinter
module dependencies: PIL
The organization of this repository and its branches is a work in progress. ihsansaktia is helping with this effort: https://github.com/ihsansaktia
youtube playlist I am making to explain this code: https://youtu.be/0_G9XElINRE
the "cards" folder holds all of the card images
there is an operating version found in master branch called 'texas_holdem_poker.py'
download the "cards" folder and make sure it is in the same directory where you launch the 'texas_holdem_poker v0.1.py' file.
All the other files are modulations of all the objects/functions. This is something I should have done in the first place, but I am still learning.
Discord: https://discord.gg/pFbdWx helped organized by Muhsin7: https://github.com/muhsin7
Some information about how I handled scoring, since it is the most complex part of the code IMO:
# scores for an individual player will look like:
# [score0, score1, score2, score3, score4, score5, score6, score7]
# a score, like score0, will be an integer
# I put all scores from all players in a list
# so we will have a list of lists of integers, representing scores from all players
# I take advantage of how the max() function works with lists of integers.
# max() looks at the integer at index 0 when provided with multiple lists.
# if the integers at index 0 are the same number for every list,
# it will then look at and compare the integer at the next index
# score0 is used to indicate hand rank
# with 0 being lowest (high card) to 9 as highest (royal flush)...
# ranks found at: https://www.cardplayer.com/rules-of-poker/hand-rankings
# or https://www.cardschat.com/poker-hands.php
# score0, score1, and score2 are somewhat like score modifiers,
# score1 will tell us the value of the pair or the three of a kind
# if two pair: score2 will tell us the value of the lowest value pair
# or even the value of the pair when there is a full house
# while score3 to score7 are initially set as the value of the five cards in the hand
# in the order from highest value 12 (ace) to lowest value 0 (two)
# for example: if a player has no special hand like pairs or a flush,
# all modifier scores will be 0
# the player will have to rely on their highest card
# which will start at score3.
# if any other player has a pair (score0 = 1)
# the max() function used on a list of lists of integers
# will select the player with a pair...
# if no player has a special hand, then the high card will be the deciding factor
# if more than one player has the same high card
# then the max() function will move on to next index
# and the next highest card will be evaluated