Implementation of our paper:
Neural Combinatorial Optimization on Heterogeneous Graphs. An Application to the Picker Routing Problem in Mixed-Shelves Warehouses
(ICAPS 2024, accepted)
- Python>=3.9
- NumPy
- PyTorch>=1.13
- tqdm
- hydra (for config management)
- neptune (for logging, disable by setting instance.debug=true)
- Matplotlib (optional, only for plotting)
- Pillow (optional, only for plotting)
- Pandas
To run this code, first install this library as a python package by running
pip install -e .
in the same directory as the file
│ │ dataset.pth (Test-Dataset + exact solutions for 20 instances)
│ │
│ └───pretrained
│ │ (HAM model trained on that instance)
│ │ config.yaml (Config file used to train the model)
│ (used for training, validation and testing)
│ (defines functions for validation and testing)
│ (defines baselines like POMO, greedy rollout ...)
│ │ (defines all models used for evaluation)
│ │
│ └───encoder
│ │ │ (defines the HAM encoder (working name comb))
│ │ │ ...
│ └───decoder
│ │ (defines the decoder layers)
│ │ (defines the different decoder architectures)
└───heuristics (defines the heuristic used for evaluation)
└───gurobi (defines the gurobipy model)
└───generator (defines sampling strategies like beam search, argmax ...)
└───problems (defines the Dataset and the State object of the MSPRP)
└───configs (defines the training configs for the various models and instances)
This repository uses Hydra for experiment configuration. The configuration files can be found in 'rl4mixed/configs'. To run an experiment (e.g. using a specific model from the model configurations in 'rl4mixed/configs/model') use
train-actor instance=25s-12i-50p model=comb train.decode_type=pomo_new
Here we train the model 'comb' on instances of type '25s-12i-50p' and overwrite the default decoding strategy to 'pomo_new'. All available settings are defined withing dataclasses in the file.
During training, metrics are logged using Neptune. This requires a Neptune account as well as an API key. The Neptune username is expected to be stored in an environment variable NEPTUNE_USER and the API key in NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN. To disable neptune logging set 'instance.debug=true', i.e.
train-actor instance=25s-12i-50p model=comb train.decode_type=pomo_new instance.debug=true
Pre-trained models can be tested, for example on the datasets provided in the 'outputs' folder, by using the flag 'train.train=false' and by providing a path to the folder containing the pretrained model and the respective configuration file using flag '--config-path', e.g.
train-actor train.train=false test.make_new_dataset=false --config-path <ROOT>/outputs/10s-3i-20p/pretrained
Note, that a test-dataset for a known instance type is automatically loaded when test.make_new_dataset is not set to 'true'.
New test-datasets can be generated using
sim-testdata instance=<INSTANCE> test.n_exact_instances=50
where <INSTANCE> must correspond to a configuration in /configs/instance
One may use the hydra multirun option to parallelize experiments over multiple cuda GPUs. To do so, one can specify multiple parameter values by seperating the with a comma and by using the '--multirun' flag, i.e.
train-actor instance=25s-12i-50p model=comb,hybrid,flat --multirun
By default, this will select the first 3 GPUs for the execution of one experiment each. Note, that there are currently no parallelization options for using multiple GPUs to train a model on a single instance
This repository includes adaptions of the following repositories: