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Rust Compiler

It can do static analysis it can find the code errors but can't do runtime analysis. Eg

fn main(){
  let mut x: i8 = 10;
  for i in 1..127 {
    x += i;
  println!("{}", x);

The above rust code Compiles but as we run the binary it panicks and does not execute


  1. First clone the Repo
git clone
  1. Then change into that directory and run cargo
cd Rust/

cargo run


This repo is for learning rust

Integer datatypes:-

unsigned :- u8,16,32,64 signed :- i8,16,32,64

Mutuable vs immutable variables

Variables in rust are immutable by default cant be changed

so "mut" is used to make them mutable

fn main(){
  println!("Hello World!");
 println!("The number stored in num is {}", num);

// this is for format printing like %d in C

String literal of two types &str and String

Memory Managment

  1. Memory Allocation we use pointer to point to a memory address in C and initialize memory after the memory location is done we free(the address) so now there is a garbage value and the pointer is pointing to it An example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){
    int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    if(ptr == NULL){
        printf("Memory allocation failed.\n");
        return 1;

    printf("Value stored in allocated memory: %d\n", *ptr);
    // Assign the memory
    *ptr = 10;

    printf("Value stored in allocated memory: %d\n", *ptr);
    // freed the pointer
    // the memory is freed but the pointer is still in use and can be accessed
    printf("Trying to access freed memory: %d\n", *ptr);

    return 0;

Rust Format Specifiers

In Rust, format specifiers are used with macros like println!, format!, and write! to control the output of various data types. Here are the most common format specifiers:

1. General Format Specifiers

Specifier Meaning
{} Display (uses std::fmt::Display trait). For user-facing output.
{:?} Debug (uses std::fmt::Debug trait). For debug formatting.
{:#?} Pretty Debug. Outputs Debug with pretty printing, for multi-line and indented structures.
{:x} Lowercase hexadecimal. For formatting numbers in base 16 (hex).
{:X} Uppercase hexadecimal. Same as above, but uppercase letters for hex digits.
{:o} Octal. Formats numbers in base 8.
{:b} Binary. Formats numbers in base 2.
{:p} Pointer. Formats a pointer address.
{:e} Lowercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.234e+3).
{:E} Uppercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.234E+3).

2. Numeric Format Specifiers

Specifier Meaning
{:} Default. Uses Display or Debug, depending on the type.
{:0width} Pad with zeros to ensure at least width characters.
{:width} Sets the minimum width for the output. Pads with spaces by default.
{:.*} Precision. Specify precision as an argument in println!. Example: println!("{:.2}", 3.14159) prints 3.14.
{:+} Include sign for both positive and negative numbers.
{: } Leaves a leading space for positive numbers, but shows a minus sign for negative numbers.
{:-} Left-align the output (the default is right-align).
{:#} "Alternate" form for numbers, adding prefixes for hex (0x), octal (0o), or binary (0b). Example: println!("{:#x}", 42) prints 0x2a.

3. Floating Point Specific Specifiers

Specifier Meaning
{:e} Lowercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.2e-3).
{:E} Uppercase scientific notation (e.g., 1.2E-3).
{:.*} Precision specifier. Example: println!("{:.2}", 3.14159) prints 3.14.
{:width} Minimum field width.
{:+} Print the sign for both positive and negative numbers.

4. String Format Specifiers

Specifier Meaning
{:} Default string display.
{:.*} Precision for string length. Example: println!("{:.5}", "Hello, world!") prints Hello.
{:width} Minimum field width. Pads with spaces if the string is shorter than the width.
{:>width} Right-align text.
{:<width} Left-align text.
{:^width} Center-align text.

5. Pointer Format Specifiers

Specifier Meaning
{:p} Prints the memory address of a reference or raw pointer. Example: println!("{:p}", &my_var) prints the memory address of my_var.

6. Escape Sequences

Specifier Meaning
\\ Prints a backslash (\).
{{ Prints a literal {.
}} Prints a literal }.

7. Advanced Usage

  • Argument Reordering: You can specify the argument index explicitly: println!("{0} {1} {0}", "a", "b") prints a b a.
  • Named Arguments: You can name arguments: println!("{value}", value = 42) prints 42.
  • Width/Precision as Arguments: You can pass width and precision dynamically: println!("{:.1$}", 1.2345, 2) prints 1.23 (precision = 2).

8. Custom Formatting

  • Implement the std::fmt::Display or std::fmt::Debug traits for your custom types to control how they are formatted with {} and {:?}.

For more information, refer to the official Rust documentation on formatting.

Stack vs Heap

Stack :- Works with fixed size data, size of mem allocated is known to compiler, it allocates and deallocates automatically and its fast

Heap :- Works with dynamic size data, memory allocated dynamically at runtime, does allocation and deallocation automatically but slow


  1. Each value in rust has a variable called its owner
  2. there can be only one owner at a time
  3. when owner goes out of scope the value is dropped.
let x: u8 = 2;
let y: u8 = x;

// Memory is copied from x to y

let s1: String = String::from("Helloo");
let s2: String = s1;

// Memory is not copied due to heap allocation of String datatype 
// s1 is the owner of hello
// when we do s2 = s1 there is transfer of ownership
// and the new owner is s2

Another example of ownership transfer

fn main(){
  let x: String = String::from("Hello");
  process_str(x);   // As this function is called the ownership transfers to item in the parameter and the next print statement giver error
  println!("The value of x in main is {}", x);

fn process_str(item: String){
  println!("The value in the function process_str is {}", item); // hello - new owner is item

We can pass the refrence of a variable which is called borrowing

fn main(){
  let str1: String = String::from("Hello");
  let len: usize = calculate_len(&str1);

  // The & is the refrence of str1 which is borrowing it for calculate_len function call
  println!("The size of {} is {}", str1, len)

fn calculate_len(item: String)-> usize{
  return item.len();

If there is one mutable refrence being taken then the compiler doesnt allow no more refrences either it be mutable or immutable

when we pass the refrence & we can only read no write to the variable as long as we pass mut variable

let mut s1: String = String::from("Hello ");

append_str(&mut s1);

fn append_str(s1:&mut String){

this will let us borrow the memory and then also modify it

Refrence vs Pointer

In rust when we create a refrence to a pointer like let x_ref = &x the refrence x_ref is essentialy a wrapper around the memory address unlike a raw pointer which directly holds the memory address, a refrence holds the metadata about the refrence.

Refrence in rust behave similar to pointers in other languages with additional metadata and safety checks . this allows direct mem access with memory safety.

Data type

Char is always 4 bytes in size can represent emoji, ASCII and eveything in utf-8


It is a dynamic array with different size and elements can be pushed and poped on it so Its a heap based data type so the rules of ownership apply on it


Look in the docs

Tic Tac Toe

The main is a tic tac toe game


Repo to practice rust






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