To run this program, run:
leo run play
To execute this program, run:
leo execute play
Open a new terminal window and type:
leo --help
to confirm that Leo is installed.
leo account new
Continue in your existing terminal window and type
leo account new
you should see something similar to the following output:
Private Key APrivateKey1zkpAeeSTY6CuV2ahuJsHLqBFEChK3NnKxLqDyFoMQVmi1Ru
View Key AViewKey1cuV5NU4WgkHezc6fFFduECwrpGg8knqyb78YFJVmhhMT
Address aleo14hmf2rfh5nne6m7wsqlklqzcagh2tjydecvjycgj80snnns9svqsyjzsll
Continue in your exsiting terminal window and type:
leo example $NAME
You should see the following output:
Create a new Leo example package in a new directory
Usage: leo example [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
lottery A public lottery program
tictactoe A standard tic-tac-toe game program
token A transparent & shielded custom token program
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-d Print additional information for debugging
-q Suppress CLI output
--path <PATH> Optional path to Leo program root folder
-h, --help Print help
Choose one of the examples, and create it using the leo example command like so:
leo example tictactoe
leo run $FUNCTION
Navigate to the root of your Leo project's folder using the
command, i.e.,
cd tictactoe
To run your new Leo example, refer to the included
file, which you can find in the root of your newly created project's folder.
An example
leo run
command for the tictactoe application is
leo run new
which creates a new game board.