Gradio Link: MoodMirror
This program implements a real-time speaker emotion recognition system using a pre-trained Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model. The program is designed to take live audio input from the microphone, process the audio data, and predict the corresponding emotion.
Flow of the Program:
Load the pre-trained LSTM model:
- The program loads the pre-trained LSTM model from a JSON file (saved_model_path) and its corresponding weights (saved_weights_path).
- The model architecture and weights are loaded using the Keras library.
- The model is compiled with the same parameters as the original training process.
Preprocess the audio input:
- The preprocess() function is responsible for preprocessing the audio input before feeding it to the model.
- It converts the raw audio data to an AudioSegment object using the pydub library.
- The audio is then normalized, trimmed for silence, and padded to a fixed length.
- Noise reduction is applied using the noisereduce library.
- Features (RMS, ZCR, and MFCCs) are extracted from the audio data using the librosa library.
- The extracted features are concatenated and reshaped to match the input format expected by the LSTM model.
Emotion recognition:
- The EmotionRecogniser() function handles the real-time emotion recognition process.
- It receives the audio stream and the new audio chunk from the microphone.
- The new audio chunk is preprocessed using the preprocess() function.
- The preprocessed data is fed to the pre-trained LSTM model for prediction.
- The model outputs probabilities for each emotion class.
- The emotion with the highest probability is considered the predicted emotion.
- The program maintains a stream of audio data by concatenating the new chunk with the previous stream.
- The predicted emotion and its probability distribution are returned.
Streaming audio input:
- The program utilizes the gradio library to create a user interface with a microphone input.
- The gradio.Interface() function is used to set up the user interface, where the EmotionRecogniser() function is called with the streaming audio input.
- The interface allows the user to provide live audio input from the microphone.
- As the user speaks, the program continuously processes the audio stream and updates the predicted emotion and its probability distribution in real-time.
To run the program, simply execute the
Python script. The program will start listening to the microphone input, and you can speak into the microphone to see the real-time emotion recognition results displayed in the user interface.
Note: The program assumes that the necessary dependencies (e.g., Keras, TensorFlow, librosa, pydub, noisereduce, gradio) are installed. Additionally, the pre-trained LSTM model and its weights should be available in the specified file paths (saved_model_path and saved_weights_path).