This is a telegram bot that allow you tip other users in telegram with a HONK Token. Add @Honktipbot to your group. Then make your tip to other user by replying on their messages with "[NUMBER] honk" (e.g. "10 honk").
Users can deposit and withdraw their HONK tokens. You could also setup notification for new deposits with separate service checkDeposits.
This bot powered with Telegraf library.
- /start
- /help
- /balance
- /deposit
- /withdraw
Clone this repo:
git clone
Create AWS DynamoDB tables:
- Bot-Session (primary key: SessionKey [string])
- Bot-checkDeposit (primary key: address [string])
file with the environment variables listed in.env.example
NodeJS 10x
&&npm 6x
Run in the root folder
npm install
Run a local instance of RabbitMQ
sudo docker run -p 5672:5672 -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3
npm start
Creator: pytour