A simulator and visualizer of Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF), used in a paper. It is written in C++(17) with CMake (≥v3.16) build. The repository uses Google Test and the original library for 2D pathfinding as git submodules. The visualizer uses openFrameworks and works only on macOS.
The implementations include: HCA* [1], PIBT [2], and PIBT+.
platform | status (public) | status (dev) |
macos-10.15 | ||
ubuntu-latest |
You can see the performance of each solver from auto_record repo. The records were created by Github Actions.
Please cite the following paper if you use the code in your published research:
title={Iterative Refinement for Real-Time Multi-Robot Path Planning},
author={Okumura, Keisuke and Tamura, Yasumasa and D{\'e}fago, Xavier},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12331},
100 agents in arena, planned by PIBT in 67ms 5ms.
1000 agents in brc202d, planned by PIBT in 84sec 1348ms.
The gif shows a part of an MAPF plan.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Kei18/pibt2.git
cd pibt2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
./app -i ../instances/sample.txt -s PIBT -o result.txt -v
IR (the result will be saved in result.txt)
./app -i ../instances/random-32-32-20_70agents_1.txt -s IR_HYBRID -n 300 -t 100 -v
You can find details and explanations for all parameters with:
./app --help
Please see instances/sample.txt
for parameters of instances, e.g., filed, number of agents, time limit, etc.
This is an example output of ../instances/sample.txt
Note that (x, y)
denotes location.
(0, 0)
is the left-top point.
(x, 0)
is the location at x
-th column and 1st row.
instance= ../instances/sample.txt
starts=(32,21),(40,4),(20,22),(26,18), [...]
goals=(10,16),(30,21),(11,42),(44,6), [...]
0:(32,21),(40,4),(20,22),(26,18), [...]
1:(31,21),(40,5),(20,23),(27,18), [...]
It takes around 10 minutes.
bash ./visualizer/scripts/build_macos.sh
Note: The script of openFrameworks seems to contain bugs. Check this issue. I fixed this in my script :D
git submodule update --remote
bash ./third_party/openFrameworks/scripts/osx/download_libs.sh
cd visualizer
make build
cd ..
chmod +x ./visualize.sh
cd build
../visualize.sh result.txt
You can manipulate it via your keyboard. See printed info.
- Maps in
are from MAPF benchmarks. When you add a new map, please place it in themaps/
directory. - The font in
is from Google Fonts.
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.
Keisuke Okumura is a Ph.D. student at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, interested in controlling multiple moving agents.