- lazy.nvim -- Neovim plugin manager
- lualine.nvim -- Neovim status line
- nvim-web-devicons -- Icon provider
- bufferline.nvim -- A snazzy bufferline
- nvim-tree.lua -- Neovim File Explorer
- plenary.nvim -- Neovim Lua functions library
- toggleterm -- Toggle Terminals
- nvim-treesitter -- Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
- telescope.nvim -- Fuzzy finder
- nvim-notify -- Notification manager
- gitsigns.nvim -- Git decorations for Neovim
- project.nvim -- Neovim project management
- Godbolt.nvim -- Display assembly for the current buffer or visual selection
- Neovim Session Manager -- Manage sessions in Neovim
- LuaSnip -- Snippet Engine
- friendly-snippets -- Snippets collection
- nvim-autopairs -- Automatic pairing for brackets
- Comment.nvim -- Powerful commenting plugin
- nvim-lastplace -- Return to last place in a file
- bufdelete.nvim -- Delete a buffer without deleting a split
- vim-godot -- Plugin that allows neovim integration with the Godot engine
- nvim-navic -- Show curent code context
- indent-blankline.nvim -- Adds indentation guides to all lines
- ChatGPT.nvim -- OpenAI ChatGPT
- mason.nvim -- External tooling manager
- mason-lspconfig.nvim -- Bridges the mason.nvim-lspconfig gap
- mason-tool-installer.nvim
- nvim-lspconfig -- Built-in LSP configs
- null-ls.nvim -- LSP diagnostics, code actions and more
- cmp-nvim-lsp -- Completion source for Neovim's built-in LSP
- nvim-cmp -- Completion engine for Neovim
- cmp-buffer -- Buffer completion source
- cmp-path -- Filesystem path completion source
- cmp-nvim-lua -- Neovim Lua API completion source
- cmp_luasnip -- Luasnip completion source
- nvim-dap -- Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation
- nvim-dap-ui -- UI for nvim-dap
- telescope-dap.nvim -- nvim-dap Telescope extension
- nvim-dap-virtual-text -- Virtual text support for nvim-dap
- persistent-breakpoints.nvim -- Saving of nvim-dap's breakpoints