This plugin allows you to create Challenges for players. Challenges are tasks that players need to complete within a certain time frame (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). Each task is based on an event in the game. For example, you can create a Challenge that tracks how many times a player kills an opponent with a headshot from at least 15 meters away. If the player achieves this 3 times, the Challenge is completed.
Other CounterstrikeSharp plugins will then be notified to take further actions. This plugin only provides the interface for tracking and completing Challenges; it does not grant rewards on its own. So make sure to ask your favorite plug-in developer to build an integration for you.
Please consider a Donation when you're using this plugin. It took me 40+ hours of development time to get to this state so far.
Create an Github Issue for Bugs, Features and Improvements! Use our Discord Support-Channel for everything else!
- Create custom challenges for your players.
- Track challenge progress and completion, and send this data to other plugins.
- Set challenges to depend on each other (e.g., complete one challenge to unlock another).
- Define rules that can reset a challenge (e.g., make 10 headshots in a row, but reset if only 9 or less headshots are made).
- Challenges GUI which can be opened with !c or !challenges
- Player language chosen with !lang en gets saved and load again upon re-joining (no more setting !lang every map <3)
- Easy Webinterface to create your own Challenges
- Add ability to spawn custom props on the map as a challenge
- Link possible values for all rules in documentation
- Discord integration
- Webhook for Challenge completion
- Webhook for notification of a new Schedule starting (with all challenges listed)
- Webhook for sending statistics at a given interval about all players (like a top list)
- CounterStrike.Party Ballerbude (connect via or
- Download and extract the latest release from the GitHub releases page.
- Move the "Challenges" folder to the
directory of your gameserver. - Move the "ChallengesShared" folder to the
directory of your gameserver. - Restart the server.
Simply overwrite all plugin files and they will be reloaded automatically.
This activates the challenges GUI when the player is alive. The state of the popup is saved as a user preference.
This needs permission @css/root to work. Sends the first found Challenge for the current user to all plugins. Useful for testing purposes when creating a custom listener in your own plugin for this Challenge-Plugin.
This plugin automatically creates a readable JSON configuration file. This configuration file can be found in /addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/Challenges/Challenges.json
"enabled": true,
"debug": false,
"gui": {
"show_on_round_start": true,
"on_round_start_duration": 3,
"show_after_respawn": true,
"after_respawn_duration": 5,
"show_on_challenge_update": true,
"on_challenge_update_duration": 5,
"menu_display_maximum": 4,
"menu_font_size": 28,
"menu_font_name": "Arial Black Standard",
"menu_font_color": "#ffffff",
"menu_pos_x": 3.6,
"menu_pos_y": 4,
"menu_background": true,
"menu_backgroundfactor": 1
"notifications": {
"notify_player_on_challenge_progress": true,
"notify_player_on_challenge_complete": true,
"notify_other_on_challenge_complete": true,
"notification_sound_on_challenge_progress": "",
"notification_sound_on_challenge_complete": "sounds/ui/xp_levelup.vsnd",
"notification_sound_on_action_rule_broken": "sounds/ui/xp_rankdown_02.vsnd"
"discord": {
"language": "de",
"webhook_on_challenge_completed": ""
"ConfigVersion": 1
You can either disable or enable the complete Challenges Plugin by simply setting the enable boolean to false or true.
Shows debug messages useful when developing for this plugin.
Settings for the position of the !c challenge menu.
Notification settings. To disable sounds simply remove the sound file from the setting.
Discord Webhook settings. Simply change the language to your desired language. Will fallback to server default (if found) or to the first language available of a challenge.
Clone the project:
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd cs2-challenges
Install dependencies
dotnet restore
Build debug files (to use on a development game server)
dotnet build
Build release files (to use on a production game server)
dotnet publish