This routine is used to analyse the hdf files of the kosma- tau PDR model. Kosma-tau PDR model is used to understand the chemistry and physics of the molecular cloud.
- `numpy`
- `pandas`
- `matplotlib`
- `datetime`
- `os`
- `pyhdf`
- `h5py`
Read the hdf file 'f' and return a pandas dataframe (df), heating and cooling rates (HC_rates), and level population details (rad_field). After reading the hdf4 file into a dataframe, one can use the following functions to plot different properties.
to plot the gas and dust temperature returns the figure
plot the abundance profile of the species sp, returns the figure
plot the column density profile of the species sp, returns the figure
plot the diffusion properties of the species sp. Different keys available are:
- dr: plot total, thermal, molecular, and turbulent diffusion rates of the species. Both formation and destruction rates are indicated using different markers.
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