After #22210, tests of ACME.jl end in a crash (ref. #22210 (comment)), reproducible with
Pkg.add("ACME", v"0.4.1", v"0.4.1+")
As Pkg.test("ACME")
takes quite long, the much quicker repro is
using ACME
for i in 1:10000
@show i
mats = ACME.model_matrices(Circuit(), 1)
The iteration in which the crash occurs and the exact error and backtrace vary, but a value whose type is not a type at all seems to be a recurring theme. However, adding a gc()
to model_matrices(...)
diff --git a/src/ACME.jl b/src/ACME.jl
index 466a26d..ab7fd74 100644
--- a/src/ACME.jl
+++ b/src/ACME.jl
@@ -509,6 +509,7 @@ function model_matrices(circ::Circuit, t::Rational{BigInt})
res[v] = squeeze(res[v], 2)
+ gc()
p = [pv(circ) pi(circ) px(circ)//2+pxd(circ)//t pq(circ)]
if normsquared(p * indeterminates) > 1e-20
warn("Model output depends on indeterminate quantity")
consistently leads to a crash in iteration 1. The crash here actually occurs when trying to show a MethodError
, this is an excerpt from a GDB session:
#12 0x00007ffff757b6af in jl_apply_generic (args=0x7fffffffa620, nargs=2) at ./src/gf.c:1928
1928 jl_value_t *res = jl_call_method_internal(mfunc, args, nargs);
(gdb) call jl_(args[0])
getfield(Base, Symbol("##494#495")){Base.MethodError}(ex=Base.MethodError(f=typeof(Base.:(*))(), args=<?#0x7fffe8f76990::Array{UInt64, 1}[0xffffffffffffffff]>, world=0x0000000000005675))
Note the garbled inner args
, where the type is an array instance (and trying do to something with that then hits an assertion further down the backtrace), hence my guess that this is a use-after-free.
My very wild guess is that the new inlining heuristics due to #22210 lead to code that somehow confuses the GC. But I'm way over my head here. If there is anything I can do to obtain/provide more information, I'm all ears.