sort! docstring does not document order argument #22382
Title says it all. That is particularly confusing is that "order" is mentioned twice, but in reference to rev
, not to order
help?> sort!
search: sort! sortperm! sort sortrows sortperm sortcols Cshort issorted
sort!(v; alg::Algorithm=defalg(v), lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false, order::Ordering=Forward)
Sort the vector v in place. QuickSort is used by default for numeric arrays
while MergeSort is used for other arrays. You can specify an algorithm to
use via the alg keyword (see Sorting Algorithms for available algorithms).
The by keyword lets you provide a function that will be applied to each
element before comparison; the lt keyword allows providing a custom "less
than" function; use rev=true to reverse the sorting order. These options are
independent and can be used together in all possible combinations: if both
by and lt are specified, the lt function is applied to the result of the by
function; rev=true reverses whatever ordering specified via the by and lt