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Rename realmin/max -> floatmin/max (#28302)
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The names `realmin`/`realmax`, don't make too much sense in our terminology. These function are floating-point property queries, querying in particular the largest/smallest positive normalized floating point value. `posnormfloatmin` isn't a great name however, so simply `floatmin` was suggested. This has the advantage that it's suggestive of the fact that it's a floating point type query, even if it's not quite the minimum floating point value or even the minimum positive floating point value, but that's what docs are for. In any case, they're better than real. We have a good number of subtypes of `Real` for which these functions make no sense. In libc, these are called FLT_MIN/FLT_MAX or DBL_MIN/DBL_MAX.
Keno authored Jul 28, 2018
1 parent 72d3b28 commit bf74a57
Showing 18 changed files with 95 additions and 89 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1323,6 +1323,8 @@ Deprecated or removed

* `squeeze` is deprecated in favor of `dropdims`.

* `realmin`/`realmax` are deprecated in favor of `floatmin`/`floatmax` ([#28302]).

Command-line option changes

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions base/complex.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ function /(z::ComplexF64, w::ComplexF64)
two = 2.0
ab = max(abs(a), abs(b))
cd = max(abs(c), abs(d))
ov = realmax(a)
un = realmin(a)
ov = floatmax(a)
un = floatmin(a)
ϵ = eps(Float64)
bs = two/*ϵ)
s = 1.0
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ function inv(w::ComplexF64)
half = 0.5
two = 2.0
cd = max(abs(c), abs(d))
ov = realmax(c)
un = realmin(c)
ov = floatmax(c)
un = floatmin(c)
ϵ = eps(Float64)
bs = two/*ϵ)
s = 1.0
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions base/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1771,6 +1771,10 @@ end
# PR #28223
@deprecate code_llvm_raw(f, types=Tuple) code_llvm(f, types; raw=true)

# PR #28302
@deprecate realmin floatmin
@deprecate realmax floatmax

# END 0.7 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.0 deprecations
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/exports.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ export
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions base/float.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -725,46 +725,46 @@ end
typemin(x::T) where {T<:Real} = typemin(T)
typemax(x::T) where {T<:Real} = typemax(T)

realmin(::Type{Float16}) = $(bitcast(Float16, 0x0400))
realmin(::Type{Float32}) = $(bitcast(Float32, 0x00800000))
realmin(::Type{Float64}) = $(bitcast(Float64, 0x0010000000000000))
realmax(::Type{Float16}) = $(bitcast(Float16, 0x7bff))
realmax(::Type{Float32}) = $(bitcast(Float32, 0x7f7fffff))
realmax(::Type{Float64}) = $(bitcast(Float64, 0x7fefffffffffffff))

eps(x::AbstractFloat) = isfinite(x) ? abs(x) >= realmin(x) ? ldexp(eps(typeof(x)), exponent(x)) : nextfloat(zero(x)) : oftype(x, NaN)
floatmin(::Type{Float16}) = $(bitcast(Float16, 0x0400))
floatmin(::Type{Float32}) = $(bitcast(Float32, 0x00800000))
floatmin(::Type{Float64}) = $(bitcast(Float64, 0x0010000000000000))
floatmax(::Type{Float16}) = $(bitcast(Float16, 0x7bff))
floatmax(::Type{Float32}) = $(bitcast(Float32, 0x7f7fffff))
floatmax(::Type{Float64}) = $(bitcast(Float64, 0x7fefffffffffffff))

eps(x::AbstractFloat) = isfinite(x) ? abs(x) >= floatmin(x) ? ldexp(eps(typeof(x)), exponent(x)) : nextfloat(zero(x)) : oftype(x, NaN)
eps(::Type{Float16}) = $(bitcast(Float16, 0x1400))
eps(::Type{Float32}) = $(bitcast(Float32, 0x34000000))
eps(::Type{Float64}) = $(bitcast(Float64, 0x3cb0000000000000))
eps() = eps(Float64)

The smallest in absolute value non-subnormal value representable by the given
floating-point DataType `T`.
realmin(x::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = realmin(T)
floatmin(x::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = floatmin(T)

The highest finite value representable by the given floating-point DataType `T`.
# Examples
julia> realmax(Float16)
julia> floatmax(Float16)
julia> realmax(Float32)
julia> floatmax(Float32)
realmax(x::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = realmax(T)
floatmax(x::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = floatmax(T)

realmin() = realmin(Float64)
realmax() = realmax(Float64)
floatmin() = floatmin(Float64)
floatmax() = floatmax(Float64)

eps(::Type{T}) where T<:AbstractFloat
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/mpfr.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import
eps, signbit, sin, cos, sincos, tan, sec, csc, cot, acos, asin, atan,
cosh, sinh, tanh, sech, csch, coth, acosh, asinh, atanh,
cbrt, typemax, typemin, unsafe_trunc, realmin, realmax, rounding,
cbrt, typemax, typemin, unsafe_trunc, floatmin, floatmax, rounding,
setrounding, maxintfloat, widen, significand, frexp, tryparse, iszero,
isone, big, _string_n

@@ -881,8 +881,8 @@ end

eps(::Type{BigFloat}) = nextfloat(BigFloat(1)) - BigFloat(1)

realmin(::Type{BigFloat}) = nextfloat(zero(BigFloat))
realmax(::Type{BigFloat}) = prevfloat(BigFloat(Inf))
floatmin(::Type{BigFloat}) = nextfloat(zero(BigFloat))
floatmax(::Type{BigFloat}) = prevfloat(BigFloat(Inf))

setprecision(f::Function, [T=BigFloat,] precision::Integer)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/special/cbrt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ These implementations assume that NaNs, infinities and zeros have already been f
k = significand_bits(T) - (8*sizeof(T) - 32)

u = highword(x) & 0x7fff_ffff
if u >= Base.Math.highword(realmin(T))
if u >= Base.Math.highword(floatmin(T))
v = div(u, UInt32(3)) + floor(UInt32, adj * exp2(k))
# subnormal
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/twiceprecision.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ function _linspace(start::T, stop::T, len::Integer) where {T<:IEEEFloat}
# 2x calculations to get high precision endpoint matching while also
# preventing overflow in ref_hi+(i-offset)*step_hi
m, k = prevfloat(realmax(T)), max(imin-1, len-imin)
m, k = prevfloat(floatmax(T)), max(imin-1, len-imin)
step_hi_pre = clamp(step, max(-(m+ref)/k, (-m+ref)/k), min((m-ref)/k, (m+ref)/k))
nb = nbitslen(T, len, imin)
step_hi = truncbits(step_hi_pre, nb)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions doc/src/base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ Base.datatype_pointerfree
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/givens.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ function Base.copy(aG::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Givens})
Base.copy(aR::Adjoint{<:Any,Rotation{T}}) where {T} = Rotation{T}(reverse!([r' for r in aR.parent.rotations]))

realmin2(::Type{Float32}) = reinterpret(Float32, 0x26000000)
realmin2(::Type{Float64}) = reinterpret(Float64, 0x21a0000000000000)
realmin2(::Type{T}) where {T} = (twopar = 2one(T); twopar^trunc(Integer,log(realmin(T)/eps(T))/log(twopar)/twopar))
floatmin2(::Type{Float32}) = reinterpret(Float32, 0x26000000)
floatmin2(::Type{Float64}) = reinterpret(Float64, 0x21a0000000000000)
floatmin2(::Type{T}) where {T} = (twopar = 2one(T); twopar^trunc(Integer,log(floatmin(T)/eps(T))/log(twopar)/twopar))

# derived from LAPACK's dlartg
# Copyright:
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ function givensAlgorithm(f::T, g::T) where T<:AbstractFloat
zeropar = T0(zero(T)) # must be dimensionless

# need both dimensionful and dimensionless versions of these:
safmn2 = realmin2(T0)
safmn2u = realmin2(T)
safmn2 = floatmin2(T0)
safmn2u = floatmin2(T)
safmx2 = one(T)/safmn2
safmx2u = oneunit(T)/safmn2

@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ function givensAlgorithm(f::Complex{T}, g::Complex{T}) where T<:AbstractFloat
czero = complex(zeropar)

abs1(ff) = max(abs(real(ff)), abs(imag(ff)))
safmin = realmin(T0)
safmn2 = realmin2(T0)
safmn2u = realmin2(T)
safmin = floatmin(T0)
safmn2 = floatmin2(T0)
safmn2u = floatmin2(T)
safmx2 = one(T)/safmn2
safmx2u = oneunit(T)/safmn2
scalepar = max(abs1(f), abs1(g))
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/test/pinv.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -160,24 +160,24 @@ end

if eltya <: LinearAlgebra.BlasReal
@testset "sub-normal numbers/vectors/matrices" begin
a = pinv(realmin(eltya)/100)
a = pinv(floatmin(eltya)/100)
@test a 0.0
# Complex subnormal
a = pinv(realmin(eltya)/100*(1+1im))
a = pinv(floatmin(eltya)/100*(1+1im))
@test a 0.0

a = pinv([realmin(eltya); realmin(eltya)]/100)
a = pinv([floatmin(eltya); floatmin(eltya)]/100)
@test a[1] 0.0
@test a[2] 0.0
# Complex subnormal
a = pinv([realmin(eltya); realmin(eltya)]/100*(1+1im))
a = pinv([floatmin(eltya); floatmin(eltya)]/100*(1+1im))
@test a[1] 0.0
@test a[2] 0.0
a = pinv(Diagonal([realmin(eltya); realmin(eltya)]/100))
a = pinv(Diagonal([floatmin(eltya); floatmin(eltya)]/100))
@test a.diag[1] 0.0
@test a.diag[2] 0.0
# Complex subnormal
a = pinv(Diagonal([realmin(eltya); realmin(eltya)]/100*(1+1im)))
a = pinv(Diagonal([floatmin(eltya); floatmin(eltya)]/100*(1+1im)))
@test a.diag[1] 0.0
@test a.diag[2] 0.0
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion stdlib/Statistics/test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using Test: guardsrand
@testset "middle" begin
@test middle(3) === 3.0
@test middle(2, 3) === 2.5
let x = ((realmax(1.0)/4)*3)
let x = ((floatmax(1.0)/4)*3)
@test middle(x, x) === x
@test middle(1:8) === 4.5
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/grisu.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1278,14 +1278,14 @@ fill!(buffer,0)

min_double = realmin(Float16)
min_double = floatmin(Float16)
status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(min_double,buffer)
@test status
@test "6104" == trimrep(buffer)
@test -4 == point

max_double = realmax(Float16)
max_double = floatmax(Float16)
status,len,point = Grisu.fastshortest(max_double,buffer)
@test status
@test "655" == trimrep(buffer)
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions test/math.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ end

for (a,b) in [(T(12.8),T(0.8)),
(prevfloat(realmin(T)), prevfloat(one(T), 2)),
(prevfloat(realmin(T)), prevfloat(one(T), 2)),
(prevfloat(realmin(T)), nextfloat(one(T), -2)),
(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), prevfloat(one(T), 2)),
(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), prevfloat(one(T), 2)),
(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), nextfloat(one(T), -2)),
(nextfloat(zero(T), 3), T(0.75)),
(prevfloat(zero(T), -3), T(0.75)),
(nextfloat(zero(T)), T(0.5))]
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ end
@test ldexp(T(-0.854375), 5) === T(-27.34)
@test ldexp(T(1.0), typemax(Int)) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(T(1.0), typemin(Int)) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(realmin(T)), typemax(Int)) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(realmin(T)), typemin(Int)) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), typemax(Int)) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), typemin(Int)) === T(0.0)

@test ldexp(T(0.0), Int128(0)) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(T(-0.0), Int128(0)) === T(-0.0)
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ end
@test ldexp(T(-0.854375), Int128(5)) === T(-27.34)
@test ldexp(T(1.0), typemax(Int128)) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(T(1.0), typemin(Int128)) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(realmin(T)), typemax(Int128)) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(realmin(T)), typemin(Int128)) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), typemax(Int128)) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), typemin(Int128)) === T(0.0)

@test ldexp(T(0.0), BigInt(0)) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(T(-0.0), BigInt(0)) === T(-0.0)
@@ -114,18 +114,18 @@ end
@test ldexp(T(-0.854375), BigInt(5)) === T(-27.34)
@test ldexp(T(1.0), BigInt(typemax(Int128))) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(T(1.0), BigInt(typemin(Int128))) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(realmin(T)), BigInt(typemax(Int128))) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(realmin(T)), BigInt(typemin(Int128))) === T(0.0)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), BigInt(typemax(Int128))) === T(Inf)
@test ldexp(prevfloat(floatmin(T)), BigInt(typemin(Int128))) === T(0.0)

# Test also against BigFloat reference. Needs to be exactly rounded.
@test ldexp(realmin(T), -1) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)), -1))
@test ldexp(realmin(T), -2) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)), -2))
@test ldexp(realmin(T)/2, 0) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)/2), 0))
@test ldexp(realmin(T)/3, 0) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)/3), 0))
@test ldexp(realmin(T)/3, -1) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)/3), -1))
@test ldexp(realmin(T)/3, 11) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)/3), 11))
@test ldexp(realmin(T)/11, -10) == T(ldexp(big(realmin(T)/11), -10))
@test ldexp(-realmin(T)/11, -10) == T(ldexp(big(-realmin(T)/11), -10))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T), -1) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)), -1))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T), -2) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)), -2))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T)/2, 0) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)/2), 0))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T)/3, 0) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)/3), 0))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T)/3, -1) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)/3), -1))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T)/3, 11) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)/3), 11))
@test ldexp(floatmin(T)/11, -10) == T(ldexp(big(floatmin(T)/11), -10))
@test ldexp(-floatmin(T)/11, -10) == T(ldexp(big(-floatmin(T)/11), -10))
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions test/mpfr.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import Base.MPFR
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt64))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt128))) == BigFloat

@test typeof(BigFloat(realmax(Float32))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(realmax(Float64))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(floatmax(Float32))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(floatmax(Float64))) == BigFloat

@test typeof(BigFloat(BigInt(1))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(BigFloat(1))) == BigFloat
@@ -648,11 +648,11 @@ end
@test BigFloat(1) + x == BigFloat(1) + prevfloat(x)
@test eps(BigFloat) == eps(BigFloat(1))
@testset "realmin/realmax" begin
x = realmin(BigFloat)
@testset "floatmin/floatmax" begin
x = floatmin(BigFloat)
@test x > 0
@test prevfloat(x) == 0
x = realmax(BigFloat)
x = floatmax(BigFloat)
@test !isinf(x)
@test isinf(nextfloat(x))
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions test/numbers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1585,10 +1585,10 @@ end
@test eps(-float(0)) == 5e-324
@test eps(nextfloat(float(0))) == 5e-324
@test eps(-nextfloat(float(0))) == 5e-324
@test eps(realmin()) == 5e-324
@test eps(-realmin()) == 5e-324
@test eps(realmax()) == 2.0^(1023-52)
@test eps(-realmax()) == 2.0^(1023-52)
@test eps(floatmin()) == 5e-324
@test eps(-floatmin()) == 5e-324
@test eps(floatmax()) == 2.0^(1023-52)
@test eps(-floatmax()) == 2.0^(1023-52)
@test isnan(eps(NaN))
@test isnan(eps(Inf))
@test isnan(eps(-Inf))
@@ -1782,12 +1782,12 @@ end
@test 0xf.fP1 === 31.875
@test -0x1.0p2 === -4.0
@testset "eps / realmin / realmax" begin
@testset "eps / floatmin / floatmax" begin
@test 0x1p-52 == eps()
@test 0x1p-52 + 1 != 1
@test 0x1p-53 + 1 == 1
@test 0x1p-1022 == realmin()
@test 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023 == realmax()
@test 0x1p-1022 == floatmin()
@test 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023 == floatmax()
@test isinf(nextfloat(0x1.fffffffffffffp1023))
@testset "issue #1308" begin
@@ -1985,8 +1985,8 @@ for F in (Float16,Float32,Float64)
@test reinterpret(Signed,one(F)) === signed(Base.exponent_one(F))

@test eps(realmax(Float64)) == 1.99584030953472e292
@test eps(-realmax(Float64)) == 1.99584030953472e292
@test eps(floatmax(Float64)) == 1.99584030953472e292
@test eps(-floatmax(Float64)) == 1.99584030953472e292

# modular multiplicative inverses of odd numbers via exponentiation

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