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sort eigenvalues in a canonical order
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stevengj committed Jan 10, 2019
1 parent 0df9b83 commit 726b309
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Showing 5 changed files with 125 additions and 64 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions base/combinatorics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,35 @@ isperm(p::Tuple{}) = true
isperm(p::Tuple{Int}) = p[1] == 1
isperm(p::Tuple{Int,Int}) = ((p[1] == 1) & (p[2] == 2)) | ((p[1] == 2) & (p[2] == 1))

# swap columns i and j of a, in-place
function swapcols!(a::AbstractMatrix, i, j)
i == j && return
cols = indices(a,2)
(i in cols && j in cols) || throw(BoundsError())
for k in indices(a,1)
@inbounds a[k,i],a[k,j] = a[k,j],a[k,i]
# like permute!! applied to each row of a, in-place in a (overwriting p).
function permutecols!!(a::AbstractMatrix, p::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
count = 0
start = 0
while count < length(p)
ptr = start = findnext(p, start+1)
next = p[start]
count += 1
while next != start
swapcols!(a, ptr, next)
p[ptr] = 0
ptr = next
next = p[next]
count += 1
p[ptr] = 0

function permute!!(a, p::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
require_one_based_indexing(a, p)
count = 0
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/bidiag.jl
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Expand Up @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ end
factorize(A::Bidiagonal) = A

# Eigensystems
eigvals(M::Bidiagonal) = M.dv
function eigvecs(M::Bidiagonal{T}) where T
eigvals(M::Bidiagonal; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) = sortby===nothing ? M.dv : sort(M.dv, by=sortby)
function eigvecs_(M::Bidiagonal{T}) where T # non-sorted
n = length(M.dv)
Q = Matrix{T}(undef, n,n)
blks = [0; findall(x -> x == 0, M.ev); n]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,4 +723,6 @@ function eigvecs(M::Bidiagonal{T}) where T
Q #Actually Triangular
eigen(M::Bidiagonal) = Eigen(eigvals(M), eigvecs(M))
eigvecs(M::Bidiagonal{T}; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) =
sorteigvecs!(M.dv, eigvecs_(M), sortby)
eigen(M::Bidiagonal) = Eigen(sorteig!(copy(M.dv), eigvecs_(M), sortby)...)
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/diagonal.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -524,15 +524,16 @@ function pinv(D::Diagonal{T}, tol::Real) where T

eigvals(D::Diagonal{<:Number}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) = D.diag
eigvals(D::Diagonal; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) =
[eigvals(x) for x in D.diag] #For block matrices, etc.
eigvecs(D::Diagonal) = Matrix{eltype(D)}(I, size(D))
function eigen(D::Diagonal; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true)
eigvals(D::Diagonal{<:Number}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) = sortby === nothing ? D.diag : sort(D.diag, by=sortby)
eigvals_(D::Diagonal) = [eigvals(x) for x in D.diag] # non-sorted copy, for block matrices etc.
eigvals(D::Diagonal; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) =
sorteigvals!(eigvals_(D), sortby)
eigvecs(D::Diagonal; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) = sorteigvecs!(D.diag, Matrix{eltype(D)}(I, size(D)), sortby)
function eigen(D::Diagonal; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby)
if any(!isfinite, D.diag)
throw(ArgumentError("matrix contains Infs or NaNs"))
Eigen(eigvals(D), eigvecs(D))
Eigen(sorteig!(eigvals_(D), Matrix{eltype(D)}(I, size(D)))...)

#Singular system
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128 changes: 77 additions & 51 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/eigen.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,34 @@ Base.iterate(S::Union{Eigen,GeneralizedEigen}, ::Val{:done}) = nothing

isposdef(A::Union{Eigen,GeneralizedEigen}) = isreal(A.values) && all(x -> x > 0, A.values)

# pick a canonical ordering to avoid returning eigenvalues in "random" order
# as is the LAPACK default (for complex λ — LAPACK sorts by λ for the Hermitian/Symmetric case)
eigsortby::Real) = λ
eigsortby::Complex) = (real(λ),imag(λ))
function sorteig!(λ, X, sortby=eigsortby)
if sortby !== nothing && !issorted(λ, by=sortby)
p = sortperm(λ; alg=QuickSort, by=sortby)
permute!(λ, p)
Base.permutecols!!(X, p)
return λ, X
sorteigvals!(λ, sortby=eigsortby) = sortby === nothing ? λ : sort!(λ, by=sortby)
function sorteigvecs!(λ, X, sortby=eigsortby) # doesn't modify λ
if sortby !== nothing && !issorted(λ, by=sortby)
p = sortperm(λ; alg=QuickSort, by=sortby)
Base.permutecols!!(X, p)
return X

eigen!(A, [B])
eigen!(A, [B]; permute, scale, sortby)
Same as [`eigen`](@ref), but saves space by overwriting the input `A` (and
`B`), instead of creating a copy.
function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) where T<:BlasReal
function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T<:BlasReal
n = size(A, 2)
n == 0 && return Eigen(zeros(T, 0), zeros(T, 0, 0))
issymmetric(A) && return eigen!(Symmetric(A))
Expand All @@ -53,18 +74,19 @@ function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) where
j += 1
return Eigen(complex.(WR, WI), evec)
return Eigen(sorteig!(complex.(WR, WI), evec, sortby)...)

function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) where T<:BlasComplex
function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T<:BlasComplex
n = size(A, 2)
n == 0 && return Eigen(zeros(T, 0), zeros(T, 0, 0))
ishermitian(A) && return eigen!(Hermitian(A))
return Eigen(LAPACK.geevx!(permute ? (scale ? 'B' : 'P') : (scale ? 'S' : 'N'), 'N', 'V', 'N', A)[[2,4]]...)
eval, evec = LAPACK.geevx!(permute ? (scale ? 'B' : 'P') : (scale ? 'S' : 'N'), 'N', 'V', 'N', A)[[2,4]]
return Eigen(sorteig!(eval, evec, sortby)...)

eigen(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) -> Eigen
eigen(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby) -> Eigen
Computes the eigenvalue decomposition of `A`, returning an `Eigen` factorization object `F`
which contains the eigenvalues in `F.values` and the eigenvectors in the columns of the
Expand All @@ -79,6 +101,10 @@ before the eigenvector calculation. The option `permute=true` permutes the matri
closer to upper triangular, and `scale=true` scales the matrix by its diagonal elements to
make rows and columns more equal in norm. The default is `true` for both options.
By default, the eigenvalues and vectors are sorted lexicographically by `(real(λ),imag(λ))`.
A different comparison function `by(λ)` can be passed to `sortby`, or you can pass
`sortby=nothing` to leave the eigenvalues in an arbitrary order.
# Examples
julia> F = eigen([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 3.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 18.0])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,18 +138,18 @@ julia> vals == F.values && vecs == F.vectors
function eigen(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) where T
function eigen(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T
AA = copy_oftype(A, eigtype(T))
isdiag(AA) && return eigen(Diagonal(AA), permute = permute, scale = scale)
return eigen!(AA, permute = permute, scale = scale)
isdiag(AA) && return eigen(Diagonal(AA), permute = permute, scale = scale, sortby = sortby)
return eigen!(AA, permute = permute, scale = scale, sortby = sortby)
eigen(x::Number) = Eigen([x], fill(one(x), 1, 1))

eigvecs(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) -> Matrix
eigvecs(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, `sortby`) -> Matrix
Return a matrix `M` whose columns are the eigenvectors of `A`. (The `k`th eigenvector can
be obtained from the slice `M[:, k]`.) The `permute` and `scale` keywords are the same as
be obtained from the slice `M[:, k]`.) The `permute`, `scale`, and `sortby` keywords are the same as
for [`eigen`](@ref).
# Examples
Expand All @@ -135,19 +161,17 @@ julia> eigvecs([1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 3.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 18.0])
0.0 0.0 1.0
eigvecs(A::Union{Number, AbstractMatrix}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) =
eigvecs(eigen(A, permute=permute, scale=scale))
eigvecs(A::Union{Number, AbstractMatrix}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) =
eigvecs(eigen(A, permute=permute, scale=scale, sortby=sortby))
eigvecs(F::Union{Eigen, GeneralizedEigen}) = F.vectors

eigvals(F::Union{Eigen, GeneralizedEigen}) = F.values

eigvals!(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) -> values
eigvals!(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby) -> values
Same as [`eigvals`](@ref), but saves space by overwriting the input `A`, instead of creating a copy.
The option `permute=true` permutes the matrix to become
closer to upper triangular, and `scale=true` scales the matrix by its diagonal elements to
make rows and columns more equal in norm.
The `permute`, `scale`, and `sortby` keywords are the same as for [`eigen`](@ref).
!!! note
The input matrix `A` will not contain its eigenvalues after `eigvals!` is
Expand All @@ -171,29 +195,27 @@ julia> A
0.0 5.37228
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{<:BlasReal}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true)
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{<:BlasReal}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby)
issymmetric(A) && return eigvals!(Symmetric(A))
_, valsre, valsim, _ = LAPACK.geevx!(permute ? (scale ? 'B' : 'P') : (scale ? 'S' : 'N'), 'N', 'N', 'N', A)
return iszero(valsim) ? valsre : complex.(valsre, valsim)
return sorteigvals!(iszero(valsim) ? valsre : complex.(valsre, valsim), sortby)
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{<:BlasComplex}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true)
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{<:BlasComplex}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby)
ishermitian(A) && return eigvals(Hermitian(A))
return LAPACK.geevx!(permute ? (scale ? 'B' : 'P') : (scale ? 'S' : 'N'), 'N', 'N', 'N', A)[2]
return sorteigvals!(LAPACK.geevx!(permute ? (scale ? 'B' : 'P') : (scale ? 'S' : 'N'), 'N', 'N', 'N', A)[2], sortby)

# promotion type to use for eigenvalues of a Matrix{T}
eigtype(T) = promote_type(Float32, typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(abs2(one(T)))))

eigvals(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) -> values
eigvals(A; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby) -> values
Return the eigenvalues of `A`.
For general non-symmetric matrices it is possible to specify how the matrix is balanced
before the eigenvalue calculation. The option `permute=true` permutes the matrix to
become closer to upper triangular, and `scale=true` scales the matrix by its diagonal
elements to make rows and columns more equal in norm. The default is `true` for both
before the eigenvalue calculation. The `permute`, `scale`, and `sortby` keywords are
the same as for [`eigen`](@ref).
# Examples
Expand All @@ -208,8 +230,8 @@ julia> eigvals(diag_matrix)
eigvals(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true) where T =
eigvals!(copy_oftype(A, eigtype(T)), permute = permute, scale = scale)
eigvals(A::StridedMatrix{T}; permute::Bool=true, scale::Bool=true, sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T =
eigvals!(copy_oftype(A, eigtype(T)), permute = permute, scale = scale, sortby = sortby)

For a scalar input, `eigvals` will return a scalar.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,7 +331,7 @@ inv(A::Eigen) = A.vectors * inv(Diagonal(A.values)) / A.vectors
det(A::Eigen) = prod(A.values)

# Generalized eigenproblem
function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}) where T<:BlasReal
function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T<:BlasReal
issymmetric(A) && isposdef(B) && return eigen!(Symmetric(A), Symmetric(B))
n = size(A, 1)
alphar, alphai, beta, _, vr = LAPACK.ggev!('N', 'V', A, B)
Expand All @@ -329,17 +351,17 @@ function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}) where T<:BlasReal
j += 1
return GeneralizedEigen(complex.(alphar, alphai)./beta, vecs)
return GeneralizedEigen(sorteig!(complex.(alphar, alphai)./beta, vecs, sortby)...)

function eigen!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}) where T<:BlasComplex
ishermitian(A) && isposdef(B) && return eigen!(Hermitian(A), Hermitian(B))
alpha, beta, _, vr = LAPACK.ggev!('N', 'V', A, B)
return GeneralizedEigen(alpha./beta, vr)
return GeneralizedEigen(sorteig!(alpha./beta, vr)...)

eigen(A, B) -> GeneralizedEigen
eigen(A, B; sortby) -> GeneralizedEigen
Computes the generalized eigenvalue decomposition of `A` and `B`, returning a
`GeneralizedEigen` factorization object `F` which contains the generalized eigenvalues in
Expand All @@ -348,6 +370,10 @@ Computes the generalized eigenvalue decomposition of `A` and `B`, returning a
Iterating the decomposition produces the components `F.values` and `F.vectors`.
By default, the eigenvalues and vectors are sorted lexicographically by `(real(λ),imag(λ))`.
A different comparison function `by(λ)` can be passed to `sortby`, or you can pass
`sortby=nothing` to leave the eigenvalues in an arbitrary order.
# Examples
julia> A = [1 0; 0 -1]
Expand All @@ -364,29 +390,29 @@ julia> F = eigen(A, B);
julia> F.values
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
0.0 + 1.0im
0.0 - 1.0im
0.0 + 1.0im
julia> F.vectors
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
0.0-1.0im 0.0+1.0im
-1.0-0.0im -1.0+0.0im
0.0+1.0im 0.0-1.0im
-1.0+0.0im -1.0-0.0im
julia> vals, vecs = F; # destructuring via iteration
julia> vals == F.values && vecs == F.vectors
function eigen(A::AbstractMatrix{TA}, B::AbstractMatrix{TB}) where {TA,TB}
function eigen(A::AbstractMatrix{TA}, B::AbstractMatrix{TB}; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where {TA,TB}
S = promote_type(eigtype(TA),TB)
return eigen!(copy_oftype(A, S), copy_oftype(B, S))
return eigen!(copy_oftype(A, S), copy_oftype(B, S); sortby=sortby)

eigen(A::Number, B::Number) = eigen(fill(A,1,1), fill(B,1,1))

eigvals!(A, B) -> values
eigvals!(A, B; sortby) -> values
Same as [`eigvals`](@ref), but saves space by overwriting the input `A` (and `B`),
instead of creating copies.
Expand All @@ -409,8 +435,8 @@ julia> B = [0. 1.; 1. 0.]
julia> eigvals!(A, B)
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
0.0 + 1.0im
0.0 - 1.0im
0.0 + 1.0im
julia> A
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
Expand All @@ -423,19 +449,19 @@ julia> B
0.0 1.0
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}) where T<:BlasReal
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T<:BlasReal
issymmetric(A) && isposdef(B) && return eigvals!(Symmetric(A), Symmetric(B))
alphar, alphai, beta, vl, vr = LAPACK.ggev!('N', 'N', A, B)
return (iszero(alphai) ? alphar : complex.(alphar, alphai))./beta
return sorteigvals!((iszero(alphai) ? alphar : complex.(alphar, alphai))./beta, sortby)
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}) where T<:BlasComplex
function eigvals!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where T<:BlasComplex
ishermitian(A) && isposdef(B) && return eigvals!(Hermitian(A), Hermitian(B))
alpha, beta, vl, vr = LAPACK.ggev!('N', 'N', A, B)
return sorteigvals!(alpha./beta, sortby)

eigvals(A, B) -> values
eigvals(A, B; sortby) -> values
Computes the generalized eigenvalues of `A` and `B`.
Expand All @@ -453,17 +479,17 @@ julia> B = [0 1; 1 0]
julia> eigvals(A,B)
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
0.0 + 1.0im
0.0 - 1.0im
0.0 + 1.0im
function eigvals(A::AbstractMatrix{TA}, B::AbstractMatrix{TB}) where {TA,TB}
function eigvals(A::AbstractMatrix{TA}, B::AbstractMatrix{TB}; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) where {TA,TB}
S = promote_type(eigtype(TA),TB)
return eigvals!(copy_oftype(A, S), copy_oftype(B, S))
return eigvals!(copy_oftype(A, S), copy_oftype(B, S); sortby=sortby)

eigvecs(A, B) -> Matrix
eigvecs(A, B; sortby) -> Matrix
Return a matrix `M` whose columns are the generalized eigenvectors of `A` and `B`. (The `k`th eigenvector can
be obtained from the slice `M[:, k]`.)
Expand All @@ -482,11 +508,11 @@ julia> B = [0 1; 1 0]
julia> eigvecs(A, B)
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
0.0-1.0im 0.0+1.0im
-1.0-0.0im -1.0+0.0im
0.0+1.0im 0.0-1.0im
-1.0+0.0im -1.0-0.0im
eigvecs(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix) = eigvecs(eigen(A, B))
eigvecs(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix; sortby::Union{Function,Nothing}=eigsortby) = eigvecs(eigen(A, B; sortby=sortby))

function show(io::IO, mime::MIME{Symbol("text/plain")}, F::Union{Eigen,GeneralizedEigen})
summary(io, F); println(io)
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