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Backports for 1.10.6 (#55746)
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Backported PRs:
- [x] #51755 <!-- ASAN fixes. -->
- [x] #55329 <!-- mapreduce: don't inbounds unknown functions -->
- [x] #55365 <!-- ml-matches: ensure all methods are included -->
- [x] #55483 <!-- fix hierarchy level of "API reference" in `Dates`
documentation -->
- [x] #55268 <!-- simplify complex atanh and remove singularity
perturbation -->
- [x] #55504 <!-- Update symmetric docstring to reflect the type of uplo
- [x] #55524 <!-- Set `.jl` sources as read-only during installation -->
- [x] #41244 <!-- Fix shell `cd` error when working dir has been deleted
- [x] #55829 <!-- [Dates] Make test more robust against non-UTC
timezones -->
- [x] #55641 <!-- fall back to slower stat filesize if optimized
filesize fails -->
- [x] #55849 <!-- Mmap: fix grow! for non file IOs -->
- [x] #55945 <!-- Fix logic in `?` docstring example -->
- [x] #55743 <!-- doc: heap snapshot viewing -->
- [x] #56023 <!-- Sockets: Warn when local network access not granted.
- [x] #54276 <!-- Fix solve for complex `Hermitian` with non-vanishing
imaginary part on diagonal -->
- [x] #54669 <!-- Improve error message in inplace transpose -->
- [x] #55295 <!-- LAPACK: Aggressive constprop to concretely infer
syev!/syevd! -->
- [x] #55303 <!-- avoid overflowing show for OffsetArrays around typemax
- [x] #55342 <!-- Ensure bidiagonal setindex! does not read indices in
error message -->
- [x] #55507 <!-- Fix fast getptls ccall lowering. -->
- [x] #55522 <!-- Fix tr for Symmetric/Hermitian block matrices -->
- [x] #55854 <!-- 🤖 [master] Bump the Downloads stdlib from 1061ecc to
89d3c7d -->
- [x] #55863 <!-- Update TaskLocalRNG docstring according to #49110 -->
- [x] #55567 <!-- Initialize threadpools correctly during sysimg build
- [x] #55506 <!-- Fix indexing in _mapreducedim for OffsetArrays -->
- [x] #54737 <!-- LazyString in interpolated error messages involving
types -->
  • Loading branch information
KristofferC authored Oct 22, 2024
2 parents 6f3fdf7 + ecf3a5d commit 262daad
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Showing 70 changed files with 381 additions and 174 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -370,6 +370,11 @@ endif
cp -R -L $(JULIAHOME)/base/* $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/julia/base
cp -R -L $(JULIAHOME)/test/* $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/julia/test
cp -R -L $(build_datarootdir)/julia/* $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/julia

# Set .jl sources as read-only to match package directories
find $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/julia/base -type f -name \*.jl -exec chmod 0444 '{}' \;
find $(DESTDIR)$(datarootdir)/julia/test -type f -name \*.jl -exec chmod 0444 '{}' \;

# Copy documentation
cp -R -L $(BUILDROOT)/doc/_build/html $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/
# Remove various files which should not be installed
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21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions base/Enums.jl
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Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ end
# give Enum types scalar behavior in broadcasting
Base.broadcastable(x::Enum) = Ref(x)

@noinline enum_argument_error(typename, x) = throw(ArgumentError(string("invalid value for Enum $(typename): $x")))
@noinline enum_argument_error(typename, x) = throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid value for Enum ", typename, ": ", x)))

@enum EnumName[::BaseType] value1[=x] value2[=y]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,18 +143,19 @@ julia> Symbol(apple)
macro enum(T::Union{Symbol,Expr}, syms...)
if isempty(syms)
throw(ArgumentError("no arguments given for Enum $T"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("no arguments given for Enum ", T)))
basetype = Int32
typename = T
if isa(T, Expr) && T.head === :(::) && length(T.args) == 2 && isa(T.args[1], Symbol)
typename = T.args[1]
basetype = Core.eval(__module__, T.args[2])
if !isa(basetype, DataType) || !(basetype <: Integer) || !isbitstype(basetype)
throw(ArgumentError("invalid base type for Enum $typename, $T=::$basetype; base type must be an integer primitive type"))
LazyString("invalid base type for Enum ", typename, ", ", T, "=::", basetype, "; base type must be an integer primitive type")))
elseif !isa(T, Symbol)
throw(ArgumentError("invalid type expression for enum $T"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid type expression for enum ", T)))
values = Vector{basetype}()
seen = Set{Symbol}()
Expand All @@ -169,32 +170,32 @@ macro enum(T::Union{Symbol,Expr}, syms...)
s isa LineNumberNode && continue
if isa(s, Symbol)
if i == typemin(basetype) && !isempty(values)
throw(ArgumentError("overflow in value \"$s\" of Enum $typename"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("overflow in value \"", s, "\" of Enum ", typename)))
elseif isa(s, Expr) &&
(s.head === :(=) || s.head === :kw) &&
length(s.args) == 2 && isa(s.args[1], Symbol)
i = Core.eval(__module__, s.args[2]) # allow exprs, e.g. uint128"1"
if !isa(i, Integer)
throw(ArgumentError("invalid value for Enum $typename, $s; values must be integers"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid value for Enum ", typename, ", ", s, "; values must be integers")))
i = convert(basetype, i)
s = s.args[1]
hasexpr = true
throw(ArgumentError(string("invalid argument for Enum ", typename, ": ", s)))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid argument for Enum ", typename, ": ", s)))
s = s::Symbol
if !Base.isidentifier(s)
throw(ArgumentError("invalid name for Enum $typename; \"$s\" is not a valid identifier"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid name for Enum ", typename, "; \"", s, "\" is not a valid identifier")))
if hasexpr && haskey(namemap, i)
throw(ArgumentError("both $s and $(namemap[i]) have value $i in Enum $typename; values must be unique"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("both ", s, " and ", namemap[i], " have value ", i, " in Enum ", typename, "; values must be unique")))
namemap[i] = s
push!(values, i)
if s in seen
throw(ArgumentError("name \"$s\" in Enum $typename is not unique"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("name \"", s, "\" in Enum ", typename, " is not unique")))
push!(seen, s)
if length(values) == 1
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
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Expand Up @@ -756,8 +756,7 @@ julia> checkindex(Bool, 1:20, 21)
checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::AbstractUnitRange, i) =
throw(ArgumentError("unable to check bounds for indices of type $(typeof(i))"))
checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::AbstractUnitRange, i) = throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("unable to check bounds for indices of type ", typeof(i))))
checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::AbstractUnitRange, i::Real) = (first(inds) <= i) & (i <= last(inds))
checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::IdentityUnitRange, i::Real) = checkindex(Bool, inds.indices, i)
checkindex(::Type{Bool}, inds::OneTo{T}, i::T) where {T<:BitInteger} = unsigned(i - one(i)) < unsigned(last(inds))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1497,12 +1496,14 @@ much more common case where aliasing does not occur. By default,
unaliascopy(A::Array) = copy(A)
unaliascopy(A::AbstractArray)::typeof(A) = (@noinline; _unaliascopy(A, copy(A)))
_unaliascopy(A::T, C::T) where {T} = C
_unaliascopy(A, C) = throw(ArgumentError("""
an array of type `$(typename(typeof(A)).wrapper)` shares memory with another argument
and must make a preventative copy of itself in order to maintain consistent semantics,
but `copy(::$(typeof(A)))` returns a new array of type `$(typeof(C))`.
To fix, implement:
function _unaliascopy(A, C)
Aw = typename(typeof(A)).wrapper
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("an array of type `", Aw, "` shares memory with another argument ",
"and must make a preventative copy of itself in order to maintain consistent semantics, ",
"but `copy(::", typeof(A), ")` returns a new array of type `", typeof(C), "`.\n",
"""To fix, implement:
`Base.unaliascopy(A::""", Aw, ")::typeof(A)`")))
unaliascopy(A) = A

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/c.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ function ccall_macro_lower(convention, func, rettype, types, args, nreq)
check = quote
if !isa(func, Ptr{Cvoid})
name = $name
throw(ArgumentError("interpolated function `$name` was not a Ptr{Cvoid}, but $(typeof(func))"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("interpolated function `", name, "` was not a Ptr{Cvoid}, but ", typeof(func))))
push!(statements, check)
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13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions base/client.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ function repl_cmd(cmd, out)
if isempty(cmd.exec)
throw(ArgumentError("no cmd to execute"))
elseif cmd.exec[1] == "cd"
new_oldpwd = pwd()
if length(cmd.exec) > 2
throw(ArgumentError("cd method only takes one argument"))
elseif length(cmd.exec) == 2
Expand All @@ -51,11 +50,17 @@ function repl_cmd(cmd, out)
dir = ENV["OLDPWD"]
dir = homedir()
ENV["OLDPWD"] = new_oldpwd
ENV["OLDPWD"] = pwd()
catch ex
ex isa IOError || rethrow()
# if current dir has been deleted, then pwd() will throw an IOError: pwd(): no such file or directory (ENOENT)
delete!(ENV, "OLDPWD")
println(out, pwd())
@static if !Sys.iswindows()
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions base/compiler/tfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ function instanceof_tfunc(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(troot) = t)
return tr, isexact, isconcrete, istype
elseif isa(t, Union)
ta, isexact_a, isconcrete_a, istype_a = instanceof_tfunc(t.a, troot)
tb, isexact_b, isconcrete_b, istype_b = instanceof_tfunc(t.b, troot)
ta, isexact_a, isconcrete_a, istype_a = instanceof_tfunc(unwraptv(t.a), troot)
tb, isexact_b, isconcrete_b, istype_b = instanceof_tfunc(unwraptv(t.b), troot)
isconcrete = isconcrete_a && isconcrete_b
istype = istype_a && istype_b
# most users already handle the Union case, so here we assume that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,9 +536,9 @@ add_tfunc(Core.sizeof, 1, 1, sizeof_tfunc, 1)
if isa(x, Union)
na = nfields_tfunc(𝕃, x.a)
na = nfields_tfunc(𝕃, unwraptv(x.a))
na === Int && return Int
return tmerge(na, nfields_tfunc(𝕃, x.b))
return tmerge(𝕃, na, nfields_tfunc(𝕃, unwraptv(x.b)))
return Int
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17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions base/complex.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1028,24 +1028,22 @@ end
function atanh(z::Complex{T}) where T
z = float(z)
Tf = float(T)
Ω = prevfloat(typemax(Tf))
θ = sqrt(Ω)/4
ρ = 1/θ
x, y = reim(z)
ax = abs(x)
ay = abs(y)
θ = sqrt(floatmax(Tf))/4
if ax > θ || ay > θ #Prevent overflow
if isnan(y)
if isinf(x)
return Complex(copysign(zero(x),x), y)
return Complex(real(1/z), y)
return Complex(real(inv(z)), y)
if isinf(y)
return Complex(copysign(zero(x),x), copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2, y))
return Complex(real(1/z), copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2, y))
return Complex(real(inv(z)), copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2, y))
β = copysign(one(Tf), x)
z *= β
Expand All @@ -1055,16 +1053,15 @@ function atanh(z::Complex{T}) where T
ξ = oftype(x, Inf)
η = y
ym = ay+ρ
ξ = log(sqrt(sqrt(4+y*y))/sqrt(ym))
η = copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2 + atan(ym/2), y)/2
ξ = log(sqrt(sqrt(muladd(y, y, 4)))/sqrt(ay))
η = copysign(oftype(y,pi)/2 + atan(ay/2), y)/2
else #Normal case
ysq = (ay+ρ)^2
ysq = ay^2
if x == 0
ξ = x
ξ = log1p(4x/((1-x)^2 + ysq))/4
ξ = log1p(4x/(muladd(1-x, 1-x, ysq)))/4
η = angle(Complex((1-x)*(1+x)-ysq, 2y))/2
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions base/docs/basedocs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -916,11 +916,14 @@ expression, rather than the side effects that evaluating `b` or `c` may have.
See the manual section on [control flow](@ref man-conditional-evaluation) for more details.
# Examples
julia> x = 1; y = 2;
julia> x > y ? println("x is larger") : println("y is larger")
y is larger
julia> x > y ? println("x is larger") : println("x is not larger")
x is not larger
julia> x > y ? "x is larger" : x == y ? "x and y are equal" : "y is larger"
"y is larger"
kw"?", kw"?:"
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion base/floatfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -316,7 +316,9 @@ function isapprox(x::Integer, y::Integer;
if norm === abs && atol < 1 && rtol == 0
return x == y
return norm(x - y) <= max(atol, rtol*max(norm(x), norm(y)))
# We need to take the difference `max` - `min` when comparing unsigned integers.
_x, _y = x < y ? (x, y) : (y, x)
return norm(_y - _x) <= max(atol, rtol*max(norm(_x), norm(_y)))

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/indices.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ to_index(I::AbstractArray{Bool}) = LogicalIndex(I)
to_index(I::AbstractArray) = I
to_index(I::AbstractArray{Union{}}) = I
to_index(I::AbstractArray{<:Union{AbstractArray, Colon}}) =
throw(ArgumentError("invalid index: $(limitrepr(I)) of type $(typeof(I))"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid index: ", limitrepr(I), " of type ", typeof(I))))
to_index(::Colon) = throw(ArgumentError("colons must be converted by to_indices(...)"))
to_index(i) = throw(ArgumentError("invalid index: $(limitrepr(i)) of type $(typeof(i))"))
to_index(i) = throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid index: ", limitrepr(i), " of type ", typeof(i))))

# The general to_indices is mostly defined in multidimensional.jl, but this
# definition is required for bootstrap:
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/intfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ julia> bitstring(2.2)
function bitstring(x::T) where {T}
isprimitivetype(T) || throw(ArgumentError("$T not a primitive type"))
isprimitivetype(T) || throw(ArgumentError(LazyString(T, " not a primitive type")))
sz = sizeof(T) * 8
str = StringVector(sz)
i = sz
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ julia> digits!([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], 10, base = 2)
function digits!(a::AbstractVector{T}, n::Integer; base::Integer = 10) where T<:Integer
2 <= abs(base) || throw(DomainError(base, "base must be ≥ 2 or ≤ -2"))
hastypemax(T) && abs(base) - 1 > typemax(T) &&
throw(ArgumentError("type $T too small for base $base"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("type ", T, " too small for base ", base)))
isempty(a) && return a

if base > 0
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/io.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ previously marked position. Throw an error if the stream is not marked.
See also [`mark`](@ref), [`unmark`](@ref), [`ismarked`](@ref).
function reset(io::T) where T<:IO
ismarked(io) || throw(ArgumentError("$T not marked"))
ismarked(io) || throw(ArgumentError(LazyString(T, " not marked")))
m = io.mark
seek(io, m)
io.mark = -1 # must be after seek, or seek may fail
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/iostream.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ end
function filesize(s::IOStream)
sz = @_lock_ios s ccall(:ios_filesize, Int64, (Ptr{Cvoid},), s.ios)
if sz == -1
err = Libc.errno()
throw(IOError(string("filesize: ", Libc.strerror(err), " for ",, err))
# if `s` is not seekable `ios_filesize` can fail, so fall back to slower stat method
sz = filesize(stat(s))
return sz
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/iterators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ using .Base:
AbstractRange, AbstractUnitRange, UnitRange, LinearIndices, TupleOrBottom,
(:), |, +, -, *, !==, !, ==, !=, <=, <, >, >=, missing,
any, _counttuple, eachindex, ntuple, zero, prod, reduce, in, firstindex, lastindex,
tail, fieldtypes, min, max, minimum, zero, oneunit, promote, promote_shape
tail, fieldtypes, min, max, minimum, zero, oneunit, promote, promote_shape, LazyString
using Core: @doc

if Base !== Core.Compiler
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1048,15 +1048,15 @@ _prod_size(t::Tuple) = (_prod_size1(t[1], IteratorSize(t[1]))..., _prod_size(tai
_prod_size1(a, ::HasShape) = size(a)
_prod_size1(a, ::HasLength) = (length(a),)
_prod_size1(a, A) =
throw(ArgumentError("Cannot compute size for object of type $(typeof(a))"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("Cannot compute size for object of type ", typeof(a))))

axes(P::ProductIterator) = _prod_indices(P.iterators)
_prod_indices(::Tuple{}) = ()
_prod_indices(t::Tuple) = (_prod_axes1(t[1], IteratorSize(t[1]))..., _prod_indices(tail(t))...)
_prod_axes1(a, ::HasShape) = axes(a)
_prod_axes1(a, ::HasLength) = (OneTo(length(a)),)
_prod_axes1(a, A) =
throw(ArgumentError("Cannot compute indices for object of type $(typeof(a))"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("Cannot compute indices for object of type ", typeof(a))))

ndims(p::ProductIterator) = length(axes(p))
length(P::ProductIterator) = reduce(checked_mul, size(P); init=1)
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13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions base/loading.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3115,9 +3115,16 @@ end

# now check if this file is fresh relative to its source files
if !skip_timecheck
if !samefile(includes[1].filename, modpath) && !samefile(fixup_stdlib_path(includes[1].filename), modpath)
@debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it is for file $(includes[1].filename) not file $modpath"
return true # cache file was compiled from a different path
if !samefile(includes[1].filename, modpath)
stdlib_path = fixup_stdlib_path(includes[1].filename)
# In certain cases the path rewritten by `fixup_stdlib_path` may
# point to an unreadable directory, make sure we can `stat` the
# file before comparing it with `modpath`.
isreadable = iszero(@ccall jl_fs_access(stdlib_path::Cstring, 0x04::Cint)::Cint)
if !(isreadable && samefile(stdlib_path, modpath))
@debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it is for file $(includes[1].filename) not file $modpath"
return true # cache file was compiled from a different path
for (modkey, req_modkey) in requires
# verify that `require(modkey, name(req_modkey))` ==> `req_modkey`
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/multidimensional.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ module IteratorsMD
# Given the fact that StepRange 1:2:4 === 1:2:3, we lost the original size information
# and thus cannot calculate the correct linear indices when the steps are not 1.
throw(ArgumentError("LinearIndices for $(typeof(inds)) with non-1 step size is not yet supported."))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("LinearIndices for ", typeof(inds), " with non-1 step size is not yet supported.")))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/parse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ function tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, raise::Bool; kwargs...)
return result
@noinline _parse_failure(T, s::AbstractString, startpos = firstindex(s), endpos = lastindex(s)) =
throw(ArgumentError("cannot parse $(repr(s[startpos:endpos])) as $T"))
throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("cannot parse ", repr(s[startpos:endpos]), " as ", T)))

tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int, raise::Bool) where T<:Integer =
tryparse_internal(T, s, startpos, endpos, 10, raise)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/rational.jl
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ end
checked_den(num::T, den::T) where T<:Integer = checked_den(T, num, den)
checked_den(num::Integer, den::Integer) = checked_den(promote(num, den)...)

@noinline __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T) = throw(ArgumentError("invalid rational: zero($T)//zero($T)"))
@noinline __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T) = throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid rational: zero(", T, ")//zero(", T, ")")))
function Rational{T}(num::Integer, den::Integer) where T<:Integer
iszero(den) && iszero(num) && __throw_rational_argerror_zero(T)
num, den = divgcd(num, den)
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions base/reduce.jl
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Expand Up @@ -649,11 +649,11 @@ function mapreduce_impl(f, op::Union{typeof(max), typeof(min)},
start = first + 1
simdstop = start + chunk_len - 4
while simdstop <= last - 3
@inbounds for i in start:4:simdstop
v1 = _fast(op, v1, f(A[i+0]))
v2 = _fast(op, v2, f(A[i+1]))
v3 = _fast(op, v3, f(A[i+2]))
v4 = _fast(op, v4, f(A[i+3]))
for i in start:4:simdstop
v1 = _fast(op, v1, f(@inbounds(A[i+0])))
v2 = _fast(op, v2, f(@inbounds(A[i+1])))
v3 = _fast(op, v3, f(@inbounds(A[i+2])))
v4 = _fast(op, v4, f(@inbounds(A[i+3])))
checkbounds(A, simdstop+3)
start += chunk_len
Expand Down

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