diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6676bdc9b..dfc1a923a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -172,6 +172,12 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:
`Sys.islinux`, `Sys.isunix`, and `Sys.iswindows`, respectively. These are available in the `Compat.Sys`
submodule. ([#22182])
+* `readstring` is replaced by methods of `read`. ([#22864])
+ `read(::IO, ::Type{String})`, `read(::AbstractString, ::Type{String})`,
+ and `read(::Cmd, ::Type{String})` are defined for 0.6 and below.
## New macros
* `@__DIR__` has been added ([#18380])
@@ -186,6 +192,8 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:
vectorized function have migrated. These macros will be dropped when the
support for `0.6` is dropped from `Compat`.
+* `@nospecialize` has been added ([#22666]).
## Other changes
* On versions of Julia that do not contain a Base.Threads module, Compat defines a Threads module containing a no-op `@threads` macro.
@@ -309,3 +317,5 @@ includes this fix. Find the minimum version from there.
[#22475]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/22475
[#22633]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/22633
[#22629]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/22629
+[#22666]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/22666
+[#22864]: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/22864
diff --git a/src/Compat.jl b/src/Compat.jl
index 37ae32740..c06d4e86e 100644
--- a/src/Compat.jl
+++ b/src/Compat.jl
@@ -4,6 +4,18 @@ module Compat
using Base.Meta
+@static if !isdefined(Base, Symbol("@nospecialize"))
+ # 0.7
+ macro nospecialize(arg)
+ earg = esc(arg)
+ if isa(arg, Symbol)
+ return :($earg::ANY)
+ end
+ return earg
+ end
+ export @nospecialize
"""Get just the function part of a function declaration."""
withincurly(ex) = isexpr(ex, :curly) ? ex.args[1] : ex
@@ -11,119 +23,12 @@ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2043"
Base.take!(t::Task) = consume(t)
-function rewrite_show(ex)
- if isexpr(ex, :call)
- Expr(:call, rewrite_show(ex.args[1]), ex.args[2:end]...)
- elseif isexpr(ex, :curly)
- Expr(:curly, rewrite_show(ex.args[1]), ex.args[2:end]...)
- else
- :(Base.writemime)
- end
-function rewrite_dict(ex)
- length(ex.args) == 1 && return ex
- f = ex.args[1]
- if isexpr(f, :curly)
- newex = Expr(:typed_dict, :($(f.args[2])=>$(f.args[3])))
- else
- newex = Expr(:dict)
- end
- for i = 2:length(ex.args)
- pair = ex.args[i]
- !isexpr(pair, :(=>)) && return ex
- push!(newex.args, pair)
- end
- newex
-function rewrite_ordereddict(ex)
- length(ex.args) == 1 && return ex
- f = ex.args[1]
- newex = Expr(:call, f, :[])
- for i = 2:length(ex.args)
- pair = ex.args[i]
- !isexpr(pair, :(=>)) && return ex
- push!(newex.args[2].args, Expr(:tuple, pair.args...))
- end
- newex
-# rewrites all subexpressions of the form `a => b` to `(a, b)`
-function rewrite_pairs_to_tuples!(expr::Expr)
- if expr.head == :(=>)
- expr.head = :tuple
- end
- for subexpr in expr.args
- isa(subexpr, Expr) && rewrite_pairs_to_tuples!(subexpr)
- end
- return expr
-function is_quote_symbol(ex::ANY, val::Symbol)
- if isa(ex, QuoteNode)
- return (ex::QuoteNode).value === val
- elseif isa(ex, Expr)
- ex = ex::Expr
- return ex.head === :quote && length(ex.args) == 1 && ex.args[1] === val
- end
- return false
is_index_style(ex::Expr) = ex == :(Compat.IndexStyle) || ex == :(Base.IndexStyle) ||
(ex.head == :(.) && (ex.args[1] == :Compat || ex.args[1] == :Base) &&
ex.args[2] == Expr(:quote, :IndexStyle))
is_index_style(arg) = false
-# rewrites accesses to IOContext dicts
-function rewrite_iocontext!(expr::Expr)
- args = expr.args
- nargs = length(args)
- if nargs == 4 && expr.head === :call && args[1] === :get && args[4] === false
- key = args[3]
- if is_quote_symbol(key, :limit) || is_quote_symbol(key, :compact)
- if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+1936" && VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+4305"
- args[1] = :(Base.limit_output)
- deleteat!(args, 3:4)
- elseif VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+1936"
- expr.head = :quote
- args[1] = false
- deleteat!(args, 3:4)
- end
- elseif is_quote_symbol(key, :multiline)
- if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+4305"
- expr.head = :quote
- args[1] = false
- deleteat!(args, 3:4)
- end
- end
- end
-# JuliaLang/julia#10543
-if !isdefined(Base, :tryparse)
- function tryparse{T}(::Type{T}, args...)
- try
- Nullable(Base.parse(T, args...))
- catch
- Nullable{T}()
- end
- end
-import Base.unsafe_convert
-function new_style_call_overload(ex::Expr)
- Base.depwarn("new_style_call_overload is deprecated.", :new_style_call_overload)
- false
istopsymbol(ex, mod, sym) = ex in (sym, Expr(:(.), mod, Expr(:quote, sym)))
if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2782"
@@ -145,18 +50,13 @@ function _compat(ex::Expr)
elseif ex.head === :curly
f = ex.args[1]
- if ex == :(Ptr{Void})
- # Do not change Ptr{Void} to Ptr{Nothing}: 0.4.0-dev+768
- return ex
- elseif VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2575" #20414
+ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2575" #20414
ex = Expr(:curly, map(a -> isexpr(a, :call, 2) && a.args[1] == :(<:) ?
:($TypeVar($(QuoteNode(gensym(:T))), $(a.args[2]), false)) :
isexpr(a, :call, 2) && a.args[1] == :(>:) ?
:($TypeVar($(QuoteNode(gensym(:T))), $(a.args[2]), $Any, false)) : a,
- elseif ex.head === :macrocall
- f = ex.args[1]
elseif ex.head === :quote && isa(ex.args[1], Symbol)
# Passthrough
return ex
@@ -240,98 +140,7 @@ macro compat(ex...)
-export @compat, @inline, @noinline
-import Base.@irrational
-import Base: remotecall, remotecall_fetch, remotecall_wait, remote_do
-import Base.Filesystem
-if !isdefined(Base, :istextmime)
- export istextmime
- istextmime(m::@compat(Union{MIME,AbstractString})) = istext(m)
-function primarytype(t::ANY)
- tn = t.name
- if isdefined(tn, :primary)
- return tn.primary
- else
- return tn.wrapper
- end
-if !isdefined(Base, :Threads)
- @eval module Threads
- macro threads(expr)
- return esc(expr)
- end
- threadid() = 1
- nthreads() = 1
- export @threads, threadid, nthreads
- end
- export Threads
-if !isdefined(Base, :normalize)
- function normalize!(v::AbstractVector, p::Real=2)
- nrm = norm(v, p)
- __normalize!(v, nrm)
- end
- @inline function __normalize!(v::AbstractVector, nrm::AbstractFloat)
- #The largest positive floating point number whose inverse is less than
- #infinity
- δ = inv(prevfloat(typemax(nrm)))
- if nrm ≥ δ #Safe to multiply with inverse
- invnrm = inv(nrm)
- scale!(v, invnrm)
- else # scale elements to avoid overflow
- εδ = eps(one(nrm))/δ
- scale!(v, εδ)
- scale!(v, inv(nrm*εδ))
- end
- v
- end
- copy_oftype{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Type{T}) = copy(A)
- copy_oftype{T,N,S}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Type{S}) = convert(AbstractArray{S,N}, A)
- function normalize(v::AbstractVector, p::Real = 2)
- nrm = norm(v, p)
- if !isempty(v)
- vv = copy_oftype(v, typeof(v[1]/nrm))
- return __normalize!(vv, nrm)
- else
- T = typeof(zero(eltype(v))/nrm)
- return T[]
- end
- end
- export normalize, normalize!
-import Base.AsyncCondition
-import Base: srand, rand, rand!
-if !isdefined(Base, :pointer_to_string)
- function pointer_to_string(p::Ptr{UInt8}, len::Integer, own::Bool=false)
- a = ccall(:jl_ptr_to_array_1d, Vector{UInt8},
- (Any, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Cint), Vector{UInt8}, p, len, own)
- ccall(:jl_array_to_string, Ref{String}, (Any,), a)
- end
- pointer_to_string(p::Ptr{UInt8}, own::Bool=false) =
- pointer_to_string(p, ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Cstring,), p), own)
-import Base.promote_eltype_op
-import Base.LinAlg.BLAS.@blasfunc
+export @compat
import Base: redirect_stdin, redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.374"
@@ -344,7 +153,7 @@ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.374"
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.528"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.528"
macro __DIR__()
@@ -403,7 +212,7 @@ else
# julia#18484
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.848"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.848"
unsafe_get(x::Nullable) = x.value
unsafe_get(x) = x
export unsafe_get
@@ -412,6 +221,7 @@ end
# julia#18977
@static if !isdefined(Base, :xor)
+ # 0.6
const xor = $
const ⊻ = xor
export xor, ⊻
@@ -419,13 +229,15 @@ end
# julia#19246
@static if !isdefined(Base, :numerator)
+ # 0.6
const numerator = num
const denominator = den
export numerator, denominator
# julia #19950
-if !isdefined(Base, :iszero)
+@static if !isdefined(Base, :iszero)
+ # 0.6
iszero(x) = x == zero(x)
iszero(x::Number) = x == 0
iszero(x::AbstractArray) = all(iszero, x)
@@ -434,6 +246,7 @@ end
# julia #20407
@static if !isdefined(Base, :(>:))
+ # 0.6
const >: = let
_issupertype(a::ANY, b::ANY) = issubtype(b, a)
@@ -446,7 +259,7 @@ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1256"
# julia #17155 function composition and negation
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1883"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1883"
export ∘
∘(f, g) = (x...)->f(g(x...))
@compat Base.:!(f::Function) = (x...)->!f(x...)
@@ -460,7 +273,7 @@ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1632"
include_string(".|(xs...) = broadcast(|, xs...)")
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2093" # Compat.isapprox to allow for NaNs
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2093" # Compat.isapprox to allow for NaNs
using Base.rtoldefault
function isapprox(x::Number, y::Number; rtol::Real=rtoldefault(x,y), atol::Real=0, nans::Bool=false)
x == y || (isfinite(x) && isfinite(y) && abs(x-y) <= atol + rtol*max(abs(x), abs(y))) || (nans && isnan(x) && isnan(y))
@@ -507,7 +320,7 @@ else
using Base: Iterators
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2840"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2840"
export IndexStyle, IndexLinear, IndexCartesian
eval(Expr(:typealias, :IndexStyle, :(Base.LinearIndexing)))
eval(Expr(:typealias, :IndexLinear, :(Base.LinearFast)))
@@ -528,7 +341,7 @@ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1653"
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/20203
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2283"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2283"
# not exported
function readline(s::IO=STDIN; chomp::Bool=true)
if chomp
@@ -560,14 +373,15 @@ if VERSION < v"0.6.0-pre.beta.102"
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/19449
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1988"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1988"
StringVector(n::Integer) = Vector{UInt8}(n)
using Base: StringVector
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/22064
-if !isdefined(Base, Symbol("@__MODULE__"))
+@static if !isdefined(Base, Symbol("@__MODULE__"))
+ # 0.7
export @__MODULE__
macro __MODULE__()
return current_module()
@@ -581,14 +395,15 @@ if !isdefined(Base, Symbol("@__MODULE__"))
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/19784
-if isdefined(Base, :invokelatest)
+@static if isdefined(Base, :invokelatest)
+ # 0.6
import Base.invokelatest
invokelatest(f, args...) = eval(current_module(), Expr(:call, f, map(QuoteNode, args)...))
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/21257
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-pre.beta.28"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.6.0-pre.beta.28"
collect(A) = collect_indices(indices(A), A)
collect_indices(::Tuple{}, A) = copy!(Array{eltype(A)}(), A)
collect_indices(indsA::Tuple{Vararg{Base.OneTo}}, A) =
@@ -651,7 +466,7 @@ const macros_have_sourceloc = VERSION >= v"0.7-" && length(:(@test).args) == 2
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/22182
module Sys
const KERNEL = Base.Sys.KERNEL
- if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.914"
+ @static if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.914"
isapple(k::Symbol=KERNEL) = k in (:Darwin, :Apple)
isbsd(k::Symbol=KERNEL) = isapple(k) || k in (:FreeBSD, :OpenBSD, :NetBSD, :DragonFly)
islinux(k::Symbol=KERNEL) = k == :Linux
@@ -662,11 +477,17 @@ module Sys
-if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.892"
+@static if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.892"
fieldcount(t) = nfields(t)
export fieldcount
+if VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.1053"
+ Base.read(obj::IO, ::Type{String}) = readstring(obj)
+ Base.read(obj::AbstractString, ::Type{String}) = readstring(obj)
+ Base.read(obj::Cmd, ::Type{String}) = readstring(obj)
end # module Compat
diff --git a/src/deprecated.jl b/src/deprecated.jl
index 3147a0a5f..e2342261b 100644
--- a/src/deprecated.jl
+++ b/src/deprecated.jl
@@ -143,6 +143,15 @@ end
using .CompatCartesian
export @ngenerate, @nsplat
+function primarytype(@nospecialize(t))
+ tn = t.name
+ if isdefined(tn, :primary)
+ return tn.primary
+ else
+ return tn.wrapper
+ end
export @functorize
macro functorize(f)
code = f === :scalarmax ? :(Base.scalarmax) :
@@ -160,13 +169,22 @@ end
Base.@deprecate_binding KERNEL Sys.KERNEL
Base.@deprecate_binding UTF8String Core.String
Base.@deprecate_binding ASCIIString Core.String
+ Base.@deprecate_binding unsafe_convert Base.unsafe_convert
+ Base.@deprecate_binding remote_do Base.remote_do
+ Base.@deprecate_binding Filesystem Base.Filesystem
+ Base.@deprecate_binding AsyncCondition Base.AsyncCondition
+ Base.@deprecate_binding promote_eltype_op Base.promote_eltype_op
+ @eval Base.@deprecate_binding $(Symbol("@irrational")) Base.$(Symbol("@irrational"))
+ @eval Base.@deprecate_binding $(Symbol("@blasfunc")) Base.LinAlg.BLAS.$(Symbol("@blasfunc"))
const UTF8String = Core.String
const ASCIIString = Core.String
+ import Base.unsafe_convert
+ import Base.remote_do
+ import Base.Filesystem
+ import Base.AsyncCondition
+ import Base.promote_eltype_op
+ import Base.@irrational
+ import Base.LinAlg.BLAS.@blasfunc
-# More things that could be removed in Compat.jl
-# - new_style_call_overload
-# - import Base.Filesystem
-# - import Base.LinAlg.BLAS.@blasfunc
diff --git a/test/deprecated.jl b/test/deprecated.jl
index 32ba79f8f..d6cfa38ab 100644
--- a/test/deprecated.jl
+++ b/test/deprecated.jl
@@ -7,46 +7,11 @@ d[1] = 1
@test Compat.@Dict(1 => 1) == d
@test Compat.@Dict(1 => v) == d
-@test typeof(@compat(Dict(1 => 1))) == Dict{Int,Int}
-@test @compat(Dict(1 => 1)) == d
-@test @compat(Dict(1 => v)) == d
ad = Dict{Any,Any}()
ad[1] = 1
@test Compat.@AnyDict(1 => 1) == ad
@test Compat.@AnyDict(1 => v) == ad
-@test typeof(@compat(Dict{Any,Any}(1 => 1))) == Dict{Any,Any}
-@test @compat(Dict{Any,Any}(1 => 1)) == ad
-@test @compat(Dict{Any,Any}(1 => v)) == ad
-td = Dict{Int,Float64}()
-td[1] = 1.0
-@test typeof(@compat(Dict{Int,Float64}(1 => 1))) == Dict{Int,Float64}
-@test @compat(Dict{Int,Float64}(1 => 1)) == td
-@test @compat(Dict{Int,Float64}(1 => v)) == td
-@test @compat(Dict()) == Dict()
-@test @compat(Dict{Any,Any}()) == Dict{Any,Any}()
-@test @compat(Dict([(1, 1)])) == d
-@test @compat(Dict(:Void => :Nothing)) == Dict([(:Void, :Nothing)])
-d2 = Dict{Symbol,Dict{Symbol,Int}}()
-d2[:a] = Dict{Symbol,Int}()
-d2[:a][:b] = 1
-@test @compat(Dict(:a => Dict(:b => 1))) == d2
-d = Dict(zip([1, 2], [3, 4]))
-@test d == @compat Dict(1=>3, 2=>4)
-@compat function f()
- a = :a
- b = Dict(:b => 1)
- Dict(a => b)
-@test f() == d2
module CartesianTest
using Base.Cartesian, Compat
@ngenerate N NTuple{N,Int} function f(X::NTuple{N,Int}...)
@@ -64,12 +29,81 @@ end
@test String == @compat(Union{Compat.UTF8String,Compat.ASCIIString})
-let x = fill!(StringVector(5), 0x61)
- @test pointer(x) == pointer(Compat.UTF8String(x))
-foostring(::String) = 1
-@test foostring("hello") == 1
-@test foostring("λ") == 1
@test isa("hello", Compat.ASCIIString)
@test isa("λ", Compat.UTF8String)
+# @functorize
+function checkfunc(Fun, func)
+ @eval @test @functorize($(func)) === Base.$(func)
+for (Fun, func) in [(:IdFun, :identity),
+ (:AbsFun, :abs),
+ (:Abs2Fun, :abs2),
+ (:ExpFun, :exp),
+ (:LogFun, :log),
+ (:ConjFun, :conj)]
+ begin
+ if isdefined(Base, func)
+ checkfunc(Fun, func)
+ a = rand(1:10, 10)
+ @eval @test mapreduce($(func), +, $(a)) == mapreduce(@functorize($(func)), +, $(a))
+ end
+ end
+dotfunctors = [(:DotAddFun, :.+),
+ (:DotSubFun, :.-),
+ (:DotMulFun, :.*),
+ (:DotRDivFun, :./),
+ (:DotIDivFun, Symbol(".÷")),
+ (:DotRemFun, :.%),
+ (:DotLSFun, :.<<),
+ (:DotRSFun, :.>>)]
+functors = [(:AndFun, :&),
+ (:OrFun, :|),
+ (:XorFun, :⊻),
+ (:AddFun, :+),
+ (:SubFun, :-),
+ (:MulFun, :*),
+ (:RDivFun, :/),
+ (:LDivFun, :\ ),
+ (:IDivFun, :div),
+ (:ModFun, :mod),
+ (:RemFun, :rem),
+ (:PowFun, :^),
+ (:MaxFun, :scalarmax),
+ (:MinFun, :scalarmin),
+ (:LessFun, :<),
+ (:MoreFun, :>),
+ (:ElementwiseMaxFun, :max),
+ (:ElementwiseMinFun, :min)]
+# since #17623, dot functions are no longer function objects
+append!(functors, dotfunctors)
+for (Fun, func) in functors
+ begin
+ if isdefined(Base, func)
+ checkfunc(Fun, func)
+ a = rand(1:10, 10)
+ @eval @test mapreduce(identity, Base.$(func), $(a)) == mapreduce(identity, @functorize($(func)), $(a))
+ end
+ end
+@test @functorize(complex) === complex
+@test @functorize(dot) === dot
+let a = rand(1:10, 10)
+ @test mapreduce(identity, dot, a) == mapreduce(identity, @functorize(dot), a)
+@test isa(@functorize(centralizedabs2fun)(1), @functorize(centralizedabs2fun))
+@test isa(@functorize(centralizedabs2fun)(1.0), @functorize(centralizedabs2fun))
+let a = rand(1:10, 10)
+ @eval @test mapreduce(x -> abs2(x - 1), +, $(a)) == mapreduce(@functorize(centralizedabs2fun)(1), +, $(a))
+@test Compat.promote_eltype_op(@functorize(+), ones(2,2), 1) === Float64
+@test Compat.promote_eltype_op(@functorize(*), ones(Int, 2), zeros(Int16,2)) === Int
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index a0cb2dd29..efa8bc81a 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -1,917 +1,13 @@
using Compat
-import Compat.String
-import Compat.view
-@compat import Base.show
using Base.Test
-v = 1
-@test_throws AssertionError @assert(v < 1)
-eval(Expr(:type, true, :TestCustomShowType, quote end))
-@compat function show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ::TestCustomShowType)
- print(io, "MyTestCustomShowType")
-myio = IOBuffer()
-display(TextDisplay(myio), MIME"text/plain"(), TestCustomShowType())
-@test @compat String(myio) == "MyTestCustomShowType"
-eval(Expr(:type, true, :TestCustomShowType2, quote end))
-@compat Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ::TestCustomShowType2) = print(io, "MyTestCustomShowType2")
-myio = IOBuffer()
-display(TextDisplay(myio), MIME"text/plain"(), TestCustomShowType2())
-@test @compat String(myio) == "MyTestCustomShowType2"
-eval(Expr(:type, true, :TestCustomShowType3, quote end))
-@compat show(io::IO, ::TestCustomShowType3) = print(io, "2-Argument-show")
-myio = IOBuffer()
-display(TextDisplay(myio), TestCustomShowType3())
-@test @compat String(myio) == "2-Argument-show"
-eval(Expr(:type, false, :(ParameterizedShowType{T}), quote
- _::T
-myio = IOBuffer()
-@compat show{T}(io::IO, ::MIME"text/html", ::ParameterizedShowType{T}) =
- print(io, "::", T, "
-@compat show(myio, MIME("text/html"), ParameterizedShowType(0.0))
-@test @compat String(myio) == "::Float64
-d = Dict(zip([1, 2], [3, 4]))
-ns = length(d.slots)
-@test length(sizehint!(d, ns + 1).slots) > ns
-@test @compat split("a,b,,c", ',', limit=2) == ["a", "b,,c"]
-@test @compat split("a,b,,c", ',', limit=2,keep=true) == ["a", "b,,c"]
-@test @compat split("a,b,,c", ',', keep=false) == ["a", "b", "c"]
-@test @compat split("a,b,,c", ',', keep=true) == ["a", "b", "", "c"]
-@test @compat rsplit("a,b,,c", ',', limit=2) == ["a,b,", "c"]
-@test @compat rsplit("a,b,,c", ',', limit=2,keep=true) == ["a,b,", "c"]
-@test @compat rsplit("a,b,,c", ',', keep=false) == ["a", "b", "c"]
-@test @compat rsplit("a,b,,c", ',', keep=true) == ["a", "b", "", "c"]
-if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+1387"
- @test isdefined(Main, :AbstractString)
-@test round(Int, 3//4) == 1
-@test round(Int, 1) == 1
-@test round(Int, 1.1) == 1
-@test ceil(Int, 1) == 1
-@test ceil(Int, 1.1) == 2
-@test floor(Int, 1) == 1
-@test floor(Int, 1.1) == 1
-@test trunc(Int, 1) == 1
-@test trunc(Int, 1.1) == 1
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1825"
- @test round(Int, [1, 1]) == [1, 1]
- @test round(Int, [1.1, 1.1]) == [1, 1]
- @test round(Int, [1 1]) == [1 1]
- @test round(Int, [1.1 1.1]) == [1 1]
- @test round(Int, fill(1.1, 2, 3, 4)) == fill(1, 2, 3, 4)
- @test ceil(Int, [1, 1]) == [1, 1]
- @test ceil(Int, [1.1, 1.1]) == [2, 2]
- @test ceil(Int, [1 1]) == [1 1]
- @test ceil(Int, [1.1 1.1]) == [2 2]
- @test ceil(Int, fill(1.1, 2, 3, 4)) == fill(2, 2, 3, 4)
- @test floor(Int, [1, 1]) == [1, 1]
- @test floor(Int, [1.1, 1.1]) == [1, 1]
- @test floor(Int, [1 1]) == [1 1]
- @test floor(Int, [1.1 1.1]) == [1 1]
- @test floor(Int, fill(1.1, 2, 3, 4)) == fill(1, 2, 3, 4)
- @test trunc(Int, [1, 1]) == [1, 1]
- @test trunc(Int, [1.1, 1.1]) == [1, 1]
- @test trunc(Int, [1 1]) == [1 1]
- @test trunc(Int, [1.1 1.1]) == [1 1]
- @test trunc(Int, fill(1.1, 2, 3, 4)) == fill(1, 2, 3, 4)
-# n % Type
-for T in Any[Int16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64]
- if !(T <: Unsigned)
- @test convert(T, -200) % Int8 === @compat Int8(56)
- @test convert(T, -200) % UInt8 === 0x38
- @test convert(T, -300) % Int8 === @compat Int8(-44)
- @test convert(T, -300) % UInt8 === 0xd4
- @test convert(T, -128) % Int8 === @compat Int8(-128)
- @test convert(T, -128) % UInt8 === 0x80
- end
- @test convert(T, 127) % Int8 === @compat Int8(127)
- @test convert(T, 127) % UInt8 === 0x7f
- @test convert(T, 128) % Int8 === @compat Int8(-128)
- @test convert(T, 128) % UInt8 === 0x80
- @test convert(T, 200) % Int8 === @compat Int8(-56)
- @test convert(T, 300) % UInt8 === 0x2c
-@test IPv4("") == ip""
-@test IPv6("2001:1:2:3::1") == ip"2001:1:2:3::1"
-@test isless(ip"", ip"")
-@test startswith("abcdef","abc") == true
-@test startswith("abcdef","def") == false
-@test size(bitrand(3, 4)) == (3, 4)
-@test size(bitrand((3, 4))) == (3, 4)
-@test size(bitrand(MersenneTwister(0), 3, 4)) == (3, 4)
-@test size(bitrand(MersenneTwister(0), (3, 4))) == (3, 4)
-@test rand(Bool) in [false, true]
-rng = MersenneTwister(0)
-srand(rng, UInt32[0,0])
-for Tr in (Int8,UInt8,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128,Float16,Float32,Float64)
- for T in (Tr, Complex{Tr})
- @test isa(rand(rng, T), T)
- let x = rand(rng, T, 3,4)
- @test isa(x, Array{T,2})
- @test size(x) == (3,4)
- rand!(rng, x)
- end
- end
-srand(rng, 0)
-let x = rand(rng, Int64, 3,4)
- srand(rng, 0)
- @test x == rand(rng, Int64, (3,4))
-extrapath = Compat.Sys.iswindows() ? joinpath(JULIA_HOME,"..","Git","usr","bin")*";" : ""
-@compat withenv("PATH" => extrapath * ENV["PATH"]) do
- cmd1 = pipeline(`echo hello`, `sort`)
- cmd2 = pipeline(`true`, `true`)
- if Compat.Sys.iswindows()
- try # use busybox-w32
- success(`busybox`)
- cmd1 = pipeline(`busybox echo hello`, `busybox sort`)
- cmd2 = pipeline(`busybox true`, `busybox true`)
- end
- end
- @test readstring(cmd1) == "hello\n"
- @test success(cmd2)
-let convert_funcs_and_types =
- ((:integer, :Integer), (:signed, :Signed), (:unsigned, :Unsigned),
- (:int, :Int), (:int8, :Int8), (:int16, :Int16), (:int32, :Int32),
- (:int64, :Int64), (:int128, :Int128), (:uint, :UInt),
- (:uint8, :UInt8), (:uint16, :UInt16), (:uint32, :UInt32),
- (:uint64, :UInt64), (:uint128, :UInt128),
- (:float16, :Float16), (:float32, :Float32), (:float64, :Float64),
- (:complex32,:Complex32), (:complex64,:Complex64),(:complex128,:Complex128),
- (:char,:Char))
- for (df,t) in convert_funcs_and_types
- x = @compat UInt8(10)
- r1 = eval(:(@compat($t($x))))
- ty = eval(t)
- if ty.abstract
- @test issubtype(typeof(r1),ty)
- else
- @test typeof(r1) === ty
- end
- if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+3732"
- r2 = eval(df)(x)
- @test r1 === r2
- if t === :Signed || t === :Complex32
- continue
- end
- x = fill(x, 10)
- r1 = eval(:(@compat map($t, $x)))
- r2 = eval(df)(x)
- @test r1 == r2
- @test typeof(r1) === typeof(r2)
- end
- end
- @test (@compat Bool(1))
- @test !(@compat Bool(0))
- # issue #54
- c = @compat Complex128(1)
- @test c.re == 1
- @test c.im == 0
- c = @compat Complex128(1,2)
- @test c.re == 1
- @test c.im == 2
- c = @compat Complex128(1+2im)
- @test c.re == 1
- @test c.im == 2
-eval(Expr(:type, true, :Test3609, quote
- a
- b
-if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+3609"
- let v = Test3609(1,2)
- @test fieldnames(Test3609) == fieldnames(v) == Symbol[:a, :b]
- end
-@test fieldoffset(Complex{Float32}, 2) === @compat UInt(4)
-@test parse(Int8, '9') == convert(Int8, 9)
-@test parse(Int, 'a', 16) == 10
-@test parse(Int, "200") == 200
-@test parse(Int16, "1101", 2) == convert(Int16, 13)
-@test parse(Float64, "222") == 222.0
-@test parse(Float32, "1.1") == convert(Float32, 1.1)
-@test parse(BigFloat, "1.125") == convert(BigFloat, 1.125)
-@test isa(tryparse(Float32, "1.1"), Nullable)
-@test get(tryparse(Float32, "1.1")) == 1.1f0
-@test isa(tryparse(Float32, "a"), Nullable{Float32})
-@test isa(tryparse(Float64, "1.1"), Nullable)
-@test get(tryparse(Float64, "1.1")) == 1.1
-@test isa(tryparse(Float64, "a"), Nullable{Float64})
-@test get(tryparse(Int32, "1")) == 1
-@test isa(tryparse(Int32, "a"), Nullable{Int32})
-@test get(tryparse(Int64, "1")) == 1
-@test isa(tryparse(Int64, "a"), Nullable{Int64})
-@test_throws ArgumentError tryparse(Int32, "0", 1)
-@test tryparse(Int32, "12345", 16) === Nullable{Int32}(@compat Int32(74565))
-@test tryparse(Int64, "12345", 10) === Nullable{Int64}(@compat Int64(12345))
-@test tryparse(Int64, "12345", 6) === Nullable{Int64}(@compat Int64(1865))
-@test isnull(tryparse(Int64, "nonsense", 10))
-@test tryparse(Int64, "nonsense", 36) === Nullable{Int64}(@compat Int64(1856056985582))
-# Make sure exports from Libc and Libdl are defined
-for x in [:strftime,:systemsleep,:getpid,:FILE,:malloc,:flush_cstdio,:realloc,:strptime,:Libc,:errno,:TmStruct,:calloc,:time,:strerror,:gethostname,:free]
- getfield(Libc, x)
-for x in [:RTLD_LOCAL,:RTLD_GLOBAL,:find_library,:dlsym,:RTLD_LAZY,:RTLD_NODELETE,:DL_LOAD_PATH,:RTLD_NOW,:Libdl,:dlext,:dlsym_e,:RTLD_FIRST,:dlopen,:dllist,:dlpath,:RTLD_NOLOAD,:dlclose,:dlopen_e,:RTLD_DEEPBIND]
- getfield(Libdl, x)
-# Test unsafe_convert
-eval(Expr(:type, true, :Au_c, quote end))
-x = "abc"
-@test @compat String(unsafe_string(Compat.unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, x))) == x
-Compat.unsafe_convert(::Ptr{Au_c}, x) = x
-@test Compat.unsafe_convert(pointer([Au_c()]), 1) == 1
-# Test Ptr{T}(0)
-@test @compat(Ptr{Int}(0)) == C_NULL
-# Test Tuple{} syntax
-if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+4319"
- @test @compat Tuple{1} == (1,)
- @test @compat Tuple{:a, :b} == (:a, :b)
- @test @compat Tuple{:a, Tuple{:b}} == (:a, (:b,))
- @test @compat Tuple{:a, Tuple{:b, :c}} == (:a, (:b, :c))
- @test @compat Tuple{Int} == (Int,)
- @test @compat Tuple{Int, Float64} == (Int, Float64)
- @test @compat Tuple{Int, Tuple{Float64}} == (Int, (Float64,))
- @test @compat Tuple{Int, Tuple{Float64, Char}} == (Int, (Float64, Char))
- @test @compat Tuple{Int, Vararg{Float64}} == (Int, Float64...)
- # Issue 81
- a81 = [Int, Int]
- b81 = (Int, Int)
- @test @compat Tuple{a81..., Vararg{Float64}} == (Int, Int, Float64...)
- @test @compat Tuple{b81..., Vararg{Float64}} == (Int, Int, Float64...)
-# Ensure eachindex iterates over the whole array
-let A, B, s
- A = reshape(1:20,4,5)
- s = 0
- for i in eachindex(A)
- s += A[i]
- end
- @test s == 210
- B = sparse(A)
- s = 0
- for i in eachindex(B)
- s += B[i]
- end
- @test s == 210
- d = @compat Dict(1=>2, 3=>4)
- d[5] = 6
- val = 0
- for I in eachindex(d)
- val += d[I]
- end
- @test val == 12
- empty!(d)
- for I in eachindex(d)
- val += d[I]
- end
- @test val == 12
-# findlast, findprev
-let a = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3]
- @test findlast(a) == 8
- @test findlast(a.==0) == 5
- @test findlast(a.==5) == 0
- @test findlast([1,2,4,1,2,3,4], 3) == 6
- @test findlast(isodd, [2,4,6,3,9,2,0]) == 5
- @test findlast(isodd, [2,4,6,2,0]) == 0
- @test findprev(a,4) == 4
- @test findprev(a,5) == 4
- @test findprev(a,1) == 0
- @test findprev(a,1,4) == 2
- @test findprev(a,1,8) == 6
- @test findprev(isodd, [2,4,5,3,9,2,0], 7) == 5
- @test findprev(isodd, [2,4,5,3,9,2,0], 2) == 0
-# isdiag
-@test isdiag(diagm([1,2,3,4]))
-@test !isdiag([1 2; 3 4])
-@test isdiag(5)
-# keytype & valtype
-if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+4502"
- @test keytype(@compat(Dict(1 => 1.))) == Int
- @test valtype(@compat(Dict(1 => 1.))) == Float64
-# Val
- local firstlast
- firstlast(::Val{true}) = "First"
- firstlast(::Val{false}) = "Last"
- @test firstlast(Val(true)) == "First"
- @test firstlast(Val(false)) == "Last"
-# The constructors for some linear algebra stuff changed to take Val{x}
-# instead of Type{Val{x}}
-const valtrue = VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.843" ? Val{true} : Val(true)
-const valfalse = VERSION < v"0.7.0-DEV.843" ? Val{false} : Val(false)
-# qr, qrfact, qrfact!
-let A = [1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0]
- Q, R = qr(A, valfalse)
- @test Q*R ≈ A
- Q, R, p = qr(A, valtrue)
- @test Q*R ≈ A[:,p]
- F = qrfact(A, valfalse)
- @test F[:Q]*F[:R] ≈ A
- F = qrfact(A, valtrue)
- @test F[:Q]*F[:R] ≈ A[:,F[:p]]
- A_copy = copy(A)
- F = qrfact!(A_copy, valfalse)
- @test F[:Q]*F[:R] ≈ A
- A_copy = copy(A)
- F = qrfact!(A_copy, valtrue)
- @test F[:Q]*F[:R] ≈ A[:,F[:p]]
-# Cstring
-let s = "foo"
- # note: need cconvert in 0.5 because of JuliaLang/julia#16893
- @test reinterpret(Ptr{Cchar}, Compat.unsafe_convert(Cstring, VERSION < v"0.4" ? s : Base.cconvert(Cstring, s))) == pointer(s)
- if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+4859"
- let w = wstring("foo")
- @test reinterpret(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, Compat.unsafe_convert(Cwstring, w)) == pointer(w)
- end
- end
-# fma and muladd
-@test fma(3,4,5) == 3*4+5 == muladd(3,4,5)
-if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+5271"
- local s
- # is_valid_utf32
- s = utf32("abc")
- @test isvalid(s)
- s = utf32(UInt32[65,0x110000])
- @test !isvalid(s)
- # isvalid
- let s = "abcdef", u8 = "abcdef\uff", u16 = utf16(u8), u32 = utf32(u8),
- bad32 = utf32(UInt32[65,0x110000]), badch = Char[0x110000][1]
- @test !isvalid(bad32)
- @test !isvalid(badch)
- @test isvalid(s)
- @test isvalid(u8)
- @test isvalid(u16)
- @test isvalid(u32)
- @test isvalid(Compat.ASCIIString, s)
- @test isvalid(Compat.UTF8String, u8)
- @test isvalid(UTF16String, u16)
- @test isvalid(UTF32String, u32)
- end
-if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+907"
- # chol
- let A = rand(2,2)
- B = A'*A
- U = @compat chol(B, Val{:U})
- @test U'*U ≈ B
- end
-# @generated
-if VERSION > v"0.3.99"
- let
- @compat @generated function foo(x)
- T = x
- :(return $T)
- end
- @test foo(5) == Int
- end
-# Timer
-let c = 0, f, g, t
- @compat f(t::Timer) = (c += 1)
- @compat g(t::Base.Timer) = (c += 1)
- t = Timer(f, 0.0, 0.05)
- sleep(0.05)
- @test c >= 1
- sleep(0.1)
- @test c >= 3
- close(t)
- sleep(0.1)
- val = c
- sleep(0.1)
- @test val == c
- t = Timer(g, 0.0, 0.05)
- sleep(0.05)
- @test c >= 2
- close(t)
-# MathConst -> Irrational
-f(::Irrational) = true
-@test f(π)
-Compat.@irrational mathconst_one 1.0 big(1.)
-@test f(mathconst_one)
-# gc_enable(::Bool)
-@test gc_enable(false)
-@test !gc_enable(true)
-# Vector{Int}(), Array{Int}
-@test @compat typeof(Vector{Int}()) == Array{Int,1}
-@test @compat length(Vector{Int}()) == 0
-@test @compat typeof(Vector{Int8}(10)) == Array{Int8,1}
-@test @compat length(Vector{Int8}(10)) == 10
-@test @compat typeof(Array{UInt16}()) == Array{UInt16,0}
-@test @compat length(Array{UInt16}()) == 1
-@test @compat typeof(Array{UInt16}(0)) == Array{UInt16,1}
-@test @compat length(Array{UInt16}(0)) == 0
-@test @compat typeof(Array{Float16}(5)) == Array{Float16,1}
-@test @compat length(Array{Float16}(5)) == 5
-@test @compat typeof(Array{AbstractString}(2,2)) == Array{AbstractString,2}
-@test @compat size(Array{AbstractString}(2,2)) == (2,2)
-@test @compat typeof(Array{Rational{Int}}(2,2,2,2,2)) == Array{Rational{Int},5}
-@test @compat size(Array{Rational{Int}}(2,2,2,2,2)) == (2,2,2,2,2)
-@compat String(Mmap.mmap(@__FILE__(),Vector{UInt8},11,1)) == "sing Compat"
-@test base64encode("hello world") == "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
-@test nothing === __precompile__(false) # tests should never be precompiled
-@test nothing === __precompile__()
-@test nothing === include_dependency("foo")
-@test real(Int) == real(Complex{Int}) == Int
-@test isa(1.2, AbstractFloat)
-@test [1,2,3] ≈ [1,2,3+1e-9]
-@test [0,1] ≈ [1e-9, 1]
-@test [0,1] ≉ [1e-3, 1]
-# linspace (some of the julia 0.4 tests)
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.1,0.3,3);] == [1:3;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,0.3,4);] == [0:3;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.3,-0.1,5);] == [3:-1:-1;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.1,-0.3,5);] == [1:-1:-3;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,1.0,11);] == [0:10;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,1.0,0);] == []
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,-1.0,0);] == []
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,-1.0,11);] == [0:-1:-10;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(1.0,27.0,1275);] == [49:1323;]./49
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,2.1,4);] == [0:7:21;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,3.3,4);] == [0:11:33;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.1,3.4,4);] == [1:11:34;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,3.9,4);] == [0:13:39;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.1,4.0,4);] == [1:13:40;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(1.1,3.3,3);] == [11:11:33;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.3,1.1,9);] == [3:1:11;]./10
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,0.0,1);] == [0.0]
-@test [Compat.linspace(0.0,0.0,1);] == [0.0]
-for T = (Float32, Float64)
- z = zero(T)
- u = eps(z)
- @test first(Compat.linspace(u,u,0)) == u
- @test last(Compat.linspace(u,u,0)) == u
- @test first(Compat.linspace(-u,u,0)) == -u
- @test last(Compat.linspace(-u,u,0)) == u
- @test [Compat.linspace(-u,u,0);] == []
- @test [Compat.linspace(-u,-u,1);] == [-u]
- @test [Compat.linspace(-u,u,2);] == [-u,u]
- @test [Compat.linspace(-u,u,3);] == [-u,0,u]
- @test first(Compat.linspace(-u,-u,0)) == -u
- @test last(Compat.linspace(-u,-u,0)) == -u
- @test first(Compat.linspace(u,-u,0)) == u
- @test last(Compat.linspace(u,-u,0)) == -u
- @test [Compat.linspace(u,-u,0);] == []
- @test [Compat.linspace(u,u,1);] == [u]
- @test [Compat.linspace(u,-u,2);] == [u,-u]
- @test [Compat.linspace(u,-u,3);] == [u,0,-u]
- v = [Compat.linspace(-u,u,12);]
- @test length(v) == 12
- @test [-3u:u:3u;] == [Compat.linspace(-3u,3u,7);] == [-3:3;].*u
- @test [3u:-u:-3u;] == [Compat.linspace(3u,-3u,7);] == [3:-1:-3;].*u
-if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+768"
- @test @compat(Void) === Nothing
- @test @compat(Void) === Void
-@test Ptr{Void} == @compat(Ptr{Void})
-# MemoryError -> OutOfMemoryError
-# Base64Pipe -> Base64EncodePipe
-# UdpSocket -> UDPSocket
-f141(::Type{OutOfMemoryError}) = true
-f141(::Type{Base64EncodePipe}) = true
-f141(::Type{UDPSocket}) = true
-f141(::Type{TCPSocket}) = true
-@test f141(OutOfMemoryError)
-@test f141(Base64EncodePipe)
-@test f141(UDPSocket)
-@test f141(TCPSocket)
-# Union syntax
-if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+5379"
- @test @compat(Union{}) == None
- @test @compat(Union{Int,Float64}) == Union(Int,Float64)
- @test @compat(:(Union{})) == :(Union())
-@test fetch(remotecall(() -> true, 1))
-@test remotecall_fetch(() -> true, 1)
-@test fetch(remotecall_wait(() -> true, 1))
-Base.remote_do(() -> true, 1) # Doesn't return anything so cannot be `@test`ed but should print some output if it fails
-# JuliaLang/julia#13440
-@test isa(SparseArrays, Module)
-# JuliaLang/julia#12819
-@test Compat.Filesystem.JL_O_RDWR == Compat.Filesystem.JL_O_RDWR
-# JuliaLang/julia#14338
-@test supertype(Int) == Signed
-# withenv
-@test "1234" == @compat withenv(() -> ENV["_TESTVAR"], "_TESTVAR" => 1234)
-@test "1234" == @compat withenv("_TESTVAR" => 1234) do
- return ENV["_TESTVAR"]
-# Test functional form of mktemp and mktempdir
- tmp_path = mktemp() do p, io
- @test isfile(p)
- print(io, "鴨かも?")
- p
- end
- @test tmp_path != ""
- @test !isfile(tmp_path)
- tmpdir = mktempdir() do d
- @test isdir(d)
- d
- end
- @test tmpdir != ""
- @test !isdir(tmpdir)
-# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/14660
-mktempdir() do dir
- verbose = false
- # Create test file...
- filename = joinpath(dir, "file.txt")
- text = "C1,C2\n1,2\na,b\n"
- # List of IO producers...
- l = [
- ("IOStream", (text) -> begin
- write(filename, text)
- open(filename)
- end),
- ("IOBuffer", (text)->IOBuffer(text))
- ]
- open_streams = Any[]
- function cleanup()
- for s in open_streams
- try close(s) end
- end
- end
- for (name, f) in l
- io = ()->(s=f(text); push!(open_streams, s); s)
- write(filename, text)
- verbose && println("$name read...")
- @test read(io(), UInt8) == read(IOBuffer(text), UInt8)
- @test read(io(), UInt8) == read(filename, UInt8)
- @test read(io(), Int) == read(IOBuffer(text), Int)
- @test read(io(), Int) == read(filename,Int)
- s1 = io()
- s2 = IOBuffer(text)
- @test read(s1, UInt32, 2) == read(s2, UInt32, 2)
- @test !eof(s1)
- @test read(s1, UInt8, 5) == read(s2, UInt8, 5)
- @test !eof(s1)
- @test read(s1, UInt8, 1) == read(s2, UInt8, 1)
- @test eof(s1)
- @test_throws EOFError read(s1, UInt8)
- @test eof(s1)
- close(s1)
- close(s2)
- verbose && println("$name eof...")
- n = length(text) - 1
- @test @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(n)) ==
- read!(IOBuffer(text), Vector{UInt8}(n))
- @test @compat (s = io(); read!(s, Vector{UInt8}(n)); !eof(s))
- n = length(text)
- @test @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(n)) ==
- read!(IOBuffer(text), Vector{UInt8}(n))
- @test @compat (s = io(); read!(s, Vector{UInt8}(n)); eof(s))
- n = length(text) + 1
- @test_throws EOFError @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(n))
- @test_throws EOFError @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(n))
- old_text = text
- cleanup()
- const SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO = 65536
- for text in [
- old_text,
- convert(String, Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:(div(SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO,2))]),
- convert(String, Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:( SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO -1)]),
- convert(String, Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:( SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO )]),
- convert(String, Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:( SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO +1)])
- ]
- write(filename, text)
- verbose && println("$name readstring...")
- @test readstring(io()) == text
- @test readstring(io()) == readstring(filename)
- verbose && println("$name read...")
- @test @compat read(io()) == UInt8[convert(UInt8, x) for x in text]
- @test read(io()) == read(filename)
- cleanup()
- verbose && println("$name readbytes!...")
- l = length(text)
- for n = [1, 2, l-2, l-1, l, l+1, l+2]
- @compat a1 = Vector{UInt8}(n);
- @compat a2 = Vector{UInt8}(n)
- s1 = io()
- s2 = IOBuffer(text)
- n1 = readbytes!(s1, a1)
- n2 = readbytes!(s2, a2)
- @test n1 == n2
- @test length(a1) == length(a2)
- @test a1[1:n1] == a2[1:n2]
- @test n <= length(text) || eof(s1)
- @test n <= length(text) || eof(s2)
- cleanup()
- end
- verbose && println("$name read!...")
- l = length(text)
- for n = [1, 2, l-2, l-1, l]
- @test @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(n)) ==
- read!(IOBuffer(text), Vector{UInt8}(n))
- @test @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(n)) ==
- read!(filename, Vector{UInt8}(n))
- cleanup()
- end
- @test_throws EOFError @compat read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(length(text)+1))
- verbose && println("$name readuntil...")
- @test readuntil(io(), '\n') == readuntil(IOBuffer(text),'\n')
- @test readuntil(io(), '\n') == readuntil(filename,'\n')
- @test readuntil(io(), "\n") == readuntil(IOBuffer(text),"\n")
- @test readuntil(io(), "\n") == readuntil(filename,"\n")
- @test readuntil(io(), ',') == readuntil(IOBuffer(text),',')
- @test readuntil(io(), ',') == readuntil(filename,',')
- cleanup()
- verbose && println("$name readline...")
- @test readline(io()) == readline(IOBuffer(text))
- @test readline(io()) == readline(filename)
- verbose && println("$name readlines...")
- @test readlines(io()) == readlines(IOBuffer(text))
- @test readlines(io()) == readlines(filename)
- @test collect(eachline(io())) == collect(eachline(IOBuffer(text)))
- @test collect(eachline(io())) == collect(eachline(filename))
- cleanup()
- verbose && println("$name countlines...")
- @test countlines(io()) == countlines(IOBuffer(text))
- # verbose && println("$name readcsv...")
- # @test readcsv(io()) == readcsv(IOBuffer(text))
- # @test readcsv(io()) == readcsv(filename)
- cleanup()
- end
- text = old_text
- write(filename, text)
- verbose && println("$name position...")
- @test @compat (s = io(); read!(s, Vector{UInt8}(4)); position(s)) == 4
- verbose && println("$name seek...")
- for n = 0:length(text)-1
- @test readlines(seek(io(), n)) == readlines(seek(IOBuffer(text), n))
- cleanup()
- end
- verbose && println("$name skip...")
- for n = 0:length(text)-1
- @test readlines(seek(io(), n)) == readlines(seek(IOBuffer(text), n))
- @test readlines(skip(io(), n)) == readlines(skip(IOBuffer(text), n))
- cleanup()
- end
- verbose && println("$name seekend...")
- @test readstring(seekend(io())) == ""
- verbose && println("$name write(::IOStream, ...)")
- to = open("$filename.to", "w")
- write(to, io())
- close(to)
- @test readstring("$filename.to") == text
- verbose && println("$name write(filename, ...)")
- write("$filename.to", io())
- @test readstring("$filename.to") == text
- verbose && println("$name write(::IOBuffer, ...)")
- @compat to = IOBuffer(UInt8[convert(UInt8, x) for x in text], false, true)
- write(to, io())
- @test String(take!(to)) == text
- cleanup()
- end
-# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/13232
-setprecision(BigFloat, 100)
-@test precision(BigFloat) == 100
-@test precision(BigFloat) == 256
-setprecision(BigFloat, 100) do
- a = big(pi)
- @test precision(a) == 100
-setprecision(130) do
- a = big(pi)
- @test precision(a) == 130
-for T in (BigFloat, Float64)
- setrounding(T, RoundDown)
- @test rounding(T) == RoundDown
- setrounding(T, RoundNearest)
- setrounding(T, RoundUp) do
- @test rounding(T) == RoundUp
- end
-@test typeof(displaysize()) == @compat(Tuple{Int, Int})
-@test Compat.LinAlg.checksquare(randn(4,4)) == 4
-@test Compat.LinAlg.checksquare(randn(4,4), randn(3,3)) == [4,3]
-@test_throws DimensionMismatch Compat.LinAlg.checksquare(randn(4,3))
-@test issymmetric([1 2 3; 2 2 3; 3 3 2])
-@test !issymmetric([1 3 3; 2 2 3; 3 3 2])
-let X = randn(10,2), Y = randn(10,2), x = randn(10), y = randn(10)
- for b in (true, false)
- if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+679"
- @test cov(x, b) == cov(x, corrected=b)
- end
- for d in (1, 2)
- @test size(cov(X, d), 1) == 8*d - 6
- @test size(cov(X, d, b), 1) == 8*d - 6
- @test size(cov(X, Y, d), 1) == 8*d - 6
- @test size(cov(X, Y, d, b), 1) == 8*d - 6
- @test size(cor(X, d), 1) == 8*d - 6
- @test size(cor(X, Y, d), 1) == 8*d - 6
- end
- end
-# foreach
- a = Any[]
- foreach(()->push!(a,0))
- @test a == [0]
- a = Any[]
- foreach(x->push!(a,x), [1,5,10])
- @test a == [1,5,10]
- a = Any[]
- foreach((args...)->push!(a,args), [2,4,6], [10,20,30])
- @test a == [(2,10),(4,20),(6,30)]
-@test istextmime("text/html") && !istextmime("image/png")
-module CallTest
-using Base.Test, Compat
-eval(Expr(:type, false, :A, quote
- a
-eval(Expr(:type, false, :(B{T}), quote
- b::T
-if VERSION >= v"0.4"
- @compat (::Type{A})() = A(1)
- @compat (::Type{B})() = B{Int}()
- @compat (::Type{B{T}}){T}() = B{T}(zero(T))
- @compat (a::A)() = a.a
- @compat (a::A)(b) = (a.a, b)
- @compat (a::A)(b, c; d=2) = (a.a, b, c, d)
- @compat (b::B{T}){T}() = b.b, T
- @compat (b::B{T}){T}(c::T) = 1
- @compat (b::B{T}){T,T2}(c::T2) = 0
- @compat (b::B{T}){T}(c::T, d; f=1) = (c, d, f)
- @test A() === A(1)
- @test B() === B(0)
- @test B{Float64}() === B(0.0)
- @test A(1)() === 1
- @test A(1)(2) === (1, 2)
- @test A(1)(2, 3; d=10) === (1, 2, 3, 10)
- @test B(0)() === (0, Int)
- @test B(0)(1) === 1
- @test B(0)(1, 2; f=100) === (1, 2, 100)
- @test B(0)(1.0) === 0
-# walkdir
+# Issue #291
+# 0.6
+@test (1, 2) == @compat abs.((1, -2))
+@test broadcast(+, (1.0, 1.0), (0, -2.0)) == (1.0,-1.0)
+# Test for `take!(::Task)`/`take!(::Channel)`
+# 0.6
dirwalk = mktempdir()
cd(dirwalk) do
for i=1:2
@@ -1009,348 +105,17 @@ cd(dirwalk) do
rm(dirwalk, recursive=true)
-# RemoteChannel/Future
-r = remotecall(sin, 1, pi/3)
-@compat foo(r::Future) = 7
-@test foo(r) == 7
-@compat rc = RemoteChannel()
-@compat rc = RemoteChannel(myid())
-@compat rc = Future()
-@compat rc = Future(myid())
-# @functorize
-function checkfunc(Fun, func)
- if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+3701"
- @eval @test @functorize($(func)) === Base.$(func)
- else
- if isdefined(Base, Fun)
- @eval @test isa(@functorize($(func)), Base.$(Fun))
- else
- @eval @test isa(@functorize($(func)), Function)
- @eval @test @functorize($(func)) === Base.$(func)
- end
- end
-for (Fun, func) in [(:IdFun, :identity),
- (:AbsFun, :abs),
- (:Abs2Fun, :abs2),
- (:ExpFun, :exp),
- (:LogFun, :log),
- (:ConjFun, :conj)]
- begin
- if isdefined(Base, func)
- checkfunc(Fun, func)
- a = rand(1:10, 10)
- @eval @test mapreduce($(func), +, $(a)) == mapreduce(@functorize($(func)), +, $(a))
- end
- end
-dotfunctors = [(:DotAddFun, :.+),
- (:DotSubFun, :.-),
- (:DotMulFun, :.*),
- (:DotRDivFun, :./),
- (:DotIDivFun, @compat(Symbol(".÷"))),
- (:DotRemFun, :.%),
- (:DotLSFun, :.<<),
- (:DotRSFun, :.>>)]
-functors = [(:AndFun, :&),
- (:OrFun, :|),
- (:XorFun, :⊻),
- (:AddFun, :+),
- (:SubFun, :-),
- (:MulFun, :*),
- (:RDivFun, :/),
- (:LDivFun, :\ ),
- (:IDivFun, :div),
- (:ModFun, :mod),
- (:RemFun, :rem),
- (:PowFun, :^),
- (:MaxFun, :scalarmax),
- (:MinFun, :scalarmin),
- (:LessFun, :<),
- (:MoreFun, :>),
- (:ElementwiseMaxFun, :max),
- (:ElementwiseMinFun, :min)]
-# since #17623, dot functions are no longer function objects
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1614"
- append!(functors, dotfunctors)
-for (Fun, func) in functors
- begin
- if isdefined(Base, func) && (func !== :.>> || VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev+553") && (func !== :.% || VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+1472")
- checkfunc(Fun, func)
- a = rand(1:10, 10)
- @eval @test mapreduce(identity, Base.$(func), $(a)) == mapreduce(identity, @functorize($(func)), $(a))
- end
- end
-if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+3701"
- @test @functorize(complex) === complex
- @test @functorize(dot) === dot
- if isdefined(Base, :SparseArrays) && isdefined(Base.SparseArrays, :ComplexFun)
- @test isa(@functorize(complex), Base.SparseArrays.ComplexFun)
- @test isa(@functorize(dot), Base.SparseArrays.DotFun)
- else
- @test isa(@functorize(complex), Function)
- @test isa(@functorize(dot), Function)
- @test @functorize(complex) === complex
- @test @functorize(dot) === dot
- end
-let a = rand(1:10, 10)
- @test mapreduce(identity, dot, a) == mapreduce(identity, @functorize(dot), a)
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2521"
- @test isa(@functorize(centralizedabs2fun)(1), @functorize(centralizedabs2fun))
- @test isa(@functorize(centralizedabs2fun)(1.0), @functorize(centralizedabs2fun))
- let a = rand(1:10, 10)
- @eval @test mapreduce(x -> abs2(x - 1), +, $(a)) == mapreduce(@functorize(centralizedabs2fun)(1), +, $(a))
- end
-# Threads.@threads
-using Compat.Threads
-@threads for i=1:10
- @test true
-# Issue #223
-@test 1 == threadid() <= nthreads()
-@test @compat(Symbol("foo")) === :foo
-@test @compat(Symbol("foo", "bar")) === :foobar
-@test @compat(Symbol("a_", 2)) === :a_2
-@test @compat(Symbol('c')) === :c
-@test @compat(Symbol(1)) === @compat(Symbol("1"))
-@test @compat(Base.:+) == +
-let x = rand(3), y = rand(3)
- @test @compat(sin.(cos.(x))) == map(x -> sin(cos(x)), x)
- @test @compat(atan2.(sin.(y),x)) == broadcast(atan2,map(sin,y),x)
-let x0 = Array{Float64}(), v, v0
- x0[1] = rand()
- v0 = @compat sin.(x0)
- @test isa(v0, Array{Float64,0})
- v = @compat sin.(x0[1])
- @test isa(v, Float64)
- @test v == v0[1] == sin(x0[1])
-let x = rand(2, 2), v
- v = @compat sin.(x)
- @test isa(v, Array{Float64,2})
- @test v == [sin(x[1, 1]) sin(x[1, 2]);
- sin(x[2, 1]) sin(x[2, 2])]
-let x1 = [1, 2, 3], x2 = ([3, 4, 5],), v
- v = @compat atan2.(x1, x2...)
- @test isa(v, Vector{Float64})
- @test v == [atan2(1, 3), atan2(2, 4), atan2(3, 5)]
-# Do the following in global scope to make sure inference is able to handle it
-@test @compat(sin.([1, 2])) == [sin(1), sin(2)]
-@test isa(@compat(sin.([1, 2])), Vector{Float64})
-@test @compat(atan2.(1, [2, 3])) == [atan2(1, 2), atan2(1, 3)]
-@test isa(@compat(atan2.(1, [2, 3])), Vector{Float64})
-@test @compat(atan2.([1, 2], [2, 3])) == [atan2(1, 2), atan2(2, 3)]
-@test isa(@compat(atan2.([1, 2], [2, 3])), Vector{Float64})
-# And make sure it is actually inferrable
-f15032(a) = @compat sin.(a)
-@inferred f15032([1, 2, 3])
-@inferred f15032([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
-# Issue #291
-if VERSION ≥ v"0.5.0-dev+4002"
- @test (1, 2) == @compat abs.((1, -2))
- @test broadcast(+, (1.0, 1.0), (0, -2.0)) == (1.0,-1.0)
-if VERSION ≥ v"0.4.0-dev+3732"
- @test Symbol("foo") === :foo
- @test Symbol("foo", "bar") === :foobar
- @test Symbol("a_", 2) === :a_2
- @test Symbol('c') === :c
- @test Symbol(1) === Symbol("1")
-let async, c = false
- run = Condition()
- async = Compat.AsyncCondition(x->(c = true; notify(run)))
- ccall(:uv_async_send, Void, (Ptr{Void},), async.handle)
- wait(run)
- @test c
-let async, c = false
- async = Compat.AsyncCondition()
- started = Condition()
- task = @schedule begin
- notify(started)
- wait(async)
- true
- end
- wait(started)
- ccall(:uv_async_send, Void, (Ptr{Void},), async.handle)
- @test wait(task)
-let io = IOBuffer(), s = "hello"
- unsafe_write(io, pointer(s), length(s))
- @test String(take!(io)) == s
-@static if VERSION ≥ v"0.4"
- @test VERSION ≥ v"0.4"
- @test VERSION < v"0.4"
-let io = IOBuffer(), s = "hello"
- @test @compat String(Vector{UInt8}(s)) == s
- write(io, s)
- @test @compat String(io) == s
- @test unsafe_string(pointer(s)) == s
- @test unsafe_string(pointer(s),sizeof(s)) == s
- @test string(s, s, s) == "hellohellohello"
- @test @compat(String(s)) == s
-@test Compat.repeat(1:2, inner=2) == [1, 1, 2, 2]
-@test Compat.repeat(1:2, outer=[2]) == [1, 2, 1, 2]
-@test Compat.repeat([1,2], inner=(2,)) == [1, 1, 2, 2]
for os in [:apple, :bsd, :linux, :unix, :windows]
from_base = if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-DEV.914"
Expr(:., Expr(:., :Base, Base.Meta.quot(:Sys)), Base.Meta.quot(Symbol("is", os)))
- else # VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+4267"
+ else
Expr(:., :Base, Base.Meta.quot(Symbol("is_", os)))
@eval @test Compat.Sys.$(Symbol("is", os))() == $from_base()
-io = IOBuffer()
-@test @compat(get(io, :limit, false)) == false
-@test @compat(get(io, :compact, false)) == false
-@test @compat(get(io, :multiline, false)) == false
-@test @compat(get(Nullable(1))) == 1
- test_str = "test"
- ptr = pointer(test_str)
- wrapped_str = if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1988"
- unsafe_wrap(Compat.String, ptr)
- else
- unsafe_string(ptr)
- end
- new_str = unsafe_string(ptr)
- cstr = convert(Cstring, ptr)
- new_str2 = unsafe_string(cstr)
- @test wrapped_str == "test"
- @test new_str == "test"
- @test new_str2 == "test"
- if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1988"
- # Test proper pointer aliasing behavior, which is not possible in 0.6
- # with the new String representation
- @test ptr == pointer(wrapped_str)
- end
- @test ptr ≠ pointer(new_str)
- @test ptr ≠ pointer(new_str2)
- @test unsafe_string(convert(Ptr{Int8}, ptr)) == "test"
- if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1988"
- @test unsafe_wrap(Compat.String, convert(Ptr{Int8}, ptr)) == "test"
- end
- x = [1, 2]
- @test unsafe_wrap(Array, pointer(x), 2) == [1, 2]
-@test allunique([1, 2, 3])
-@test !allunique([1, 2, 1])
-@test allunique(1:3)
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.2390"
- @test allunique(FloatRange(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- @test !allunique(FloatRange(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0))
-# Add test for Base.view
-let a = rand(10,10)
- @test view(a, :, 1) == a[:,1]
-# 0.5 style single argument `@boundscheck`
-@inline function do_boundscheck()
- # A bit ugly since `@boundscheck` returns `nothing`.
- checked = false
- @compat @boundscheck (checked = true;)
- checked
-@test do_boundscheck() == true
-if VERSION < v"0.6.0-dev.1886"
- # `promote_eltype_op` is deprecated
- @test Compat.promote_eltype_op(@functorize(+), ones(2,2), 1) === Float64
- @test Compat.promote_eltype_op(@functorize(*), ones(Int, 2), zeros(Int16,2)) === Int
-#Add test for Base.normalize and Base.normalize!
- vr = [3.0, 4.0]
- for Tr in (Float32, Float64)
- for T in (Tr, Complex{Tr})
- v = convert(Vector{T}, vr)
- @test norm(v) == 5.0
- w = normalize(v)
- @test norm(w - [0.6, 0.8], Inf) < eps(Tr)
- @test isapprox(norm(w), 1.0)
- @test norm(normalize!(copy(v)) - w, Inf) < eps(Tr)
- @test isempty(normalize!(T[]))
- end
- end
-#Test potential overflow in normalize!
- δ = inv(prevfloat(typemax(Float64)))
- v = [δ, -δ]
- if VERSION > v"0.4.0-pre+7164"
- @test norm(v) === 7.866824069956793e-309
- end
- w = normalize(v)
- if VERSION > v"0.4.0-pre+7164"
- @test w ≈ [1/√2, -1/√2]
- @test isapprox(norm(w), 1.0)
- end
- @test norm(normalize!(v) - w, Inf) < eps()
-# JuliaLang/julia#16603
-@test sprint(join, [1, 2, 3]) == "123"
-@test sprint(join, [1, 2, 3], ',') == "1,2,3"
-@test sprint(join, [1, 2, 3], ", ", ", and ") == "1, 2, and 3"
-@test sprint(escape_string, "xyz\n", "z") == "xy\\z\\n"
-@test sprint(unescape_string, "xyz\\n") == "xyz\n"
-# three-argument show from JuliaLang/julia#16563
-@test sprint(show, "text/plain", 1) == stringmime("text/plain", 1)
-let n=5, a=rand(n), incx=1, b=rand(n), incy=1
- ccall((Compat.@blasfunc(dcopy_), Base.LinAlg.BLAS.libblas), Void,
- (Ptr{Base.LinAlg.BLAS.BlasInt}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Base.LinAlg.BLAS.BlasInt}, Ptr{Float64}, Ptr{Base.LinAlg.BLAS.BlasInt}),
- &n, a, &incx, b, &incy)
- @test a == b
# do-block redirect_std*
+# 0.6
let filename = tempname()
ret = open(filename, "w") do f
redirect_stdout(f) do
@@ -1359,7 +124,7 @@ let filename = tempname()
@test ret == [1,3]
- @test chomp(readstring(filename)) == "hello"
+ @test chomp(read(filename, String)) == "hello"
ret = open(filename, "w") do f
redirect_stderr(f) do
println(STDERR, "WARNING: hello")
@@ -1367,7 +132,7 @@ let filename = tempname()
@test ret == [2]
- @test contains(readstring(filename), "WARNING: hello")
+ @test contains(read(filename, String), "WARNING: hello")
ret = open(filename) do f
redirect_stdin(f) do
@@ -1377,6 +142,7 @@ let filename = tempname()
+# 0.6
@test @__DIR__() == dirname(@__FILE__)
# PR #17302
@@ -1396,31 +162,6 @@ mktemp() do fname, f
-# 0.5.0-dev+4677
-for A in (Hermitian(randn(5,5) + 10I),
- Symmetric(randn(5,5) + 10I),
- Symmetric(randn(5,5) + 10I, :L))
- F = cholfact(A)
- @test F[:U]'F[:U] ≈ A
- @test F[:L]*F[:L]' ≈ A
- Ac = copy(A)
- F = cholfact!(Ac)
- @test F[:U]'F[:U] ≈ A
- @test F[:L]*F[:L]' ≈ A
- @test istriu(chol(A))
- @test chol(A) ≈ F[:U]
- F = cholfact(A, valtrue)
- @test F[:U]'F[:U] ≈ A[F[:p], F[:p]]
- @test F[:L]*F[:L]' ≈ A[F[:p], F[:p]]
- Ac = copy(A)
- F = cholfact!(Ac, valtrue)
- @test F[:U]'F[:U] ≈ A[F[:p], F[:p]]
- @test F[:L]*F[:L]' ≈ A[F[:p], F[:p]]
types = [
@@ -1559,13 +300,9 @@ A = view(rand(5,5), 1:3, 1:3)
@test A*D == copy(A) * Diagonal(copy(x))
# julia#17623
-if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+5509"
-# Use include_string to work around unsupported syntax on Julia 0.4
-include_string(@__MODULE__, """
- @test [true, false] .& [true, true] == [true, false]
- @test [true, false] .| [true, true] == [true, true]
+# 0.6
+@test [true, false] .& [true, true] == [true, false]
+@test [true, false] .| [true, true] == [true, true]
# julia#20022
@test !Compat.isapprox(NaN, NaN)
@@ -1834,13 +571,11 @@ using Compat: StringVector
@test String(fill!(StringVector(5), 0x61)) == "aaaaa"
# collect
-if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-rc1+46"
- using OffsetArrays
- a = OffsetArray(1:3, -1:1)
- b = Compat.collect(a)
- @test indices(b) === (Base.OneTo(3),)
- @test b == [1,2,3]
+using OffsetArrays
+a = OffsetArray(1:3, -1:1)
+b = Compat.collect(a)
+@test indices(b) === (Base.OneTo(3),)
+@test b == [1,2,3]
# PR 22064
module Test22064
@@ -1923,6 +658,36 @@ eval(Expr(:type, false, :TestType, Expr(:block, :(a::Int), :b)))
@test fieldcount(TestType) == 2
@test fieldcount(Int) == 0
+let x = fill!(StringVector(5), 0x61)
+ # 0.7
+ @test pointer(x) == pointer(String(x))
+# Val(x)
+# 0.7
+ local firstlast
+ firstlast(::Val{true}) = "First"
+ firstlast(::Val{false}) = "Last"
+ @test firstlast(Val(true)) == "First"
+ @test firstlast(Val(false)) == "Last"
+# @nospecialize
+# 0.7
+no_specialize(@nospecialize(x)) = sin(1)
+no_specialize(@nospecialize(x::Integer)) = sin(2)
+@test no_specialize(1.0) == sin(1)
+@test no_specialize(1) == sin(2)
+# 0.7
+@test read(IOBuffer("aaaa"), String) == "aaaa"
+@test contains(read(@__FILE__, String), "read(@__FILE__, String)")
+@test read(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no -e "println(:aaaa)"`, String) == "aaaa\n"
+if VERSION < v"0.6.0"
+ include("deprecated.jl")