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stack (#777)
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* add stack

* avoid LazyString

* avoid ;; for 1.6

* rm docstrings

* Revert "rm docstrings"

This reverts commit 7afdb54.

* change note
  • Loading branch information
mcabbott authored Aug 21, 2022
1 parent dabc46f commit dce2f96
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Compat"
uuid = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
version = "4.1.0"
version = "4.2.0"

Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ changes in `julia`.

## Supported features

* `stack` combines a collection of slices into one array ([#43334]). (since Compat 4.2.0)

* `keepat!` removes the items at all the indices which are not given and returns
the modified source ([#36229], [#42351]). (since Compat 4.1.0)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,3 +152,4 @@ Note that you should specify the correct minimum version for `Compat` in the
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions src/Compat.jl
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if VERSION < v"1.9.0-DEV.1163"
import Base: IteratorSize, HasLength, HasShape, OneTo
export stack

stack(iter; [dims])
Combine a collection of arrays (or other iterable objects) of equal size
into one larger array, by arranging them along one or more new dimensions.
By default the axes of the elements are placed first,
giving `size(result) = (size(first(iter))..., size(iter)...)`.
This has the same order of elements as [`Iterators.flatten`](@ref)`(iter)`.
With keyword `dims::Integer`, instead the `i`th element of `iter` becomes the slice
[`selectdim`](@ref)`(result, dims, i)`, so that `size(result, dims) == length(iter)`.
In this case `stack` reverses the action of [`eachslice`](@ref) with the same `dims`.
The various [`cat`](@ref) functions also combine arrays. However, these all
extend the arrays' existing (possibly trivial) dimensions, rather than placing
the arrays along new dimensions.
They also accept arrays as separate arguments, rather than a single collection.
!!! compat "Julia 1.9"
This function is available in Julia 1.9, or in Compat 4.2.
# Examples
julia> vecs = (1:2, [30, 40], Float32[500, 600]);
julia> mat = stack(vecs)
2×3 Matrix{Float32}:
1.0 30.0 500.0
2.0 40.0 600.0
julia> mat == hcat(vecs...) == reduce(hcat, collect(vecs))
julia> vec(mat) == vcat(vecs...) == reduce(vcat, collect(vecs))
julia> stack(zip(1:4, 10:99)) # accepts any iterators of iterators
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
1 2 3 4
10 11 12 13
julia> vec(ans) == collect(Iterators.flatten(zip(1:4, 10:99)))
julia> stack(vecs; dims=1) # unlike any cat function, 1st axis of vecs[1] is 2nd axis of result
3×2 Matrix{Float32}:
1.0 2.0
30.0 40.0
500.0 600.0
julia> x = rand(3,4);
julia> x == stack(eachcol(x)) == stack(eachrow(x), dims=1) # inverse of eachslice
Higher-dimensional examples:
julia> A = rand(5, 7, 11);
julia> E = eachslice(A, dims=2); # a vector of matrices
julia> (element = size(first(E)), container = size(E))
(element = (5, 11), container = (7,))
julia> stack(E) |> size
(5, 11, 7)
julia> stack(E) == stack(E; dims=3) == cat(E...; dims=3)
julia> A == stack(E; dims=2)
julia> M = (fill(10i+j, 2, 3) for i in 1:5, j in 1:7);
julia> (element = size(first(M)), container = size(M))
(element = (2, 3), container = (5, 7))
julia> stack(M) |> size # keeps all dimensions
(2, 3, 5, 7)
julia> stack(M; dims=1) |> size # vec(container) along dims=1
(35, 2, 3)
julia> hvcat(5, M...) |> size # hvcat puts matrices next to each other
(14, 15)
stack(iter; dims=:) = _stack(dims, iter)

stack(f, args...; [dims])
Apply a function to each element of a collection, and `stack` the result.
Or to several collections, [`zip`](@ref)ped together.
The function should return arrays (or tuples, or other iterators) all of the same size.
These become slices of the result, each separated along `dims` (if given) or by default
along the last dimensions.
See also [`mapslices`](@ref), [`eachcol`](@ref).
# Examples
julia> stack(c -> (c, c-32), "julia")
2×5 Matrix{Char}:
'j' 'u' 'l' 'i' 'a'
'J' 'U' 'L' 'I' 'A'
julia> stack(eachrow([1 2 3; 4 5 6]), (10, 100); dims=1) do row, n
vcat(row, row .* n, row ./ n)
2×9 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 2.0 3.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
4.0 5.0 6.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 0.04 0.05 0.06
stack(f, iter; dims=:) = _stack(dims, f(x) for x in iter)
stack(f, xs, yzs...; dims=:) = _stack(dims, f(xy...) for xy in zip(xs, yzs...))

_stack(dims::Union{Integer, Colon}, iter) = _stack(dims, IteratorSize(iter), iter)

_stack(dims, ::IteratorSize, iter) = _stack(dims, collect(iter))

function _stack(dims, ::Union{HasShape, HasLength}, iter)
S = Base.@default_eltype iter
T = S != Union{} ? eltype(S) : Any # Union{} occurs for e.g. stack(1,2), postpone the error
if isconcretetype(T)
_typed_stack(dims, T, S, iter)
else # Need to look inside, but shouldn't run an expensive iterator twice:
array = iter isa Union{Tuple, AbstractArray} ? iter : collect(iter)
isempty(array) && return _empty_stack(dims, T, S, iter)
T2 = mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, array)
_typed_stack(dims, T2, eltype(array), array)

function _typed_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A, Aax=_iterator_axes(A)) where {T, S}
xit = iterate(A)
nothing === xit && return _empty_stack(:, T, S, A)
x1, _ = xit
ax1 = _iterator_axes(x1)
B = similar(_ensure_array(x1), T, ax1..., Aax...)
off = firstindex(B)
len = length(x1)
while xit !== nothing
x, state = xit
_stack_size_check(x, ax1)
copyto!(B, off, x)
off += len
xit = iterate(A, state)

_iterator_axes(x) = _iterator_axes(x, IteratorSize(x))
_iterator_axes(x, ::HasLength) = (OneTo(length(x)),)
_iterator_axes(x, ::IteratorSize) = axes(x)

# For some dims values, stack(A; dims) == stack(vec(A)), and the : path will be faster
_typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S} =
_typed_stack(dims, T, S, IteratorSize(S), A)
_typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, ::HasLength, A) where {T,S} =
_typed_stack(dims, T, S, HasShape{1}(), A)
function _typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, ::HasShape{N}, A) where {T,S,N}
if dims == N+1
_typed_stack(:, T, S, A, (_vec_axis(A),))
_dim_stack(dims, T, S, A)
_typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, ::IteratorSize, A) where {T,S} =
_dim_stack(dims, T, S, A)

_vec_axis(A, ax=_iterator_axes(A)) = length(ax) == 1 ? only(ax) : OneTo(prod(length, ax; init=1))

@constprop :aggressive function _dim_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S}
xit = Iterators.peel(A)
nothing === xit && return _empty_stack(dims, T, S, A)
x1, xrest = xit
ax1 = _iterator_axes(x1)
N1 = length(ax1)+1
dims in 1:N1 || throw(ArgumentError(string("cannot stack slices ndims(x) = ", N1-1, " along dims = ", dims)))

newaxis = _vec_axis(A)
outax = ntuple(d -> d==dims ? newaxis : ax1[d - (d>dims)], N1)
B = similar(_ensure_array(x1), T, outax...)

if dims == 1
_dim_stack!(Val(1), B, x1, xrest)
elseif dims == 2
_dim_stack!(Val(2), B, x1, xrest)
_dim_stack!(Val(dims), B, x1, xrest)

function _dim_stack!(::Val{dims}, B::AbstractArray, x1, xrest) where {dims}
before = ntuple(d -> Colon(), dims - 1)
after = ntuple(d -> Colon(), ndims(B) - dims)

i = firstindex(B, dims)
copyto!(view(B, before..., i, after...), x1)

for x in xrest
_stack_size_check(x, _iterator_axes(x1))
i += 1
@inbounds copyto!(view(B, before..., i, after...), x)

@inline function _stack_size_check(x, ax1::Tuple)
if _iterator_axes(x) != ax1
uax1 = map(UnitRange, ax1)
uaxN = map(UnitRange, axes(x))
string("stack expects uniform slices, got axes(x) == ", uaxN, " while first had ", uax1)))

_ensure_array(x::AbstractArray) = x
_ensure_array(x) = 1:0 # passed to similar, makes stack's output an Array

_empty_stack(_...) = throw(ArgumentError("`stack` on an empty collection is not allowed"))


end # module Compat
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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keepat!(ea, Bool[])
@test isempty(ea)

@testset "stack" begin
# Basics
for args in ([[1, 2]], [1:2, 3:4], [[1 2; 3 4], [5 6; 7 8]],
AbstractVector[1:2, [3.5, 4.5]], Vector[[1,2], [3im, 4im]],
[[1:2, 3:4], [5:6, 7:8]], [fill(1), fill(2)])
X = stack(args)
Y = cat(args...; dims=ndims(args[1])+1)
@test X == Y
@test typeof(X) === typeof(Y)

X2 = stack(x for x in args)
@test X2 == Y
@test typeof(X2) === typeof(Y)

X3 = stack(x for x in args if true)
@test X3 == Y
@test typeof(X3) === typeof(Y)

if isconcretetype(eltype(args))
@inferred stack(args)
@inferred stack(x for x in args)

# Higher dims
@test size(stack([rand(2,3) for _ in 1:4, _ in 1:5])) == (2,3,4,5)
@test size(stack(rand(2,3) for _ in 1:4, _ in 1:5)) == (2,3,4,5)
@test size(stack(rand(2,3) for _ in 1:4, _ in 1:5 if true)) == (2, 3, 20)
@test size(stack([rand(2,3) for _ in 1:4, _ in 1:5]; dims=1)) == (20, 2, 3)
@test size(stack(rand(2,3) for _ in 1:4, _ in 1:5; dims=2)) == (2, 20, 3)

# Tuples
@test stack([(1,2), (3,4)]) == [1 3; 2 4]
@test stack(((1,2), (3,4))) == [1 3; 2 4]
@test stack(Any[(1,2), (3,4)]) == [1 3; 2 4]
@test stack([(1,2), (3,4)]; dims=1) == [1 2; 3 4]
@test stack(((1,2), (3,4)); dims=1) == [1 2; 3 4]
@test stack(Any[(1,2), (3,4)]; dims=1) == [1 2; 3 4]
@test size(@inferred stack(Iterators.product(1:3, 1:4))) == (2,3,4)
@test @inferred(stack([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')])) == ['a' 'c'; 'b' 'd']
@test @inferred(stack([(1,2+3im), (4, 5+6im)])) isa Matrix{Number}

# stack(f, iter)
@test @inferred(stack(x -> [x, 2x], 3:5)) == [3 4 5; 6 8 10]
@test @inferred(stack(x -> x*x'/2, [1:2, 3:4])) == reshape([0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.5, 6.0, 6.0, 8.0], 2, 2, 2)
@test @inferred(stack(*, [1:2, 3:4], 5:6)) == [5 18; 10 24]

# Iterators
@test stack([(a=1,b=2), (a=3,b=4)]) == [1 3; 2 4]
@test stack([(a=1,b=2), (c=3,d=4)]) == [1 3; 2 4]
@test stack([(a=1,b=2), (c=3,d=4)]; dims=1) == [1 2; 3 4]
@test stack([(a=1,b=2), (c=3,d=4)]; dims=2) == [1 3; 2 4]
@test stack((x/y for x in 1:3) for y in 4:5) == (1:3) ./ (4:5)'
@test stack((x/y for x in 1:3) for y in 4:5; dims=1) == (1:3)' ./ (4:5)

# Exotic
ips = ((Iterators.product([i,i^2], [2i,3i,4i], 1:4)) for i in 1:5)
@test size(stack(ips)) == (2, 3, 4, 5)
@test stack(ips) == cat(collect.(ips)...; dims=4)
ips_cat2 = cat(reshape.(collect.(ips), Ref((2,1,3,4)))...; dims=2)
@test stack(ips; dims=2) == ips_cat2
@test stack(collect.(ips); dims=2) == ips_cat2
ips_cat3 = cat(reshape.(collect.(ips), Ref((2,3,1,4)))...; dims=3)
@test stack(ips; dims=3) == ips_cat3 # path for non-array accumulation on non-final dims
@test stack(collect, ips; dims=3) == ips_cat3 # ... and for array accumulation
@test stack(collect.(ips); dims=3) == ips_cat3

# Trivial, because numbers are iterable:
@test stack(abs2, 1:3) == [1, 4, 9] == collect(Iterators.flatten(abs2(x) for x in 1:3))

# Allocation tests
xv = [rand(10) for _ in 1:100]
xt = Tuple.(xv)
for dims in (1, 2, :)
@test stack(xv; dims) == stack(xt; dims)
@test_skip 9000 > @allocated stack(xv; dims)
@test_skip 9000 > @allocated stack(xt; dims)
xr = (reshape(1:1000,10,10,10) for _ = 1:1000)
for dims in (1, 2, 3, :)
stack(xr; dims)
@test_skip 8.1e6 > @allocated stack(xr; dims)

# Mismatched sizes
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([1:2, 1:3])
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([1:2, 1:3]; dims=1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([1:2, 1:3]; dims=2)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([(1,2), (3,4,5)])
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([(1,2), (3,4,5)]; dims=1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack(x for x in [1:2, 1:3])
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([[5 6; 7 8], [1, 2, 3, 4]])
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack([[5 6; 7 8], [1, 2, 3, 4]]; dims=1)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch stack(x for x in [[5 6; 7 8], [1, 2, 3, 4]])
# Inner iterator of unknown length
@test_throws MethodError stack((x for x in 1:3 if true) for _ in 1:4)
@test_throws MethodError stack((x for x in 1:3 if true) for _ in 1:4; dims=1)

@test_throws ArgumentError stack([1:3, 4:6]; dims=0)
@test_throws ArgumentError stack([1:3, 4:6]; dims=3)
@test_throws ArgumentError stack(abs2, 1:3; dims=2)

# Empty
@test_throws ArgumentError stack(())
@test_throws ArgumentError stack([])
@test_throws ArgumentError stack(x for x in 1:3 if false)

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