Tags: JuliaIO/JpegTurbo.jl
[Diff since v0.1.3](v0.1.3...v0.1.4) **Merged pull requests:** - Avoid extra buffer indirection during decoding (#30) (@jkrumbiegel) **Closed issues:** - Unable to automatically install 'JpegTurbo' (#26) - Error message handling (#28)
[Diff since v0.1.2](v0.1.2...v0.1.3) **Merged pull requests:** - fix: replace broken links to documentation (#27) (@Mikumikunisiteageru) - [compat] ImageCore 0.10 (#29) (@timholy)
**Closed issues:** - decoding: support IO and in-memory (#6) **Merged pull requests:** - codegen: generate low-level header wrapper using Clang (#1) (@johnnychen94) - feat: add helper `versioninfo` (#2) (@johnnychen94) - initial implementation for `jpeg_encode` and `jpeg_decode` (#3) (@johnnychen94) - codegen: upgrade to Clang 0.15.6 (#9) (@Gnimuc) - fix(jpeg_encode): support numerical matrix and out-of-range values (#11) (@johnnychen94) - feat(decode): support IO and in-memory data (#13) (@johnnychen94)