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The IndexedDB development-experience enhanced package, based on package idb-keyval and @vue/runtime-core.

Reactivity object, and auto cross document synchronize.

how to use?

Install idb-reactive

npm install --save idb-reactive
# or
pnpm add idb-reactive
# or
yarn add idb-reactive

Use useStore to get reactivity store object.

import { useStore, utils } from "idb-reactive";

 * if `settings` store has records:
 * - pageSize: 10
 * - currentIndex: 10
const store = useStore("settings");
await utils.isReady(store);
console.log(store); // <-- { pageSize: 10, currentIndex: 10 }

// remove record.
delete store.pageSize;

// add or update record.
store.pageSize = 12;

// and you can use `computed` or `watch` on it.
const keys = computed(() => Object.keys(store));
console.log(keys.value); // <-- ["pageSize", "currentIndex"]

API Document

  • useStore: Create a reactivity object for storeName.


    Parameter Type require Description
    storeName string | undefined No store's name, default is "".
    options { autoSynchronize?: boolean } No autoSynchronize: default is true, that means enable auto cross document synchronize, when you update store's value, it will change other document's value too.


    type UseStoreResult = Record<string, unknown>;
    • use case:
      • update/create new
        const store = useStore();
        await utils.isReady(store);
        // if `newRecord` is not exists, it will be saved.
        // if `newRecord` was exists, it will be updated.
        store.newRecord = 10;
      • delete record
        delete store.newRecord;
  • useKeyval: Create a ref target for key in [storeName] store. If you just want to create a binding for single key, this is well solution.


    Parameter Type require Description
    key string Yes the key that Ref will binding.
    defaultValue Value | undefined the default value to use to initialize record that if key is not exists.
    storeName string | undefined No store's name, default is "".
    options { autoSynchronize?: boolean } No autoSynchronize: default is true, that means enable auto cross document synchronize, when you update ref's value, it will change other document's value too.


    type UseKeyvalResult = Ref<Value>;
    • use case:
      • update/create new
        const newRecord = useKeyval("new record", 10, "temp");
      • delete record
        // @ts-ignore
        newRecord.value = undefined;
        // the ts-ignore was not required, you can use like this:
        const newRecord = useKeyval<number | undefined>("new record", 10, "temp");
        await utils.isReady(newRecord);
        newRecord.value = undefined;
  • createStore: Create a idb-keyval wrapper with storeName.


    Parameter Type require Description
    storeName string | undefined No store's name, default is "".


    type CreateStoreResult = {
      clear: () => Promise<void>;
      del: <Key extends IDBValidKey>(key: Key) => Promise<void>;
      delMany: <Key extends IDBValidKey>(keys: Key[]) => Promise<void>;
      entries: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>() => Promise<[Key, Value][]>;
      get: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>(key: Key) => Promise<Value | undefined>;
      getMany: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>(keys: Key[]) => Promise<Value[]>;
      keys: <Key extends IDBValidKey>() => Promise<Key[]>;
      set: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>(key: Key, value: Value) => Promise<void>;
      setMany: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>(entries: [Key, Value][]) => Promise<void>;
      update: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>(key: Key, updater: (value?: Value | undefined) => Value) => Promise<void>;
      values: <Value>() => Promise<Value[]>,
      useKeyval: <Key extends IDBValidKey, Value>(key: Key, defaultValue?: Value | undefined, options?: UseKeyvalOptions) => Ref<Value>;
  • Utils

    import { utils } from "idb-reactive"
    • isReady: Check an object's state.


      Parameter Type require Description
      obj object Yes can be useStore's result, or useKeyval's result.


      // will be resolved when `obj` loaded.
      type IsReadyResult = Promise<boolean>;


With rxjs

If you want to used with rxjs, you can use @vueuse/rxjs, just like this:

import { useStore, utils } from "idb-reactive";
import { from } from "@vueuse/rxjs";

const store = useStore();
await utils.isReady(store);
// convert `reactive` object to rxjs's Observable.
const observable = from(store, { deep: true });
observable.subscribe((val) => console.log("store changed, new val:", val));


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