The Africa Ruby Community (ARC) Platform is a project aimed at creating a hub for Ruby language enthusiasts in Africa. This platform facilitates connection, knowledge sharing, collaboration on projects, and staying updated with the latest Ruby community developments. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, this platform offers tailored resources for different countries and cities, merchandise, meetup information, and details about online workshops and webinars.
- Project Design: ARC Platform Design
- Database Design: ARC Database Design
Note: This project is open source, and contributions are encouraged.
- To follow along, watch this youtube tutorial on how to set up the application step by step on WSL.
ASDF is a tool capable of managing all runtimes locally. Follow the instructions for installation, especially for Windows WSL users.
Install dependencies for compiling Ruby:
- macOS: Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Ubuntu/ Windows WSL
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev software-properties-common libffi-dev
- Installing ASDF version manager
git clone ~/.asdf
echo '. "$HOME/.asdf/"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo '. "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'legacy_version_file = yes' >> ~/.asdfrc
exec $SHELL
Install ASDF plugins.
asdf plugin add ruby
asdf plugin add nodejs
Install Ruby and set the default version by running the following commands:
asdf install ruby 3.4.1
# Set the default Ruby version
asdf global ruby 3.4.1
# Update to the latest Rubygems version
gem update --system
Install foreman gem
gem install foreman
Confirm the default Ruby version matches the version you just installed.
which ruby
#=> /Users/username/.asdf/shims/ruby
ruby -v
#=> 3.4.1
Install Node.js for handling Javascript in our Rails app
asdf install nodejs 20.9.0
asdf global nodejs 20.9.0
which node
#=> /Users/username/.asdf/shims/node
node -v
#=> 20.9.0
# Install yarn for Rails jsbundling/cssbundling or webpacker
npm install -g yarn
To switch to a different Ruby and Node version for a specific project, you can use the following command to set the Ruby or Node version for that project. You should be in the project directory.
asdf local ruby <ruby version> # eg 3.4.1
asdf local nodejs <nodejs version> # eg 20.9.0
- Create a fork of this repository from the main branch.
- Select an issue to work on from the main repository.
- Create a branch named after the selected issue from the main branch.
Note: Keep your fork in sync with the main repository, and make all changes on this branch.
$ git clone <link to your forked repo>
$ cd <path to your cloned repo>
$ bundle install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ yarn install
$ ./bin/dev
- Make changes locally on your branch.
- Push your changes to your branch on GitHub.
- Create a pull request to the main branch of the main repository.
Once your changes are reviewed, they will be merged into the main branch.
Thank you for considering contributing to the Africa Ruby Community (ARC) Platform! We welcome contributions from developers of all experience levels.
We label our issues to help contributors find ones that match their skills and experience level. Here are some labels you might find helpful:
To find issues:
- Go to the project's repository on GitHub.
- Click on the
tab. - Use the search bar to filter by labels and keywords.
- Read issue descriptions and comments for details.
- Leave a comment if you have questions or need help.
Happy contributing!