Look into this jupyther notebook data-privacy-methods.ipynb -> results are pre-rendered
- install conda
- conda create --name myenv python=3.7
- conda activate myenv
- conda install pandas==0.25
- conda install matplotlib
- set the python interpreter/kernel = myenv in your favourite IDE (in which should run jupyter notebook)
- run the jupyter notebook
- change privacy methods parameter (kAnonym, lDivers, tClose)
- you can choose if your numeric data partitions should be displayed as a range or as an average
- categorial data are always displayed as unique sets
- in "Enter dataset & privacy parameters"
- add dataColumnDisplayedDifferently = set(('YourChosenColumn',))
- in the "Generating anonymous Dataset" section:
- add your custom function there
- in build_anonymized_dataset() function:
- add an ifel condition for your dataColumnDisplayedDifferently set