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Functionality and MVP

Jonathan Wong edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 1 revision

Core :


  • CRUD for user Auth

3 MVPs

  • Events, state would be like an object with two keys
    • users are participants
    • timeframe of event (total time)
      1. an array of POIs, that would be an ordered list of locations to go
      • POIs would be managed by index, since this is an ordered list
        1. POIs themselves are objects
        • name
        • coords (lat, lng)
        • picture(s)
        • timeframe to spend at the POI (slice of time)
    • owner
      1. threads, would be another object (list of comments tied to event) (would be general discussion or comments/feedback on the event)
      • thread id
      • and the contents of the comment

Public events

Will be shown on splash page, maybe with a map for each of them to show the route that is going

  • Join on a click of a button, and link will be made.
    • button might be part of a form, with just submit that takes the clicker's ID and attaches that to the participant list

Event info

  • POIs will be markers initially, that are labeled in order according to the itinerary
  • Organizers will be the one in charge of changing events, if we get far enough we'll have it so that we can do voting


  • events can be public/private

Private events

If the event is private

  • owners can invite other users to the event
    • invitees can accept/deny requests via inbox

Line displaying current route among POIs

If we can get the API to draw lines

  • There will be a line from point-to-point, displaying the route as intended by the organizer
    • If we're insane, the lines will follow the streets, like GPS


We would allow a group chat between all of the participants in an event before/after the event

  • During the event, websocket is disabled? (mega bonus)