- Ducker the docker helper. Ducker is go language based CLI application for easier docker usage purpose.
- Ducker has been developed for me and my organization usage purpose. It might not be suitable for everyone, however, I am willing to expand general purpose docker helper application. If you have any ideas, thought, and complains, please let me know. It would be much appreciated to build better tools for everyone.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeiKeiLim/ducker/main/install.sh | bash -s install linux amd64
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeiKeiLim/ducker/main/install.sh | bash -s install linux arm64
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeiKeiLim/ducker/main/install.sh | bash -s install linux arm
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeiKeiLim/ducker/main/install.sh | bash -s install darwin amd64
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeiKeiLim/ducker/main/install.sh | bash -s install darwin arm64
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeiKeiLim/ducker/main/install.sh | bash -s uninstall
$ ducker init
Enter your name(Default: Anonymous): Jongkuk Lim
Enter contact address (Default: None): lim.jeikei@gmail.com
Dockerfile has been created in docker directory
This will generate basic Dockerfile
and Dockerfile.aarch64
under ./docker/
directory which you can find in docker/Dockerfile and docker/Dockerfile.aarch. This basic Dockerfile contains ubuntu environment of parent's user permission(UID and GID) with NVIDIA CUDA ready (if possible) and oh-my-zsh support. Once you have successfully initialized Dockerfile, you are ready to build docker image.
You can insert cutom template dockerfile.
$ ducker init -t python
This will put templates/python.Dockerfile contents after docker/Dockerfile.
$ ducker build
Successfully tagged jeikeilim/ducker_test:x86_64
Docker image name is automatically generated by Organization Name
/Parent's directory name
:Architecture name
. So you don't need to think about the naming convention. Now you are ready to run the docker container.
$ ducker run
─ ducker run
docker run --privileged -tid -e DISPLAY=:0 -e TERM=xterm-256color -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro -v /dev:/dev --gpus all -v /home/limjk/.gitconfig:/home/user/.gitconfig --network host jeikeilim/ducker_test:x86_64 /usr/bin/zsh
[powerlevel10k] fetching gitstatusd .. [ok]
user@mypc ~ echo hello from ducker
hello from docker
ducker run
will execute docker command with privilleged, display and gpu support, git config(if possible), and host network configuration.
$ ducker exec
user@mypc ~
command runs last container you ran.
- Custom base docker image
- Global configuration file for better flexibility
- Your idea
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Jongkuk Lim 💻 🤔 |
Haneol Kim 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!