KubRay is an open source toolkit to run Ray applications on Kubernetes.
KubeRay provides several tools to improve running and managing Ray's experience on Kubernetes.
- Ray Operator
- Backend services to create/delete cluster resources (incubating)
- Kubectl plugin/CLI to operate CRD objects (future work)
- Kubernetes event dumper for ray clusters/pod/services (future work)
- Operator Integration with Kubernetes node problem detector (future work)
- Kubernetes based workspace to easily submit ray jobs (future work)
Please read our CONTRIBUTING guide before making a pull request. Refer to our DEVELOPMENT to build and run tests locally.
If you discover a potential security issue in this project, or think you may have discovered a security issue, we ask that you notify KubeRay Security via our Slack Channel. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.