MyUNifyLite is a lite version of MyUNify an application thought as a social network for universities in Bogota.
As a lite version it is a webpage, and we hope to insert it into an app for releasing the version.
React, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Typescript, mysql2 library, mysql database and modular CSS.
As an user you can:
- Create events
- View events from other users
- register and login
- delete your account
- view 'parches' (little communities inside our app)
- edit your user
- save events
This project was the final assignement for the subjet 'Bases de datos' at 'Universidad Nacional de Colombia'. Also it was thought as an opportunity for learning CRUD operations, frontend-development and to create our first APIs.
- Jefferson Ramirez (UI design,Frontend, Backend)
- Simon Ramos (Backend, Frontend)
- Juan Cortes (Frontend, Backend)