September 12 - 14, 2018
.NET Conf is a free, 3 day virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. This repo contains creative and technical content for running a .NET Conf 2018 local event or watch party in your community as well as information on how to syndicate the broadcast on your own sites.
If you are intested in running a local event or watch party between Sept 12 and Oct 31, please make sure you let us know by filling out this survey: We will advertize your event on and send some SWAG to give out to your members! Please fill out the survey by Aug 13. SWAG will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis and supply is limited.
You are free to organize a watch party to view the online broadcast live and/or organize a presentation, workshop, or hack-a-thon anytime until Oct 31. The technical content needs to be .NET related and preferably on the latest releases. Topcs can include but aren't limited to: .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Xamarin, Unity, UWP, Visual Studio family, C#/F#/Visual Basic, .NET cloud development with Azure, Machine Learning & AI with .NET, .NET open source projects.
We will have technical content coming soon! For now, check out the presentations here:
The Creative
folder contains creative banners and images you can use to advertise .NET Conf and your local events. There are a variety of sizes to choose from. You may use any of these banners to advertize the main event itself, or your local events in your community. You may add your local meetup name, location and dates to these images. You may not change the .NET Conf branding. Please contact if you have any questions.
Please help us promote .NET Conf on social media! On Twitter, use the hashtag #dotnetconf. Here's some examples of posts you can create to help us.
Save the date for .NET Conf 2018 - a free, community event for .NET developers around the world with livestreamed tech talks, online discussion, and local in-person events!
Get the latest on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, C#, F#, Azure, Visual Studio, Xamarin, and much more.
Make sure to RSVP for session announcements, event locations, and prize opportunities!
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#dotNETConf is back for 2018! 3 days of free #dotnet #developer content streaming live around the globe. Save the date!
Save the date for #dotNETConf, a free, online conference for everyone in the .NET community from beginners to seasoned engineers.
New to #dotNETConf? Check out the videos from last year and save September 12-14 for this year's event.
.NET Conf 2018 will broadcast the first two days of the conference from Microsoft studios. You can syndicate the broadcast on your own developer-focused sites. Take a look at the syndication instructions and contact and let us know you want to be involved!