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Simple tools to work with the conversion between xml and array.


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The conversion between xml and array becomes easier than ever. This package provides some very simple classes to convert XML to array and back.

Features of this package

  • Convert an XML object (DOMDocument, SimpleXMLElement) or well-formed XML string to an associative array or Json string.
  • Convert an associative array to well-formed XML string or DOMDocument.
  • Support parsing and building attributes, Cdata sections and namespaces of XML in conversion process.


Look at one of the following sessions to learn more about this package.


You can install this package through Composer.

$ composer require jackiedo/xml-array

Basic usage

Convert XML to array


array Xml2Array::convert(DOMDocument|SimpleXMLElement|string $inputXML)->toArray();

Note: The input XML can be one of types DOMDocument object, SimpleXMLElement object or well-formed XML string.

Example 1 - (Convert from XML string):

use Jackiedo\XmlArray\Xml2Array;

$xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <tag>Example tag</tag>

        <attribute_tag description="This is a tag with attribute">Another tag with attributes</attribute_tag>

        <cdata_section><![CDATA[ This is CDATA section ]]></cdata_section>

            <sub_tag>Sub tag 1</sub_tag>
            <sub_tag>Sub tag 2</sub_tag>


            <![CDATA[ This is another CDATA section ]]>

            <section id="sec_1">Section number 1</section>
            <section id="sec_2">Section number 2</section>
            <section id="sec_3">Section number 3</section>

        <example:with_namespace xmlns:example="">

$array = Xml2Array::convert($xmlString)->toArray();

After running this piece of code $array will contain:

$array = [
    "root_node" => [
        "tag"           => "Example tag",
        "attribute_tag" => [
            "@value"      => "Another tag with attributes",
            "@attributes" => [
                "description" => "This is a tag with attribute"
        "cdata_section" => [
            "@cdata" => "This is CDATA section"
        "tag_with_subtag" => [
            "sub_tag" => ["Sub tag 1", "Sub tag 2"]
        "mixed_section" => [
            "@value"  => "Hello",
            "@cdata"  => "This is another CDATA section",
            "section" => [
                    "@value"      => "Section number 1",
                    "@attributes" => [
                        "id" => "sec_1"
                    "@value"      => "Section number 2",
                    "@attributes" => [
                        "id" => "sec_2"
                    "@value"      => "Section number 3",
                    "@attributes" => [
                        "id" => "sec_3"
        "example:with_namespace" => [
            "example:sub" => "Content"
        "@attributes" => [
            "xmlns:example" => ""

Example 2 - (Convert form XML object, such as SimpleXMLElement):

use Jackiedo\XmlArray\Xml2Array;

$xmlObject = simplexml_load_file('');
$array     = Xml2Array::convert($xmlObject)->toArray();

The result of above code is:

$array = [
    "ExrateList" => [
        "DateTime" => "11/26/2018 1:56:20 PM",
        "Exrate" => [
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "AUD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "AUST.DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "16724.09",
                    "Transfer" => "16825.04",
                    "Sell" => "17008.7"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "CAD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "CANADIAN DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "17412.21",
                    "Transfer" => "17570.34",
                    "Sell" => "17762.14"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "CHF",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SWISS FRANCE",
                    "Buy" => "23074.67",
                    "Transfer" => "23237.33",
                    "Sell" => "23538.02"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "DKK",
                    "CurrencyName" => "DANISH KRONE",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "3493.19",
                    "Sell" => "3602.67"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "EUR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "EURO",
                    "Buy" => "26264.39",
                    "Transfer" => "26343.42",
                    "Sell" => "26736.61"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "GBP",
                    "CurrencyName" => "BRITISH POUND",
                    "Buy" => "29562.43",
                    "Transfer" => "29770.83",
                    "Sell" => "30035.68"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "HKD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "HONGKONG DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "2939.91",
                    "Transfer" => "2960.63",
                    "Sell" => "3004.95"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "INR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "INDIAN RUPEE",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "331.15",
                    "Sell" => "344.15"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "JPY",
                    "CurrencyName" => "JAPANESE YEN",
                    "Buy" => "200.38",
                    "Transfer" => "202.4",
                    "Sell" => "207.05"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "KRW",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SOUTH KOREAN WON",
                    "Buy" => "19.07",
                    "Transfer" => "20.07",
                    "Sell" => "21.33"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "KWD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "KUWAITI DINAR",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "76615.44",
                    "Sell" => "79621.23"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "MYR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "MALAYSIAN RINGGIT",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "5532.17",
                    "Sell" => "5603.76"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "NOK",
                    "CurrencyName" => "NORWEGIAN KRONER",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "2674.72",
                    "Sell" => "2758.55"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "RUB",
                    "CurrencyName" => "RUSSIAN RUBLE",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "349.9",
                    "Sell" => "389.89"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "SAR",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SAUDI RIAL",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "6206.27",
                    "Sell" => "6449.75"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "SEK",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SWEDISH KRONA",
                    "Buy" => "0",
                    "Transfer" => "2536.35",
                    "Sell" => "2600.19"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "SGD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "SINGAPORE DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "16775.66",
                    "Transfer" => "16893.92",
                    "Sell" => "17078.33"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "THB",
                    "CurrencyName" => "THAI BAHT",
                    "Buy" => "691.64",
                    "Transfer" => "691.64",
                    "Sell" => "720.49"
                "@attributes" => [
                    "CurrencyCode" => "USD",
                    "CurrencyName" => "US DOLLAR",
                    "Buy" => "23295",
                    "Transfer" => "23295",
                    "Sell" => "23385"
        "Source" => "Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Vietcombank"

Convert XML to Json


string Xml2Array::convert(DOMDocument|SimpleXMLElement|string $inputXML)->toJson([int $options = 0]);

Example 3:

$jsonString = Xml2Array::convert($xmlString)->toJson(JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Convert array to XML


string Array2Xml::convert(array $array)->toXml([bool $prettyOutput = false]);

Example 4:

use Jackiedo\XmlArray\Array2Xml;

// We will use array from the result of first example as input for this example
$xmlString = Array2Xml::convert($array)->toXml(true);

Convert array to DOM


DOMDocument Array2Xml::convert(array $array)->toDom();

Example 5:

$domObject = Array2Xml::convert($array)->toDom();

Advanced usage

Set configuration

You can set configuration for conversion process with one of following methods:

Method 1

$config = [
    'valueKey' => '@text',
    'cdataKey' => '@cdata-section'

$array = Xml2Array::convert($inputXml, $config)->toArray();

// And for backward processing
$xml = Array2Xml::convert($inputArray, $config)->toXml();

Note: Configuration is an array of parameters. For more details, see section Default configuration.

Method 2

$converter = new Xml2Array($config);
$array     = $converter->convertFrom($inputXml)->toArray();

Method 3

$converter = new Xml2Array;
$array     = $converter->setConfig($config)->convertFrom($inputXml)->toArray();

Get configuration

If you implemented the conversion process using methods 2 and 3, you can get configuration of the conversion with method:

$config = $converter->getConfig();

Default configuration

For Xml2Array

$defaultConfig = [
    'version'          => '1.0',         // Version of XML document
    'encoding'         => 'UTF-8',       // Encoding of XML document
    'attributesKey'    => '@attributes', // The key name use for storing attributes of node
    'cdataKey'         => '@cdata',      // The key name use for storing value of Cdata Section in node
    'valueKey'         => '@value',      // The key name use for storing text content of node
    'namespacesOnRoot' => true           // Collapse all the namespaces on the root node, otherwise it will put in the nodes for which the namespace first appeared.

For Array2Xml

$defaultConfig = [
    'version'       => '1.0',         // Version of XML document
    'encoding'      => 'UTF-8',       // Encoding of XML document
    'attributesKey' => '@attributes', // The key name use for storing attributes of node
    'cdataKey'      => '@cdata',      // The key name use for storing value of Cdata Section in node
    'valueKey'      => '@value',      // The key name use for storing text content of node
    'rootElement'   => null,          // The name of root node will be create automatically in process of conversion


MIT © Jackie Do