The Geometric Tools Engine is a collection of source code for computing in the fields of mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics. The engine is written in C++ 14 and supports high-performance computing using CPU multithreading and general purpose GPU programming (GPGPU). Portions of the code are described in various books as well as in PDF documents available at the Geometric Tools Website.
The Geometric Tools Engine (GTE) is licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0.
I am now in the process of finishing The Geometric Tools Library (GTL), which is a major revision of GTE. The library is also licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0. The code comes with PDF documentation and hyperlinks in the source files to the specific locations in the PDF file that describe the code and use. The PDF itself has links to the source code files. Portions of the code will be posted once finalized. The first batch is the Utility library and documentation and is available at github and at my website.
The mathematics code is in a header-only library, GTMathematics. A mathematics library with GPU-based implementations is provided, GTMathematicsGPU. The CPU-based common graphics engine code is in its own library, GTGraphics. DirectX 11 wrappers are provided for graphics and applications, GTGraphicsDX11 and GTApplicationsDX11, on Microsoft Windows 10/11. OpenGL 4.5 wrappers are provided for graphics and applications, GTGraphicsGL45 and GTApplicationsGL45, on Microsoft Windows 10/11 and on Linux. A small number of files exist to use GLX and X-Windows on Linux.
On Microsoft Windows 10/11, the code is maintained using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019/2022 with Microsoft's compilers, LLVM clang-cl or with Intel C++ Compiler 19.2 or 2022.
On Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, the code is maintained using Visual Studio Code 1.49.2 and CMake 3.15.2, NVIDIA graphics drivers, OpenGL 4.5 and gcc 9.3.0,
On Fedora 36, the code is maintained using Visual Studio Code 1.49.2 and CMake 3.22.2, NVIDIA graphics drivers, OpenGL 4.5 and gcc 12.1.1.
The repository contains many sample applications to illustrate some features of the engine. Top-level solutions/makefiles exist to build everything in the repository. Please read the installation and release notes to understand what is expected of your development environment.
The current queue of technical support issues, whether reported on github or privately by email, is found at the Geometric Tools website. See the document
Seb Wouter's improvement for my LCP-based test-intersection query between a box and a finite cylinder. When using floating-point arithmetic, the LCP solver had some significant rounding errors to produce incorrect results. His approach clips the box by the cylinder enddisk planes to form a convex polyhedron, projects that to a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis to obtain a polygon, and then tests for polygon-circle intersection. The code uses a generic convex hull finder to create the convex polyhedron. My current GTE code avoids the generic hull finder and takes advantage of the pairs of parallel planes for the box to amortize the computational costs for a faster algorithm. The repository link is
CodeReclaimers example of incorporating Dear ImGui into a GTE sample application (for Microsoft Windows). The repository link is