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The OpenMORE project offers the essential tools for rapid robot path replanning during trajectory execution. It provides a robust architecture that manages both the replanning process and the execution of the trajectory. It also includes a library of sampling-based path replanning algorithms to efficiently handle dynamic changes in the environment.


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The repository contains a library of sampling-based path replanning algorithms. It develops a framework to manage robot's trajectory execution with continuous path replanning and collision checking of the current path. It is based on ROS and MoveIt! to get information about the environment and collision check. Check this paper for more information.

🚧 Update in Progress! 🚧

We are currently significantly changing the organisation of the library and updating the documentation. Expect new changes in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


The software can be installed using rosinstall files.

  1. Install ROS: follow the steps described in
  2. Install Git: follow the steps described in
  3. Install wstool: follow the steps described in
  4. Install rosdep: follow the steps described in
  5. Install catkin_tools: follow the steps described in

Create your workspace:

mkdir -p ~/replanning_ws/src
cd ~/replanning_ws
catkin init
wstool init src

Then, download and merge the rosinstall file:

cd ~/replanning_ws
wstool merge -t src ./OpenMORE.rosinstall

Download and install the packages specified in the rosinstall file and the other system dipendencies:

cd ~/replanning_ws
wstool update -t src
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Finally, compile the workspace:

cd ~/replanning_ws
catkin build -cs

And source the workspace:

echo "source /home/$USER/replanning_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc


A docker file is also available. Open a terminal, move into the folder where you have saved the docker file and run the following command:

sudo docker build -f dockerfile_OpenMORE -t openmore .

Once completed, run the container:

xhost + 

sudo docker run -it --net=host --gpus all \
    --env="DISPLAY" \
    --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" \
    --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \

Then, inside the container you can try the library (see Quick examples below).

Quick examples

If you want to take a look at how the library works, you can run these two quick examples in which the robot follows a trajectory and replans it when a random object obstructs its path. The simulation is repeated with different replanning algorithms, with different performance in the two following scenarios.

To use a Cartesian point robot, launch:

roslaunch replanners_lib quick_example_3d.launch

To use a 6 dof anthropomorphic robot, launch:

roslaunch replanners_lib quick_example_6d.launch

Note: when launching the examples you may get errors due to the lack of some libraries (e.g. trac-ik). They aren't needed for these examples, but you can install them with the following commands

sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-trac-ik-kinematics-plugin ros-$ROS_DISTRO-chomp-motion-planner ros-$ROS_DISTRO-moveit-planners-chomp \ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pilz-industrial-motion-planner


replanners_lib see README

It contains two main repository:

  1. replanners: contains the implementation of some sample-based replanning algorithms.
  2. replanner_managers: contains the implementation of a framework to manage the trajectory execution with continuous replanning for each of the available replanners.

You can implement your replanning algorithm and integrate it into the framework.

replanners_benchmark see README

It contains a node to benchmark the available replanners and useful launch files. You can configure your benchmark or add new tests.

replanners_cells see README

It contains the urdf and moveit_config packages of the environments used for benchmarking. You can add your scenario.

Work in progress

This repository is a work in progress and is continuously evolving. As such, it is not free of bugs. Please be careful if you use it on real hardware and take all necessary precautions. If you find errors or if you have some suggestions, please let us know.

We are actively seeking support for further development. If you're interested, please reach out via email at

Future works:

  1. ROS-free version and integration to ROS2
  2. Generalization of the scene-monitoring software (currently, Moveit)
  3. More documentation and tutorials

How to cite


  author={Tonola, Cesare and Beschi, Manuel and Faroni, Marco and Pedrocchi, Nicola},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)}, 
  title={{OpenMORE: an open-source tool for sampling-based path replanning in ROS}}, 

Developer Contact



OpenMORE is developed by CNR-STIIMA and University of Brescia.

EC-H2020 ShareWork webpage


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 820807. This website reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


The OpenMORE project offers the essential tools for rapid robot path replanning during trajectory execution. It provides a robust architecture that manages both the replanning process and the execution of the trajectory. It also includes a library of sampling-based path replanning algorithms to efficiently handle dynamic changes in the environment.





