A demonstration of the autoscaling capabilities of an Knative Serving Revision.
- Install Knative Serving
- Install docker
Build the autoscale app container and publish it to your registry of choice:
# Build and publish the container, run from the root directory.
docker build \
--build-arg SAMPLE=autoscale \
--tag "${REPO}/sample/autoscale" \
--file=sample/Dockerfile.golang .
docker push "${REPO}/sample/autoscale"
# Replace the image reference with our published image.
perl -pi -e "s@github.com/knative/serving/sample/autoscale@${REPO}/sample/autoscale@g" sample/autoscale/sample.yaml
# Deploy the Knative Serving sample
kubectl apply -f sample/autoscale/sample.yaml
Export your Ingress IP as SERVICE_IP.
# Put the Ingress Host name into an environment variable.
export SERVICE_HOST=`kubectl get route autoscale-route -o jsonpath="{.status.domain}"`
# Put the Ingress IP into an environment variable.
export SERVICE_IP=`kubectl get svc knative-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"`
Request the largest prime less than 40,000,000 from the autoscale app. Note that it consumes about 1 cpu/sec.
time curl --header "Host:$SERVICE_HOST" http://${SERVICE_IP?}/primes/40000000
Ramp up a bunch of traffic on the autoscale app (about 300 QPS).
kubectl delete namespace hey --ignore-not-found && kubectl create namespace hey
for i in `seq 2 2 60`; do
kubectl -n hey run hey-$i --image josephburnett/hey --restart Never -- \
-n 999999 -c $i -z 2m -host $SERVICE_HOST \
sleep 1
watch kubectl get pods -n hey --show-all
Watch the Knative Serving deployment pod count increase.
watch kubectl get deploy
Look at the latency, requests/sec and success rate of each pod.
for i in `seq 4 4 120`; do kubectl -n hey logs hey-$i ; done | less
kubectl delete namespace hey
kubectl delete -f sample/autoscale/sample.yaml