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MyndMap: An AI-powered productivity tool designed to empower individuals with ADHD and boost focus and organization.


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MyndMap is still in early development and is not ready for use yet.


MyndMap is a web application designed to help individuals with ADHD improve their focus and productivity. It leverages AI technology to adapt to each user's unique needs and provide personalized assistance. This README provides comprehensive documentation for MyndMap, including its features, installation instructions, how to contribute, and licensing information.

Onboarding 3

Market Opportunity

The market for ADHD management solutions is substantial and growing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of ADHD has been steadily increasing over the years, with more individuals being diagnosed and seeking solutions to manage their symptoms. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive, personalized tools tailored specifically for individuals with ADHD. MyndMap fills this gap by offering a unique combination of AI-driven assistance, task organization, and personalized recommendations. Through market research and user feedback, we continuously refine our offerings to meet the evolving needs of our target audience.

Features (MVP)

User Registration and Authentication: Implement a user registration and login system to allow users to create accounts and securely access the platform.

Task Creation and Management: Create the ability for users to add, edit, and delete tasks. Users should be able to set task names, descriptions, priorities, due dates, and statuses.

AI-driven Task Recommendations: Develop AI algorithms to provide personalized task recommendations and strategies based on user input and preferences.

Task Organization: Enable users to organize tasks based on priority, due date, and other custom categories.

Dashboard: Create a user-friendly dashboard where users can view their tasks, recommendations, and progress.

ADHD Assessment: Implement a basic ADHD assessment questionnaire to gauge the severity of users' struggles and provide initial recommendations.

User Profiles: Allow users to create and manage their profiles, including basic personal information.

Notification and Reminders: Set up notifications and reminders to alert users about upcoming tasks and deadlines.

Basic Analytics: Provide simple analytics to show users their task completion rate, productivity trends, and other relevant insights.

Onboarding 1

Features (long-term)

Advanced AI Insights: Enhance the AI capabilities to provide even more personalized and actionable insights to users based on their behaviors, preferences, and progress.

Advanced Task Management: Expand the task management features to include more advanced options such as task dependencies, subtasks, recurring tasks, and task prioritization algorithms.

Integration with External Calendars: Allow users to sync their tasks and reminders with popular calendar applications like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook.

Gamification Elements: Introduce gamification elements to motivate and engage users, such as earning rewards, badges, or points for completing tasks and achieving goals.

Progress Tracking and Reporting: Provide detailed progress tracking and reporting features, including visualizations, charts, and analytics to help users monitor their productivity and improvements over time.

Customizable AI Interactions: Allow users to customize how they interact with the AI assistant, such as setting preferences for communication style, frequency of reminders, and preferred time frames.

Personalized Learning Paths: Develop personalized learning paths and resources to help users acquire skills for managing ADHD, including mindfulness techniques, time management strategies, and cognitive-behavioral exercises.

Mobile App and Offline Access: Create a dedicated mobile app for MyndMap, allowing users to access their tasks, reminders, and insights on the go. Consider implementing offline access for users without an internet connection.

Community and Support: Establish a user community where individuals with ADHD can connect, share experiences, and support each other. Include forums, chat features, and expert advice resources.

Language and Localization: Expand the platform to support multiple languages and offer localization options for a global user base.

Integrations with Productivity Tools: Integrate with popular productivity tools such as Trello, Asana, or Slack to streamline task management workflows.

Accessibility Features: Implement accessibility features to ensure that individuals with diverse needs can use and benefit from the platform.

Onboarding 2


MyndMap is desired on the following frameworks:

Frontend - React: React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It provides a component-based architecture, efficient rendering, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools. React's flexibility and performance make it an excellent choice for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces in MyndMap.

Backend - Flask: Flask is a lightweight and flexible Python web framework. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a suitable choice for developing the backend of MyndMap. Flask provides the necessary tools for building web applications, handling requests, and interacting with databases.

These are desired, and have not yet been implemented.

Technology Stack

MyndMap leverages the infrastructure provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for cloud storage and hosting. We utilize Postgres for structured data storage, Hadoop for unstructured data storage and processing, and Airflow for data transformation and processing. Our team focuses on continuous improvement, user support, and research efforts to enhance our offerings and ensure a seamless user experience.


We welcome contributions to MyndMap! To contribute to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.

  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

-- git clone --

  1. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.

  2. Push your changes to your forked repository:

git push origin feature/my-feature

  1. Open a pull request on the main repository.

Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the project's coding guidelines and standards.


We are continuously exploring new ideas and improvements to enhance the functionality and user experience of MyndMap.


MyndMap is open-source software released under the MIT License.

Thank you for your interest in MyndMap. We hope you find this documentation helpful. Join us in improving the lives of individuals with ADHD through enhanced focus and productivity. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make a positive impact together!


MyndMap: An AI-powered productivity tool designed to empower individuals with ADHD and boost focus and organization.







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