🏢 At the moment I am working for Nicomac europe s.r.l. (Nicomac website) on machine learning control projects, use of machine learning in industrial processes.
💻 I’m currently Working on: machine learning control, technology transfer, deep learning models, data pipelines, deployment of AI solutions, optimization problems
🌱 I’m currently learning: Graph neural network, Game theory, Quantum computing, Quantum machine learning, Agile development
📝 I regularly: read scientific papers and articles on edge technologies in AI, prototype new systems to deal with real problems
💬 Ask me about: solutions to impact reality thanks to data science and artificial intelligence, make processes more efficient through optimization algorithms
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
| ishikawa7#4156 | @montag1984 | davidegrimaldi92@gmai.com |
I'm an eclectic computer scientist who deals with the entire data science process, from raw data management, to machine learning modeling, to product release. I am inclined to prototype new solutions to give insight into any complex problem. I prioritize collaboration with other professionals to create information that is useful and effective, but also as accurate and detailed as possible. I'm knowledge-oriented through operational approach.
#Machine learning, #Deep learning, #Operation Research, #Programming, #Anomalies detection, #Time series analysis, #Genetic Algorithms, #Heuristic algorithms, #Network Analysis, #Optimization, #Forecasting, #Cloud, #Datascience, #MLOps, #Applied Math, #Machine learning control, #Reinforcement learning