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Public tools provided by Ironclad Games to support modding Iron Engine 3. Iron Engine 3 was used to build Sins of a Solar Empire II

Getting Started

  • If you are new to git or don't like using the command line, we recommend using to download these files. Downloading them directly from github will not work. After installing Fork, click File->Clone and use as the repository URL. Fork is a commerical product but there are also a number of free git GUI's out there.
  • Most of Iron Engine 3's tools have a soft dependency on Python 3.x to automate cleaning up any JSON files that are generated.
  • Download and install .NET Framework 4.7.2 Runtime from (needed for SolarForge and Peon)

GUI editor for working with:

  • Scenarios (maps)
  • Particle Effects
  • Beam Effects
  • Meshes
  • Units

Quick Start

  • Run SolarForge.exe in SolarForge/bin.
  • You will be prompted to find the game folder that contains sins2.exe as all game assets are located side-by-side in this folder. This is necessary for resolving dependencies between assets. For example a Particle Effect will require finding Textures and Scenarios will require all knowledge of planets and other game assets.
  • Early documentation on making a map (which the Iron Engine refers to as a "Scenario"): Making a Scenario
  • More documentation on how to use SolarForge will be forthcoming.

Converts raw gltf mesh files into Iron Engine 3 specific mesh files (either binary or json).

More information on how to author meshes and convert them to .gltf from other formats will be forthcoming.

Quick Start

From command line:

.\MeshBuilder\bin\MeshBuilder.exe --input_path=examples/meshes/advent_interceptor_strikecraft.gltf --output_folder_path=.out --mesh_output_format=binary

Mesh Textures

Mesh Textures have specific requirements to look correct with Iron Engine 3's shaders. Use Texconv to convert from .png to .dds using the specifications below. This process can be simplified and automated by using Peon.

For clarity, user interface elements should stay as .png and information on particle textures will be forthcoming.

Type Format Command Line Example
Color BC7_UNORM Texconv.exe -f BC7_UNORM -y "<path/in.png>" -o "<path/>" advent_interceptor_strikecraft_clr.png
Mask BC7_UNORM Texconv.exe -f BC7_UNORM -y "<path/in.png>" -o "<path/>" advent_interceptor_strikecraft_msk.png
ORM BC7_UNORM Texconv.exe -f BC7_UNORM -y "<path/in.png>" -o "<path/>" advent_interceptor_strikecraft_orm.png
Normal Map BC5_SNORM Texconv.exe -f BC5_SNORM -y "<path/in.png>" -o "<path/>" advent_interceptor_strikecraft_nrm.png

Mesh Color Texture

Red Green Blue Alpha
red green blue opacity (material dependent)

Mesh Mask Texture

Red Green Blue Alpha
primary team color secondary team color emissive mask strength emissive hue strength

Mesh ORM Texture

Red Green Blue Alpha
occlusion roughness metalness unused

Mesh Normal Map

  • Iron Engine 3 expects a BC5_SNORM dds texture that only encodes x and y.
  • We highly recommend you create a .png normal map and convert it to dds with Texconv as described above or Peon as described below. The .png should be authored as follows:
Red Green Blue Alpha
tangent bitangent normal unused
  • Where the coordinate system is:
    • Positive Y up
    • Positive Z forward
    • Positive X right
  • In order for normals to work correctly mesh tangents must be exported as Mikktspace tangents.
  • If you want to avoid using mesh tangents you will be able to disable Mikkelsen's method and use Schuler's derivative based method which we've left for use in the shader.
  • More documentation on how to author mesh normals (and meshes in general) will be forthcoming.

Effect Textures

Generally the same as a Mesh Texture. All particle textures must have .texconv file in the same folder for Peon to build them properly. Refer to Using Peon to Build Textures.

General Texture Notes

All texture sizes must be multiples of 4.

Using Peon to Build Textures

It is possible to generate .dds texture files using the rules described above but we recommend using Peon to automate this process when packaging Mods. Just keep the raw .png files and don't worry about generating the correct .dds files yourself.

Peon will build textures in two ways:

  1. Peon will look for .mesh_material file found side-by-side textures to determine the role of each texture. This will be generated by MeshBuilder. For example advent_interceptor_strikecraft.mesh_material
  2. Peon will look for a .texconv file in the same directory side-by-side your source textures. This file has rules describing the textures found in the folder.
    "*.png": "Particle"


  1. Download Texconv
  2. Run Peon with path to texconv.exe
py -s .\examples\meshes\textures -d .out\converted_mesh_textures --texconv_exe_path c:/path/to/your/texconv.exe
py -s .\examples\particles\textures -d .out\converted_particle_textures --texconv_exe_path c:/path/to/your/texconv.exe

Mesh Materials

Coming at a later date.

JSON Schema files are provided for all entity files used by Iron Engine 3. This will assist authoring and allows files to be validated before they are even loaded.

If using Visual Studio Code you will get auto-complete and invalid value squiggles due to .vscode/settings.json added to this repo. Check out trader_scout_corvette.unit.

Peon is a build tool used to prepare and package files for mods.

  • Peon will take any source folder of random structure and prepare it for the structure required for a mod.
  • Peon will do any necessary data conversion on source files.
    • .png -> .dds with optimal settings (e.g. normals vs colors). Refer to Mesh Textures for more details.
    • .csv -> .localized_text json

For example given the source:

        - new_ship.unit
        - new_ship.mesh
        - new_ship_texture_clr.png
        - new_ship.weapon
            - en.localized_text_csv

Peon will restructure the data in a form that the game expects:

        - new_ship.unit
        - new_ship.weapon
        - new_ship.mesh
        - en.localized_text

Peon will then generate in a form that can be directly uploaded as a complete Mod.

Quick Start

Use script to simplify the command line arguments necessary to run Peon.

py .\ --src_folder=".\examples\mods\super_fast_trader_scout_corvette" --dst_folder=".out\super_fast_trader_scout_corvette"

This will generate a usable mod folder that can be used locally by copying to %localappdata%/sins2/mods/

You can also generate a .zip file to update to by adding --package_mod

py .\ --src_folder=".\examples\mods\super_fast_trader_scout_corvette" --dst_folder=".out\super_fast_trader_scout_corvette" --package_mod

Building ShadersMakes the modding workflow cozier, with various QoL features to simplify ship rigging along with helpful documentation in the side panel

We will be providing official .hlsl shaders at a later date. If you want to create your own shaders you can use Peon to compile them for the game.

If you would like to use Peon to compile shaders:

py .\ -s .\examples\shaders -d .out\shaders --fxc_exe_path c:/path/to/fxc.exe

Very simple command line app that converts csv files to Iron Engine 3 compatible localized text in JSON format.

Other Links

Export meshes directly from Blender.

Makes the modding workflow cozier, with various QoL features to simplify ship rigging along with helpful documentation in the side panel


Official Modding Tools provided by Ironclad. May be used for Sins of a Solar Empire 2.





