Thisel is Solidity REPL TUI build on top of chisel.
- autocomplete
- Vim-like editor
⚒️ Chisel help
!help | !h - Display all commands
!quit | !q - Quit Chisel
!exec <command> [args] | !e <command> [args] - Execute a shell command and print the output
!clear | !c - Clear current session source
!source | !so - Display the source code of the current session
!save [id] | !s [id] - Save the current session to cache
!load <id> | !l <id> - Load a previous session ID from cache
!list | !ls - List all cached sessions
!clearcache | !cc - Clear the chisel cache of all stored sessions
!export | !ex - Export the current session source to a script file
!fetch <addr> <name> | !fe <addr> <name> - Fetch the interface of a verified contract on Etherscan
!edit - Open the current session in an editor
!fork <url> | !f <url> - Fork an RPC for the current session. Supply 0 arguments to return to a local network
!traces | !t - Enable / disable traces for the current session
!calldata [data] | !cd [data] - Set calldata (``) for the current session (appended after function selector). Clears it if no argument provided.
!memdump | !md - Dump the raw memory of the current state
!stackdump | !sd - Dump the raw stack of the current state
!rawstack <var> | !rs <var> - Display the raw value of a variable's stack allocation. For variables that are > 32 bytes in length, this will display their memory pointer.