Linear optics code for LhARA -- Tag1
The code in this repository provides linear beam-line optics code and implemetations of the DRACO, LION< and LhARA Stage 1 beamlines.
A guide to setting up and running the package is given in 00-Documentation/00-Setup-n-run/Setup-n-run.pdf.
Execute "startup.bash" from this directory (i.e. run the bash command "source startup.bash"). This will:
- Set up "LhARAOpticsPATH"; and
- Add "01-Code" to the PYTHONPATH. The scripts in "02-Tests" may then be run with the command "python 02-Tests/.py".
Documentation is being developed. The top of the documentation directory tree is:
- 00-Documentation
- Rudimentary documentation to "set up and run" is available in the subdirectory:
- 00-Documentation/00-Setup-n-run
- The write-up of methods, data structure, etc. is being developed in:
- 00-Documentation/01-WriteUp
- Python classes and "library" code stored in "01-Code"
- Test scripts stored in "02-Tests"
- Parameters to control the run conditions are stored in "11-Parameters"
- Example scripts are provided in "03-Scripts"
- An example user directory is provided in 31-UserDirectory
Rudimentary, but, goal is one test script per class/package file in 01-Code.
- Code and test scripts assume Python 3.
- Test scripts assume code directory (01-Code) is in PYTHON path. A bash script "startup.bash" is provided to update the PYTHON path.
- October 2024: Update to include documentation, numerous fixes and improvements.
- January 2024: Code tidied for "users"/co-developers!
git clone
cd LhARAlineaOptics
If you have Anaconda installed and are using an automatically activated environment, and can see (base) in your prompt string, consider deactivating this: conda deactivate
If you are using a Mac you are probably running zsh, start a bash shell by typing: bash
Set up a virtual environment. Possible commands:
- python3 -m venv venv
- virtualenv venv
Note that you may need to install the virtualenv package for your linux distribution.
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
To execute code from this, the source, directory tree execute:
- source startup.bash
Utilities are provided to allow users to use the package and to develop their own analyses. To set this up:
- Copy the files in 31-UserDirectory/to your local directory;
- Set-up the environment variables by executing:
- source user_startup.bash -p
- Commands from the repository can now be run using:
- $LhARAopticsPATH/03-Scripts/... Scrtipts in the 03-Scripts directory run "standalone" or print a hint on how they are to be run if they are executed without input arguments.
- A couple of tips:
- $LhARAopticsPATH/03-Scripts/ -- runs simulation of particular beam configuration. Reference configuration files are stored in $LhARAopticsPATH/11-Parameters
- $LhARAopticsPATH/03-Scripts/ -- reads simulation file and produces phase space plots in 99-Scratch
- $LhARAopticsPATH/03-Scripts/ -- plots the beam envelopes by calculating the covariance matrix at the end of each beam-line element
- $LhARAopticsPATH/03-Scripts/plotextrapolatedBeam -- makes teh same beam-envelope plots, but, propagates the covariance matrices starting from a given location