Here you will find examples demonstrating Vert.x Circuit Breaker.
Vert.x Circuit Breaker is an implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern for Vert.x.
It keeps track of the number of failures and open the circuit when a threshold is reached. Optionally, a fallback is executed.
Supported failures are:
failures reported by your code
exception thrown by your code
uncompleted futures (timeout)
Operations guarded by a circuit breaker are intended to by non-blocking and asynchronous in order to benefits from the Vert.x execution model.
To use the circuit breaker you need to:
Create a circuit breaker, with the configuration you want (timeout, number of failure before opening the circuit)
Execute some code using the breaker
Creates a circuit breaker which
can fail 5 times before opening the circuit
consider a failure if the operation does not succeed in time
time spent in open state before attempting to re-try is 5 seconds
call the fallback method on failures
The execute method sends a request to localhost at port 8080
The fallback is called whenever the circuit is open
To run this example you need to:
start or not the server (if not started, the circuit breaker will invoke the fallback)
start the client
To start the server, run the
class from your IDE or call:
vertx run src/main/java/io/vertx/example/circuit/breaker/
To start the client, run the
class from your IDE or call:
# java version vertx run src/main/java/io/vertx/example/circuit/breaker/ # groovy version vertx run src/main/groovy/io/vertx/example/circuit/breaker/client.groovy # javascript version vertx run src/main/js/io/vertx/example/circuit/breaker/client.js