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15 lines (8 loc) · 10.2 KB
SyHi_Dir = #allowsamelinecomments #clipboardtimeout #commentflag #errorstdout #escapechar #hotkeyinterval #hotkeymodifiertimeout #hotstring #if #iftimeout #ifwinactive #ifwinexist #ifwinnotactive #ifwinnotexist #include #includeagain #inputlevel #installkeybdhook #installmousehook #keyhistory #ltrim #maxhotkeysperinterval #maxmem #maxthreads #maxthreadsbuffer #maxthreadsperhotkey #menumaskkey #noenv #notrayicon #persistent #singleinstance #usehook #warn #winactivateforce
SyHi_Com = autotrim blockinput click clipwait control controlclick controlfocus controlget controlgetfocus controlgetpos controlgettext controlmove controlsend controlsendraw controlsettext coordmode detecthiddentext detecthiddenwindows drive driveget drivespacefree endrepeat envadd envdiv envget envmult envset envsub envupdate fileappend filecopy filecopydir filecreatedir filecreateshortcut filedelete fileencoding filegetattrib filegetshortcut filegetsize filegettime filegetversion fileinstall filemove filemovedir fileread filereadline filerecycle filerecycleempty fileremovedir fileselectfile fileselectfolder filesetattrib filesettime formattime getkeystate groupactivate groupadd groupclose groupdeactivate gui guicontrol guicontrolget hideautoitwin hotkey imagesearch inidelete iniread iniwrite input inputbox inputlevel keyhistory keywait listhotkeys listlines listvars menu mouseclick mouseclickdrag mousegetpos mousemove msgbox outputdebug pixelgetcolor pixelsearch postmessage process progress random regdelete regread regwrite run runas runwait send sendevent sendinput sendlevel sendmessage sendmode sendplay sendraw setcapslockstate setcontroldelay setdefaultmousespeed setenv setformat setkeydelay setmousedelay setnumlockstate setregview setscrolllockstate setstorecapslockmode settitlematchmode setwindelay setworkingdir shutdown sort soundbeep soundget soundgetwavevolume soundplay soundset soundsetwavevolume splashimage splashtextoff splashtexton splitpath statusbargettext statusbarwait stringcasesense stringgetpos stringleft stringlen stringlower stringmid stringreplace stringright stringsplit stringtrimleft stringtrimright stringupper sysget this tooltip transform traytip urldownloadtofile winactivate winactivatebottom winclose winget wingetactivestats wingetactivetitle wingetclass wingetpos wingettext wingettitle winhide winkill winmaximize winmenuselectitem winminimize winminimizeall winminimizeallundo winmove winrestore winset winsettitle winshow winwait winwaitactive winwaitclose winwaitnotactive
SyHi_Fun = _addref _clone _getaddress _getcapacity _insert _maxindex _minindex _newenum _release _remove _setcapacity abs acos array asc asin atan ceil chr comobjactive comobjarray comobjconnect comobjcreate comobjenwrap comobjerror comobjflags comobjget comobjmissing comobjparameter comobjquery comobjtype comobjunwrap comobjvalue cos delete dllcall exp fileexist fileopen floor format func getaddress getcapacity getkeyname getkeysc getkeystate getkeyvk haskey il_add il_create il_destroy insert insertat instr isbyref isfunc islabel isobject ln loadpicture log ltrim lv_add lv_delete lv_deletecol lv_getcount lv_getnext lv_gettext lv_insert lv_insertcol lv_modify lv_modifycol lv_setimagelist max maxindex menugethandle menugetname min minindex mod newenum next numget numput objaddref objclone object objgetaddress objgetcapacity objinsert objmaxindex objminindex objnewenum objrelease objremove objsetcapacity onmessage ord pop processpath push rawread rawwrite readline regexmatch regexreplace registercallback remove removeat round rtrim sb_seticon sb_setparts sb_settext seek setcapacity sin sqrt strget strlen strput strreplace strsplit substr tan tell trim tv_add tv_delete tv_get tv_getchild tv_getcount tv_getnext tv_getparent tv_getprev tv_getselection tv_gettext tv_modify varsetcapacity varsetcapcity winactive winexist write writeline
SyHi_Flow = break catch continue critical else exit exitapp finally for gosub goto if ifequal ifexist ifgreater ifgreaterorequal ifinstring ifless iflessorequal ifmsgbox ifnotequal ifnotexist ifnotinstring ifwinactive ifwinexist ifwinnotactive ifwinnotexist loop onexit pause reload return setbatchlines settimer sleep suspend thread throw try until while
SyHi_Keyw = abort abovenormal activex add ahk_class ahk_group ahk_id ahk_pid all alnum alpha altsubmit alttab alttabandmenu alttabmenu alttabmenudismiss alwaysontop and astr ateof autosize background backgroundtrans base belownormal between bitand bitnot bitor bitshiftleft bitshiftright bitxor bold border bottom bottom break barbreak button buttons byref cancel cancel capacity caption caret center center char charp check check3 checkbox checked checkedgray choice choose choosestring class clone close color combobox contains controllist controllisthwnd count currentcol currentline custom date datetime days ddl default delete deleteall delimiter deref destroy digit disable disabled double doublep dropdownlist edit editpaste eject enable enabled encoding error exist exit expand exstyle files filesystem findstring first flash float float floatp focus focusv font force fromcodepage global grid group groupbox guiclose guicontextmenu guidropfiles guiescape guisize hdr hidden hide hidedropdown high hkcc hkcr hkcu hkey_classes_root hkey_current_config hkey_current_user hkey_local_machine hkey_users hklm hku horz hotkey hours hscroll hwnd icon iconsmall id idlast ignore imagelist in int int64 int64p integer integerfast interrupt intp is italic join label lastfound lastfoundexist left length limit linecount line lines link list listbox listview local localsameasglobal lock logoff low lower lowercase ltrim mainwindow margin maximize maximizebox menu minimize minimizebox minmax minutes monitorcount monitorname monitorprimary monitorworkarea monthcal mouse mousemove mousemoveoff move movedraw multi na name no noactivate nodefault nohide noicon nomainwindow norm normal nosort nosorthdr nostandard not notab notimers number number off ok on or owndialogs owner parse password password pic picture pid pixel pos pow priority processname progress ptr radio range read readonly realtime redraw reg_binary reg_dword reg_dword_big_endian reg_expand_sz reg_full_resource_descriptor reg_link reg_multi_sz reg_qword reg_resource_list reg_resource_requirements_list reg reg_sz regex region relative reload rename report resize restore retry rgb right rtrim screen seconds selected section section send sendandmouse serial setlabel shiftalttab short shortp show showdropdown shutdown single slider sortdesc standard static status statusbar statuscd str strike style submit sysmenu tab tab2 tab3 tableft tabright tabstop text text theme tile time tip tocodepage togglecheck toggleenable toolwindow top top topmost transcolor transparent tray treeview type uchar ucharp uint uint64 uint64p uintp uncheck underline unicode unlock updown upper uppercase useerrorlevel useunsetglobal useunsetlocal ushort ushortp vis visfirst visible vscroll wait waitclose wantctrla wantf2 wantreturn wanttab wrap wstr xdigit xm xp xs yes ym yp ys
SyHi_BIVar = a_ahkpath a_ahkversion a_appdata a_appdatacommon a_autotrim a_batchlines a_caretx a_carety a_computername a_controldelay a_coordmodecaret a_coordmodemenu a_coordmodemouse a_coordmodepixel a_coordmodetooltip a_cursor a_dd a_ddd a_dddd a_defaultgui a_defaultlistview a_defaultmousespeed a_defaulttreeview a_desktop a_desktopcommon a_detecthiddentext a_detecthiddenwindows a_endchar a_eventinfo a_exitreason a_fileencoding a_formatfloat a_formatinteger a_gui a_guicontrol a_guicontrolevent a_guievent a_guiheight a_guiwidth a_guix a_guiy a_hour a_iconfile a_iconhidden a_iconnumber a_icontip a_index a_ipaddress1 a_ipaddress2 a_ipaddress3 a_ipaddress4 a_is64bitos a_isadmin a_iscompiled a_iscritical a_ispaused a_issuspended a_isunicode a_keydelay a_keydelayplay a_keyduration a_keydurationplay a_language a_lasterror a_linefile a_linenumber a_loopfield a_loopfileattrib a_loopfiledir a_loopfileext a_loopfilefullpath a_loopfilelongpath a_loopfilename a_loopfileshortname a_loopfileshortpath a_loopfilesize a_loopfilesizekb a_loopfilesizemb a_loopfiletimeaccessed a_loopfiletimecreated a_loopfiletimemodified a_loopreadline a_loopregkey a_loopregname a_loopregsubkey a_loopregtimemodified a_loopregtype a_mday a_min a_mm a_mmm a_mmmm a_mon a_mousedelay a_mousedelayplay a_msec a_mydocuments a_now a_nowutc a_numbatchlines a_ostype a_osversion a_priorhotkey a_priorkey a_programfiles a_programs a_programscommon a_ptrsize a_regview a_screendpi a_screenheight a_screenwidth a_scriptdir a_scriptfullpath a_scripthwnd a_scriptname a_sec a_sendlevel a_sendmode a_space a_startmenu a_startmenucommon a_startup a_startupcommon a_storecapslockmode a_stringcasesense a_tab a_temp a_thisfunc a_thishotkey a_thislabel a_thismenu a_thismenuitem a_thismenuitempos a_tickcount a_timeidle a_timeidlephysical a_timesincepriorhotkey a_timesincethishotkey a_titlematchmode a_titlematchmodespeed a_username a_wday a_windelay a_windir a_workingdir a_yday a_year a_yweek a_yyyy clipboard clipboardall comspec errorlevel false programfiles true
SyHi_Keys = alt altdown altup appskey backspace blind browser_back browser_favorites browser_forward browser_home browser_refresh browser_search browser_stop bs capslock click control ctrl ctrlbreak ctrldown ctrlup del delete down end enter esc escape f1 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 f19 f2 f20 f21 f22 f23 f24 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 home ins insert joy1 joy10 joy11 joy12 joy13 joy14 joy15 joy16 joy17 joy18 joy19 joy2 joy20 joy21 joy22 joy23 joy24 joy25 joy26 joy27 joy28 joy29 joy3 joy30 joy31 joy32 joy4 joy5 joy6 joy7 joy8 joy9 joyaxes joybuttons joyinfo joyname joypov joyr joyu joyv joyx joyy joyz lalt launch_app1 launch_app2 launch_mail launch_media lbutton lcontrol lctrl left lshift lwin lwindown lwinup mbutton media_next media_play_pause media_prev media_stop middle numlock numpad0 numpad1 numpad2 numpad3 numpad4 numpad5 numpad6 numpad7 numpad8 numpad9 numpadadd numpadclear numpaddel numpaddiv numpaddot numpaddown numpadend numpadenter numpadhome numpadins numpadleft numpadmult numpadpgdn numpadpgup numpadright numpadsub numpadup pause pgdn pgup printscreen ralt raw rbutton rcontrol rctrl right rshift rwin rwindown rwinup scrolllock shift shiftdown shiftup space tab up volume_down volume_mute volume_up wheeldown wheelleft wheelright wheelup x1 x2 xbutton1 xbutton2
SyHi_UserDef = cdo unzip zip createzipfile winhttpdownloadtofile centerimgsrchcoords ieload