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This repository provides my personal configuration for several tools, including:

  • neovim: Using lazy as package manager, and with a modular configuration for the plugin installed. Plugins and LSP servers are also automatically installed installed and set up the first you start neovim on a fresh environment!
  • tmux: Using tpm as a package manager. Save and restore state, even after rebooting your operating system!
  • zsh: Using oh-my-zsh and the powerlevel10k theme. Very snappy!
  • ghostty: Extremely fast GPU-based terminal emulator.
  • Configurations for dwm window manager:
    • It's okay if you don't use dwm! The configuration will be automatically ignored.
    • Includes settings for dwmblocks and custom binary executable scripts to pull informations like the Linux kernel's version, the battery status, the sound settings, the current date and time, etc.
  • Copy and paste text to the system clipboard via ANSI OSC52 sequence, even when working on remote machines ― e.g., copy from/to the host system clipboard to/from remote system clipboard or even a neovim client.


To download and install the dotfiles, run the following command in a terminal emulator.

git clone .dotfiles && cd .dotfiles && ./install

This will take care of automatically generate the necessary folders and symlinks to get you started.

A companion repository exists to install all dependencies needed to replicate my Operating System.


  • Use $TERM instead of hardcoding value in the tmux's config.