A key missing feature in BlockSparseArrays
, as mentioned in #2, is blockwise matrix factorizations. I'm starting an issue here to sketch out an implementation plan for that.
Here is an initial implementation of a blockwise SVD, using the new submodules of NDTensors.jl
using BlockArrays: Block, blockedrange, blocks
using Dictionaries: Dictionary, set!
using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, svd
using NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays: BlockSparseArray, block_stored_indices
using NDTensors.SparseArrayInterface: stored_indices
using NDTensors.SparseArrayDOKs: SparseMatrixDOK
# Convert an array into a boolean array of ones and zeros.
function boolean_array(a::AbstractArray)
b = similar(a, Bool)
fill!(b, zero(eltype(b)))
for I in stored_indices(a)
b[I] = one(eltype(b))
return b
# Check if the matrix has 1 or fewer entries
# per row/column.
function is_permutation_matrix(a::SparseMatrixDOK)
keys = collect(, stored_indices(a)))
I = first.(keys)
J = last.(keys)
return allunique(I) && allunique(J)
function is_block_permutation_matrix(a::AbstractMatrix)
return is_permutation_matrix(boolean_array(blocks(a)))
function block_svd(a::AbstractMatrix)
@assert is_block_permutation_matrix(a)
bs = block_stored_indices(a)
s_blocks = map(i -> Block(i, i), 1:length(bs))
bs_to_s_blocks = Dictionary(bs, s_blocks)
us = Dictionary{eltype(bs),Matrix{eltype(a)}}()
ss = Dictionary{eltype(bs),Matrix{eltype(a)}}()
vts = Dictionary{eltype(bs),Matrix{eltype(a)}}()
for b in bs
usvb = svd(a[b])
ub = usvb.U
sb = Matrix(Diagonal(usvb.S))
vbt = usvb.Vt
bs = bs_to_s_blocks[b]
bu = Block(Int.((Tuple(b)[1], Tuple(bs)[1])))
bvt = Block(Int.((Tuple(bs)[2], Tuple(b)[2])))
set!(us, bu, ub)
set!(ss, bs, sb)
set!(vts, bvt, vbt)
r_s = blockedrange(map(s_block -> size(ss[s_block], 1), s_blocks))
u = BlockSparseArray(us, (axes(a, 1), r_s))
s = BlockSparseArray(ss, (r_s, r_s))
vt = BlockSparseArray(vts, (r_s, axes(a, 2)))
return u, s, vt
Here's a demonstration that it works:
julia> a = BlockSparseArray{Float64}([2, 3], [2, 3]);
julia> a[Block(2, 1)] = randn(3, 2);
julia> a[Block(1, 2)] = randn(2, 3);
julia> a
typeof(axes) = Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}
Warning: To temporarily circumvent a bug in printing BlockSparseArrays with mixtures of dual and non-dual axes, the types of the dual axes printed below might not be accurate. The types printed above this message are the correct ones.
2×2-blocked 5×5 BlockSparseArray{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}, NDTensors.SparseArrayDOKs.SparseArrayDOK{Matrix{Float64}, 2, NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays.BlockZero{Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}}, Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}:
0.0 0.0 │ -1.98464 0.0925584 -0.307224
0.0 0.0 │ -1.8799 1.26757 -0.576902
0.558952 0.118232 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.24029 0.503875 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
-0.566776 -0.585867 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> u, s, vt = block_svd(a);
julia> u
typeof(axes) = Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}
Warning: To temporarily circumvent a bug in printing BlockSparseArrays with mixtures of dual and non-dual axes, the types of the dual axes printed below might not be accurate. The types printed above this message are the correct ones.
2×2-blocked 5×4 BlockSparseArray{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}, NDTensors.SparseArrayDOKs.SparseArrayDOK{Matrix{Float64}, 2, NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays.BlockZero{Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}}, Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}:
0.0 0.0 │ -0.642224 -0.766517
0.0 0.0 │ -0.766517 0.642224
-0.338149 0.438603 │ 0.0 0.0
-0.815799 0.304476 │ 0.0 0.0
0.469178 0.845531 │ 0.0 0.0
julia> s
typeof(axes) = Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}
Warning: To temporarily circumvent a bug in printing BlockSparseArrays with mixtures of dual and non-dual axes, the types of the dual axes printed below might not be accurate. The types printed above this message are the correct ones.
2×2-blocked 4×4 BlockSparseArray{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}, NDTensors.SparseArrayDOKs.SparseArrayDOK{Matrix{Float64}, 2, NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays.BlockZero{Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}}, Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}:
1.63656 0.0 │ 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.323677 │ 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 │ 2.97427 0.0
0.0 0.0 │ 0.0 0.817929
julia> vt
typeof(axes) = Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}
Warning: To temporarily circumvent a bug in printing BlockSparseArrays with mixtures of dual and non-dual axes, the types of the dual axes printed below might not be accurate. The types printed above this message are the correct ones.
2×2-blocked 4×5 BlockSparseArray{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}, NDTensors.SparseArrayDOKs.SparseArrayDOK{Matrix{Float64}, 2, NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays.BlockZero{Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}}, Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}:
-0.896243 -0.443562 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.443562 -0.896243 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 │ 0.913015 -0.346659 0.215015
0.0 0.0 │ 0.383828 0.908532 -0.16506
julia> u * s * vt
typeof(axes) = Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}
Warning: To temporarily circumvent a bug in printing BlockSparseArrays with mixtures of dual and non-dual axes, the types of the dual axes printed below might not be accurate. The types printed above this message are the correct ones.
2×2-blocked 5×5 BlockSparseArray{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}, NDTensors.SparseArrayDOKs.SparseArrayDOK{Matrix{Float64}, 2, NDTensors.BlockSparseArrays.BlockZero{Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}}, Tuple{BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, BlockArrays.BlockedOneTo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}}}:
0.0 0.0 │ -1.98464 0.0925584 -0.307224
0.0 0.0 │ -1.8799 1.26757 -0.576902
0.558952 0.118232 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.24029 0.503875 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
-0.566776 -0.585867 │ 0.0 0.0 0.0
There are a number of improvements to make to the code above:
- Store
as aBlockSparseMatrix
where the blocks areDiagonal
instead ofMatrix
. That would be relatively easy to support, I just haven't tested that and there are probably a few issues to work out inBlockSparseArrays
to support that. - Make it generic to GPU, i.e. infer the block type instead of hardcoding it to
which is on CPU. - Add support for truncating the blocks. I'm picturing that in the simplest case we just call that dense/full rank version above, and then analyze the singular values, determine the ranks of each block, and then slice the blocks using the slicing operation introduced in [BlockSparseArrays] Sub-slices of multiple blocks ITensors.jl#1489.
- Make it a little more automated to construct the
representations of$U$ ,$S$ , and$V^{\dagger}$ . In the code above I first store the results of SVDing each block in dictionaries that store the blocks of$U$ ,$S$ , and$V^{\dagger}$ , and then build theBlockSparseMatrix
representations of$U$ ,$S$ , and$V^{\dagger}$ from those blocks and also axes determined from the input matrix and the results of the SVD. I think that logic is pretty good and simple but maybe it can be simplified a little bit. For example, we could store the blocks in aSparseMatrixDOK
and then convert it to aBlockSparseMatrix
, which could automatically determine the block sizes. - Handle
inputs that are invariant under group symmetries. Really the only thing that needs to be changed above is adding on symmetry labels/irrep labels to the blocks of the axes that get attached to the internal dimensions (those connecting$S$ to$U$ and$V^{\dagger}$ , calledr_s
in the code above). The logic for that would be pretty simple, and be uniquely determined using the convention that$U$ and$V^{\dagger}$ are in trivial symmetry sectors (have zero flux). - Handle cases that are not in the form of block permutations by merging blocks that can't be done in parallel (i.e. aren't independent).
For some references on other implementations of blockwise matrix factorizations, see and