The AKILIMO API is a Standardized RESTful Web Service API Specification that allows for the computing and retrieval of recommendations data for various agronomic practices such as Fertilizer application, Intercropping, scheduled planting and harvesting and best planting practices.
This takes the greatest number of inputs and is suitable for applications where user input is not limited such as mobile applications and web interfaces.
This version takes moderately less inputs and is suitable in usages that requires moderate amount of data to be provided by the user, such scenarios include chatbot applications and survey style applications.
The basic version only takes the minimal amount of information required to provide suitable recommendation, it is suitable for usages that do not require extensive data from the end user such as USSD applications, Integrated voice services
To get you quickly get you started on enjoying the integration process of our REST APIs. Follow the quick steps below:
- You will need to register and get access to the API you can do so via the [user portal], you will then be provided with an API key
- Refer to the API documentation on both [GitHub] and [Swagger]
- Decide which kind of API you want to consume based on your project needs
- Integrate your choice of API version into your system(s) and enjoy AKILIMO recommendations
to be updated
Production branch
develop branch
quality assessment
- JDK 14
- Gradle
- Kotlin
Install Spring assistant to help in springboot config processing and code autocompletion Install Spring Assistant option.
To switch the environment in dev mode adjust these basic parameters
./gradlew migrations:generateChangelog -PchangeName="Name of Changelog"
./gradlew migrations:generateChangelog -PchangeName="Create Users table"
The author defaults to the user currently running the command on the system. Optionally, you can use a different author by adding the -Pauthor
./gradlew migrations:generateChangelog -PchangeName="Create Users table" -Pauthor="The Stig"
Remember to add the changelog file to the
./gradlew :api:generateOpenApiDocs
npm install --location=global redoc-cli
redoc-cli bundle -o .\docs\index.html .\docs\akilimo.json
npm install --location=global openapi-to-md
openapi-to-md .\docs\akilimo.json > .\docs\API.MD
Create a file in the root of the project
then paste your jDK path\\Program Files\\OpenJDK\\jdk-14.0.2
Change the path according to your JDK installation
git-chglog -o
pre-commit install
pre-commit uninstall
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
pre-commit uninstall --hook-type commit-msg
pre-commit run --all-files