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Visual Design Feedback

Britany Ponvelle edited this page May 6, 2015 · 16 revisions


6: Feedback from 6 designers on visual design of the prototype


  • Too much grey overall. Incorporate more color to break up text blocks.
  • More space is needed for gutters (especially in places where there is text right next to a large image: ex. Principles)
  • Resources panel looks too similar to links/ tab pattern that IBM Design uses. It feels like there should be other tabs.
  • figure size text in Example content type should be the same/similar size as the text above it
    “It’s smaller so it feels like you don’t want me to read it"
  • Sub nav needs more space between links. Bold (active state) makes the space feel tight
  • More visual examples to support content (specifically Grids, Logo vs Avatar, and Accessibility Animation)
  • Larger and more detailed visual examples that relate to one another (Accessibility/ Animation)
  • Looping animations should have a "pause" option, like guidelines specify.

Proposals for Release 1.0

  • Remove thick underline from the resources panel to differentiate from common tab patterns
  • Add a larger line height to links in sub nav
  • Increase gutter space between columns
  • Make looping gifs into a video so users can "pause"
  • Remove teal from Accessibility animation so it doesn't compete with interface colors
  • Add more space underneath statement of intent on Principles page, or add a sentence
  • make figure size text in Example content type the same/similar size as the text above it

Proposals for Release 1.1

  • Make visual examples larger and add more detail
  • Give more context to Accessible animation example
  • Visualize more content on Grids and Accessibility page (This will help to add more color to pages)
  • Break off "ecosystem partners" content into it's own page in branding (since it is a very text heavy page)

Feedback from testing:

Designer #1


  • Heavy use of grey weighs down the design and makes it feel muddy/ dull. More contrast is needed. Links are too disruptive (teal, bold, and underlined). Only two distinctions are necessary.

Home page:

  • there isn’t enough content in the background watermark to create a visual line, so it just appears cut-off right now

Resources Panel:

  • Styling is too close to tabs/ active links

Accessibility page:

  • Smaller text under the description doesn’t make sense because it feels less important visually, but the content is just as important.
  • “It’s there, but it doesn’t want me to read it"
  • The numbers shouldn’t be teal since they are not apart of the example image


  • links are not on the same line


  • Numbered text is confusing and doesn’t connect well to the text above it

Animation page:

  • "Don’t understand the animation or what it’s doing, so not sure how to connect it to a design"

Designer #2


  • The structure is good; easily digestible
  • "I want to see more visual examples of actual interfaces". Ex: “Inspiration” section of IBM Design
  • Would like to see an example that she can hover over and identify multiple elements (H tags, link, etc.)

Home page:

  • Multiple titles are confusing (“Design Watson Experiences” and “What is Watson?”). Not sure what to look at first.

Sub nav:

  • Bold links in the sub nav feels too tight

Design Principles:

  • "Not sure what you want me to do with the principles"

Bottom Nav Buttons:

  • They are too big
  • _“I want to click through to the next section” _(End of Guidelines> UI Patterns)

Wordmark and Logo:

  • Show a visual example of an appropriate usage of logo

Designer #3


  • Columns need more breathing room
  • Too much space between headings and paragraphs

Resources Panel:

  • Styling is too close to tabs/ active links
  • “This feels strange, like there should be other tabs here."

Grids Page:

  • Too much text. Would like to see more visual examples.
  • Pull quotes are nice

Home :

  • Too much text
  • Links at the bottom to main sections feel redundant


  • The smaller points should be closer or the same as the descriptive text above it
  • There should be more space beneath the overarching statement to add emphasis
  • The text in the examples is hard to read. Feels like a mistake.


  • Start with a base/ minimum size and work your way up
  • Rules about a max number of type sizes on one page


  • Align the examples to the title, not the icon so it feels more refined

Designer #4


  • Color is used sparingly so it’s seems like it is being used purposefully, instead of decoratively
  • Color is used when directing attention
  • Thinks the use of color is successful if meant to be primarily for a functional site meant for teaching and reading. Not successful if it is meant to convince people to build things with Watson. (not flashy)


  • Content is weird when it is not full width
  • If you made the content full-width it would be too long
  • Suggests containing the content into two columns (like the sections that link to other pages)

Sub nav:

  • feels too tight

Bottom nav buttons (old):

  • lots of orange
  • feels like something has gone wrong
  • lots of color here compared to the main content on the site

Bottom nav buttons (new):

  • the use of color in this version feels more in line with the look and feel of the site


  • not much space around the images. They need more breathing room
  • hard to connect numbers to images
  • “My eyes go straight down the images, and not to the text"

Designer #5


  • "Orange and teal color palette seems more serious than the airy/ cutesy blue and green palette"
  • Primarily scrolling back to the top to go to different sub-sections


  • wants the images to be larger and have more details
  • wants to see a real interface in action to understand elements


  • the level of detail in the visual example is nice

Side Nav:

  • overlooked initially
  • likes the subtle appearance because it’s not “in your face"
  • thinks the solution for small screens is successful

Back to Top:

  • likes that there is an option to quickly jump to the top of the page


  • As a designer not familiar with coding, seeing a rendered example of an element is helpful

Designer #6


  • Links are easy to distinguish, which is something that has been hard to find on Watson site’s using the old blue
  • There is a good flow and implied reading order, but breaking up the pages so much makes some content feel siloed
  • World like to see more visual examples that build on/ relate to one another
  • Everything is clear and informative individually, but missing a place that ties everything together
  • “All of the details feel right, but I am missing the holistic view"


  • Start with the same grey interface (like in Principles) and build on that throughout the site by adding each element.
  • Relates it to a Construction document: “Here is what the building looks like (holistic view), and here are the walls, floors, etc of the building (drilling into the details)"


  • Color is fine. Not distracting

Typography page:

  • Makes sense that there is a lot of text here, but it feels like too much


  • Text is easy to digest. Points and clear. Appreciates that there very specific examples.
  • Space underneath sub nav is awkward
  • “Offer control” example #3 is on top of light grey box, while everything else with numbers is dark grey


  • "Shouldn’t there be a way to pause this animation?"


  • content on Accessibility page doesn’t feel as digestible as content in Principles (very small chunks of information)


  • "Shouldn’t there be a way to pause this animation?"
  • Too much text at the beginning to the page. I want to see visuals before I scroll.
  • “I have to scroll to see the interesting stuff!"