Every code here should run on every arduino board without problems. This uses the tone() function from Arduino, what makes this only monophonic. On the bright side, libraries are not required.
If you want to compare the code with the original score, I try to group the notes in measures with lines and into staves with groups of lines. However, in some cases notes will be tied together among measures or be dotted and this rule is broken.
Just connect an piezo buzzer to the board and you are good to go. Pin 11 is used in every sketch because a piezo buzzer can be connected between it and the close GND pin without any wiring.
I have been learning sight reading and thought this would help.
Every sketch here has been written by myself, although based on scores I found online or books I own. These scores are linked in eah file when possible. You can use them for anything, I only kindly ask that you give credit if you use these codes on a tutorial, video, example, etc.