Export a pdf report from a python script
rev2(20 Mar 2023) : some improvements to work with Black autoformatter
To have the possibility to make a report linked to a python script is an interesting function. It allows to keep notes about the script (why, how), to show and share the results. A good location of the report is inside the script itself. A pdf file as documentation has in addition a confortable readability. Tools like Pweave offer this functionalities, but my knowledge is inadequate to solve the problems that may occur... or occurred like the last time I updated my Manjaro laptop...
So I came to this solution, probably with a lower performance but that uses standard tools, explicit and simple steps.
More details in the python file or the pdf file
The expected features are :
- To export a pdf file that includes :
- The python code cut in chunks
- All the needed text to explain the goal and outputs of the script
- Math and formulas
- The outputs of the script, to the console or graphs (matplotlib)
- The script shall remain directly executable with no modifications
- The only maintained file is the script
The script shall include :
- Some codes to store the outputs
- Lines of markdown starting by a mark
- Some lines to include external text files
The mark is a unique sequence of characters starting by "#" (comment in python)
Then the script is preprocessed to :
- remove the first lines (python3 and coding specification)
- remove the mark
- insert the external files
- store the result into an intermediate markdown file
The markdown file is then transformed in pdf with pandoc