Turn-based Strategy Game
How to run ?
In the current version run the main file in the future will be an .exe file
Currently only playing in 1280x720 resolution works correctly, it is possible to launch fullscreen, adjust to other resolutions soon
Maciej Bielenichin (Mizgracz):
- Idea and concept of the game
- Event system
- Map display and generation
- Collision system
- Camera control
- System of turns and choices during gameplay
- Game Configuration Menu
- System of Adding new hexes
- Display UI
- Main Menu
- Save and Load
- Multiplayer gameplay
- Build Menu
- Main Menu
- Autosave
- Hourglass graphics and animation
- Game Settings Menu
- Graphics of the interface during the game
- Add sound
- Fog of War
- Graphics of all hexes
- Event graphics
- Graphics of the buttons in the main menu
- Building graphics
- Resource system
During the development of this project, we used the following resources:
- Main Menu background graphic genereted by AI Stable Diffusion
- Option Box from : https://github.com/Rabbid76/PyGameExamplesAndAnswers/blob/master/documentation/pygame/pygame_ui_elements.md