The prototype of DEBE includes the client, the storage server, and the synthetic trace generator for evaluation.
To compile the whole project:
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype
$ bash # for the first build
- if your compiler outputs "cannot find -lsgx_pthread" (for some old version SGX SDKs), please remove the
. - If it cannot find sgx_capable, please copy this lib from the SGX SDK:
# copy the to the "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
$ sudo cp /opt/intel/sgxsdk/lib64/libsgx_capable.a /opt/intel/sgxsdk/lib64/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
If the compilation is successful, the executable file is the bin
# currently in the ./DEBE/Prototype
$ ls ./bin
compressSYN* config.json Containers/ DEBEClient* DEBEServer* Recipes/
: the configuration file
: the folder to store the container files
: the folder to store the file recipes
: the DEBE client
: the DEBE storage server
: the synthetic trace generator to generate compressible traces
To re-compile the project and clean store data in the bin
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype
$ base # clean all store data
Note that
will copy ./DEBE/Prototype/config.json
to ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
for re-configuration. Please ensure that config.json
in ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
is correct in your configuration (You can edit the ./DEBE/Prototype/config.json
to set up your configuration and run
to validate your configuration).
- Configuration: you can use
to configure the system.
"chunkingType_": 1, // chunking type: 1: FastCDC, 2: FSL,VM 3: MS (need to modify)
"maxChunkSize_": 16384, // max chunk size
"minChunkSize_": 4096, // avg chunk size
"avgChunkSize_": 8192, // min chunk size
"slidingWinSize_": 128, // chunking sliding window size
"readSize_": 128 // read data buffer size
"StorageCore": {
"recipeRootPath_": "Recipes/", // the recipe path
"containerRootPath_": "Containers/", // the container path
"fp2ChunkDBName_": "db1", // the name of the index file
"topKParam_": 512 // the size of top-k index, unit (K, 1024)
"RestoreWriter": {
"readCacheSize_": 64 // the restore container cache size
"DataSender": {
"storageServerIp_": "", // the storage server ip (need to modify)
"storageServerPort_": 16666, // the storage server port (need to modify)
"clientID_": 1, // the id of the client (can be modify)
"localSecret_": "12345", // the client master key
"sendChunkBatchSize_": 128, // the batch size of sending chunks
"sendRecipeBatchSize_": 1024, // the batch size of sending key recipes
"spid_": "259A7E2BC521D75621AEA63669BEA34D", // remote attestation setting
"quoteType_": 0, // remote attestation setting
"iasServerType_": 0, // remote attestation setting
"iasPrimaryKey_": "fee17e94cd834ec7a3ed4e72bf04f795", // remote attestation setting
"iasSecKey_": "0223f86f98154b6b9316054658eda2d3", // remote attestation setting
"iasVersion_": 4 // remote attestation setting
Note that you need to modify storageServerIp_
, and storageServerPort_
according to the machines that run the storage server.
If you use FSL and VM traces, please set chunkingType_
as 2; If you use MS trace, please set chunkingType_
as 3; otherwise please set chunkingType_
as 1.
- Client usage:
check the command specification:
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
$ ./DEBEClient -h
./DEBEClient -t [u/d/a] -i [inputFile path].
-t: operation ([u/d/a]):
u: upload
d: download
a: remote attestation
: operation type, upload/download/remote attestation
: input file path
After each run, the client will record the running result in client-log
in the bin
- Storage server usage:
check the command specification:
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
$ ./DEBEServer -h
./DEBEServer -m [IndexType]
-m: index type ([IndexType]):
0: Out-Enclave Index
1: In-Enclave Index
2: Similarity-based Index
3: Locality-based Index
4: Freq-based Index
: the index type: Out-Enclave
, In-Enclave
, Similarity-based
, Locality-based
, and Freq-based (final design of DEBE)
(see the Exp#5 and Exp#7 in our paper).
Note that you can use "ctrl + c" to close the storage server when it is idle
- Synthetic trace generator usage
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
$ ./compressSYN -h
./compressSYN -i [expected trace size (MiB)] -o [output trace file] -s [seed]
: expected output synthetic trace size
: the output trace file name
: the random seed used to generate the data content
Note that this generator would generate the trace with compression ratio as 2 by default.
Suppose we deploy the client and the storage server in two different machines (config.json
is correctly configured).
step-1: start the storage server in the storage server machine
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
$ ./DEBEServer -m 4
Database: using In-Memory Index.
InMemoryDatabase: cannot open the db file.
InMemoryDatabase: db file file is not exists, create a new one.
InMemoryDatabase: loaded index size: 0
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <SSLConnection>: init the connection to port 16666
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <DEBEServer>: create the enclave successfully.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <OCall>: print the file name: enclave-key
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <OCall>: sealed file does not exist.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <DataWriter>: init the DataWriter.
**Enclave**: <StorageCore>: init the StorageCore.
**Enclave**: <EnclaveBase>: init the EnclaveBase.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <OCall>: print the file name: cm-sketch
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <OCall>: sealed file does not exist.
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: do not need to load the index.
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: init the EcallFreqIndex.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <OCall>: print the file name: enclave-index-info
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <OCall>: sealed file does not exist.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <EnclaveIndex>: init the EnclaveIndex.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <DataReceiver>: init the DataReceiver.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <AbsRecvDecoder>: init the AbsRecvDecoder.
**Enclave**: <EcallRecvDecoder>: init the RecvDecoder.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <EnclaveRecvDecoder>: init the EnclaveRecvDecoder.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <RAUtil>: init the RAUtil.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <ServerOptThread>: init the ServerOptThread.
2022-05-06 21:02:09 <DEBEServer>: waiting the request from the client.
step-2: start the client in the client machine
$ cd ./DEBE/Prototype/bin
# suppose we generate a 16MiB compressible file "test-16M"
$ ./compressSYN -i 16 -o test-16M -s 1
expected trace size (MiB): 16
output trace file: test-16M
random seed: 1
compressed size (MiB): 7.985490
total process size (MiB): 16
# suppose we upload "test-16M" to the storage server
$ ./DEBEClient -t u -i test-16M
# suppose we download "test-16M" from the storage server, it will be stored as "test-16M-d" in the same folder
$ ./DEBEClient -t d -i test-16M
# you can the correctness of the download file via using the checksun
$ md5sum test-16M*
d5287b1d17c09fc03a18c64c8281df1b test-16M
d5287b1d17c09fc03a18c64c8281df1b test-16M-d
# same chunksums mean they are identical
You can check the client log in client-log
in the client machine (including the input file name, the operation type, the logical data size, the number of chunks, the total running time, and the throughput)
input file, opt, logical data size (B), logical chunk num, total time (s)total time (s), speed (MiB/s)
test-16M, upload, 16777216, 1742, 0.211287, 75.726382
test-16M, download, 16777216, 1742, 0.229753, 69.640005
The last column is the throughput (MiB/s).
You can also check the server log in server-log
in the server machine (including the accumulated logical data size, the accumulated number of chunks, the accumulated unique data size, the accumulated number of unique chunks, the accumulated compressed data size, the total enclave running time of processing the input request)
logical data size (B), logical chunk num, unique data size (B), unique chunk num, compressed data size (B), total process time (s), enclave speed (MiB/s)
16777216, 1742, 16777216, 1742, 8611630, 0.130629, 122.484288
- clean up
You can use "ctrl + c" to stop the server in the server machine:
^C2022-05-06 21:26:09 <DEBEServer>: terminate the server with ctrl+c interrupt
========DataWriter Info========
writer container num: 3
========EnclaveIndex Info========
recv data size: 16784184
recv batch num: 14
========DataReceiver Info========
total receive batch num: 14
total receive recipe end num: 1
========EnclaveRecvDecoder Info========
read container from file num: 3
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: ========EcallFreqIndex Info========
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: logical chunk num: 1742
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: logical data size: 16777216
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: unique chunk num: 1742
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: unique data size: 16777216
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: compressed data size: 8611630
**Enclave**: <EcallFreqIndex>: ===================================
**Enclave**: <StorageCore>: ========StorageCore Info========
**Enclave**: <StorageCore>: write the data size: 8611630
**Enclave**: <StorageCore>: write chunk num: 1742
**Enclave**: <StorageCore>: ================================
========ServerOptThread Info========
total recv upload requests: 1
total recv download requests: 1
2022-05-06 21:26:09 <DEBEServer>: clear all server thread the object.
2022-05-06 21:26:09 <DEBEServer>: close all DBs and network connection.